31 Aug 2022


The Casey Anthony Trial

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Moran, R. (2019). Casey Anthony and the Social Media Trial.  Women Leading Change: Case Studies on Women, Gender, and Feminism 4 (1). https://journals.tulane.edu/ncs/article/view/2414 

This is a journal that was written in 2019 by Riley Moran and focuses on the details of Casey Anthony and the way the social media trials progressed. The article starts by detailing the details of the case from the start and the charges which were put on Casey Antony for killing his 2-year-old son Caylee Anthony. The details of the case show that there were many controversies in the way the press covered the case and the way social media attention came into play. The focus of the paper is the way social media went ahead and interpreted the evidence that was released concerning the case. The author focuses on the effects which were evident for the evidence being made open to the public before the jury made its final decision. In the progress of the article, the focus is made on the differing opinions and decision making that was made which differed between the court of public opinion and that of the jury. The court of public opinion which was led by the social media platform found Casey Anthony guilty while that of the jury found her not guilty for the death of her son. The author focuses his argument on the differences being experienced when it comes to a fair trial since the opinions are based on one-sided opinions from the members of the public. The conclusion of the journal is based on the right of the general public to post at their will. Moran concludes that the lack of appropriately sequestering a jury when the social media is widely accepted leads to a case of one case being prioritized and this leads to the decision made by the court not have the right expectations from the social media users and the general public. 

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Socia, K. M., & Brown, E. K. (2016). “This isn’t about Casey Anthony anymore” political rhetoric and Caylee's law.  Criminal Justice Policy Review 27 (4), 348-377. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0887403414551000 

The research article was written by Kelly M. Socia and Elizabeth K. Brown focusing on the political side in the decision made about the case. The major focus is on the attention which the case received in the face of the media as well as the political arena within the United States. The authors focus on the heat that was developed as the accused, Casey Anthony was acquitted of the murder of his son and how the lawmakers raised issues over the criminalization for the failure to bring justice to the child. The authors first introduce the research article by providing the details of the case and the progress that was experienced as the jury went ahead to make the verdict. It further expounds on the four counts which were put in place against the accused and further relates the details of the case to other almost similar case which had been solved earlier. They also indicate the media coverage of the case and the signatures which were developed petitioning the outcome of the case. The authors further outline the political directive of the case where state representatives and senators came in to provide public support towards the enactment of the laws used in the case to their respective states. They further point towards the policy makers’ characteristics regarding the concerns of the case. The research then explains the triggering of the events from the case as well as the political rhetoric concerning the developments of crime control. Here, they explain how political influence has become a common ordeal especially in the cases of high-profile tragedies. They employ the coding approach to explain the facts of the case and the expected outcome from the research methods. From the discussion, it is evident that the facts of the case were politically rhetoric. 

Finney, K. L. (2015). Detecting deception through RST: A case study of the Casey Anthony trial.  Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle 25 (2), 12-23. https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/WPLC/article/view/13648 

The article was written by Kelli Lynn Finney and it focuses on the rhetoric structure theory as well as deceptive statements. The research, in this case, takes a different direction in analyzing the case where they focus the interests on the detection of deception for linguistic means. The focus of the research is on the Rhetorical structure theory and how this relates to the case of Casey Anthony. The author uses this strategy in an attempt to show the visibility of the information as well as the functional relationship. She further employs the use of linguistic methods which are used in the detection of deception among individuals. The article then uses the data obtained from the analysis to find whether the legal documents were easily accessible in the case of the state of Florida against Casey Antony. The article uses data from online sources and the responses between Casey Anthony and the police as well as his transcripts which were put in place by the associated parties. They then employ the RST relations and how they can be used in the identification of deceptive as well as truthful texts. This is done through phone calls and the elaboration of the information gotten. The author then explains the deception which was experienced throughout the conversation between the accused and the people who were associated. The results are then explained on the current analysis of the data, the law enforcement fad, or the application of a linguistic polygraph. In the article, Finney analyzes the content based on an investigative approach which outlines what went wrong and what should be done to identify the guilt experience. Through the RST relations, the author can show the lack of collaborative evidence in the obtained data which led to the wrongful prosecution. The use of advanced statistical measures makes it vivid of the loopholes of the case. 

Miller, A. (2018).  Casey Anthony: Mother of Disappeared Caylee Anthony . Amy Miller. 

This book written by Amy Miller published in 2018 and provides an account of events regarding the life and case of Caylee Anthony and his mother Casey Antony. It provides an account of the events of his life and the details of the case after his death. The book is entirely dedicated to the life of Caylee and her mother and chronologically explains the history of the child, progress in his early age, and the experiences he went through till his death. Throughout the book, the author explains the developments of the story through respective chapters elucidating the details of each section with a great deal of data. The author also puts together all the testimonies which were related to the case and analyzes the validity and truthfulness of the case in the long run. The book then explains the court’s verdict and sentencing presenting the experiences which the jury went through in coming up with the final decision regarding the case. It proceeds in detailing the media coverage of the case and the uproar which was experienced regarding the court of public opinion and the conflict with the decision made by the jury. It also explains the consequences which were experienced in the defense, prosecution, and the jury regarding the decision they made on the case about Casey Anthony not being guilty of the account of the trial that was made. To cement the proceedings of the case, the author explains the repercussions which came into play after the decision and the emergence of the ‘Caylee law’ which was as a result of the outcomes of the case. Miller also explains the missing links which were experienced in the trial and the updates which have been put in place since the case was closed and other amendments which have also been made. 

Baez, J., & Golenbock, P. (2013).  Presumed Guilty: Casey Anthony: The Inside Story . BenBella Books, Inc. 

This is a book written by Jose Baez and peter Golenbock regarding the case of Casey Anthony and the proceedings from the case. The authors have put together an account of events from the trial explaining every bit of the case. The book puts together facts in terms of a narrative relating to the testimony of the trial, the public records of the case. The book is one of the bestselling books which expose the shocking events regarding the verdict of Casey Anthony and the fight for justice which was developed throughout the proceedings of the case. This is done through an in-depth analysis of the decisions made by the judges, the public opinion through social media, and the political influence on the interests of the case. Throughout the book, the reader is left with a position of defining whether the accused was guilty or was already presumed guilty. The authors provide extensive evidence of the flaws which was experienced in the case and what was missed by the forensics team to give a full picture regarding the death of Caylee Anthony. The focus of the book is more inclined towards the interest of both the accused and the public and this is done without deciding on whether the accused was guilty or not. The research then explains the triggering of the events from the case as well as the political rhetoric concerning the developments of crime control. Here, they explain how political influence has become a common ordeal especially in the cases of high-profile tragedies. The focus of the book is more of an analytical one as the authors try to decode the occurrences of the incidents, the outcry of the public on social media, and the developments in the courtroom. The overall focus of the book directs the reader towards defining their projected role as a judge and jury defining the wrongs that happened in the case. 


Baez, J., & Golenbock, P. (2013).  Presumed Guilty: Casey Anthony: The Inside Story . BenBella Books, Inc. 

Finney, K. L. (2015). Detecting deception through RST: A case study of the Casey Anthony trial.  Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle 25 (2), 12-23. www.journals.uvic.ca/index.php/WPLC/article/view/13648 

Miller, A. (2018).  Casey Anthony: Mother of Disappeared Caylee Anthony . Amy Miller. 

Moran, R. (2019). Casey Anthony and the Social Media Trial.  Women Leading Change: Case Studies on Women, Gender, and Feminism 4 (1). www.journals.tulane.edu/ncs/article/view/2414 

Socia, K. M., & Brown, E. K. (2016). “This isn’t about Casey Anthony anymore” political rhetoric and Caylee's law.  Criminal Justice Policy Review 27 (4), 348-377. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0887403414551000 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Casey Anthony Trial.


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