5 Sep 2022


The Christian Coalition as a Social Movement

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The Christian Coalition is a social movement that is keen to promote fair treatment for everyone regardless of their religion. For example, it is challenging being a Muslim in America when the entire society associates Islam with terrorism. Their intention to create an organization that educates citizens on cultural integration. Through this organization, we will invite people from all cultural backgrounds to share their experiences on how they overcome challenges of living in a society that views them differently. The movement attracts and maintains members through publication and dissemination of newsletters. They have a high subscription rate than the rest of the groups. The Christian Coalition attracts and maintains its member support through collaboration with other religious groups. They also organize seminars. 

Racial orientation has dominated discrimination in the world despite the fact that this discrimination has been ongoing for centuries, the 20th century marked the beginning of revolutions to resist this vice. Among the most popular forms of resistance was civil rights movements in America in the last quarter of the 20 th century (Mill, and Luke, 2016). The resistance led to the rise of hip-hop music. Black people used the music in the 1980s and 1990s to express their anger towards social injustices and police brutality. 

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During this era, work was provided on the basis of the skin color. White collar jobs and senior positions in companies were preserved for the white people, while the manual labor and other moderate positions were left for the minority African Americans. The hip-hop music was a source of inspiration for civil rights movements. It was one of the most popular ways of sensitizing people and inspiring them to fight for their rights. The more the minorities were segregated, the more they resisted the oppression and influenced their counterparts through music. 

Social segregation was the most common form of separation. Intermarriages, for instance, was highly discouraged among people of different races. Social discrimination is unlawful as per the constitution. Integration is becoming socially accepted and the entire society is embracing unity. It is clear that racial orientation will not be a concern to anyone in America. In fact, the meeting and residential places will not be divided along the racial lines. Communities will allow different races to use their usual joints and vice versa. This will reduce discrimination and violence of violence when these social lines were crossed regardless of the intention. 

The music facilitated political integration based on the fact that the minorities will are able to enjoy the privileges that the other people enjoy. In fact, African Americans and Latinos, for instance, are already incorporated in the electoral system unlike in the first half of the 20th century (Smith et al. 2014). This means that they can contest for elective posts or air their views. The lack of representation in this era often led to the rise of political movements whose aim was to fight for equality. The political movements turned violent at some point. Up to the last quarter of the 20th century, racial discrimination was still evident and highly fought against. 

Since the start of this genre, civil rights movements have become more active. It is use not only to sensitize people about their rights but also to give them hope for a brighter future and fair society. The activities of the civil rights movements have been reduced from protests to formal complaints. Consequently, the hip-hop music genre has expanded its scope from activism to inspiration. Today the music is being used to remind people of where they came from and the lessons leans throughout the civil rights struggles. 


Mill, Roy, and Luke CD Stein (2016). "Race, skin color, and economic outcomes in early twentieth-century America.": pp. 3-11. 

Smith, Jeffrey A., Miller McPherson, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. (2014) "Social distance in the United States: Sex, race, religion, age, and education homophily among confidants, 1985 to 2004."    American Sociological Review   79.3: pp. 432-456. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Christian Coalition as a Social Movement.


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