8 Aug 2022


The Differences Between Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Allopathic (Orthodox) Medicine

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Academic level: College

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Words: 576

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CAM is a medical approach which is different from standard procedures to medical care. On the other hand, orthodox medicine refers to the process of medical care, whereby drugs, surgery, or radiation are used by medical professionals to treat patients. Surveys indicate that the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) increased tremendously between 2011 and 2017, from 34% to 42% (Corp, Jordan, & Croft, 2018). Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is much more prevalent among patients who prefer combining it with orthodox health approaches. 

CAM is a form of standard medical care which is different from the orthodox approaches because they are conducted by professional doctors who hold degrees. However, it is also practised by other health professionals such as therapists, physician assistants, among others. However, complementary is often used alongside the orthodox or standard medicine with the best example being acupuncture. Orthodox medicine value human body and as such, it does not advocate for the use of drugs or surgery as with CAM. Moreover, it is based on family care through detoxification and the use of herbal medicine to treat pain. Finally, CAM emphasizes the close association between the doctor and the patients, but in orthodox, the healer and the patients are not closely related. 

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Affordable Care Act 

Most Americans today pay for their healthcare using their employers' insurance policy. According to Davidson (2017), close to half of the American population pay for their healthcare through their respective employers. The process began historically as a means of enticing the employee by different companies. By 2017, almost 60% of the US population had some form of insurance either through private purchase or through the employer-paid coverage (Davidson, 2017). 

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) refers to a comprehensive healthcare law that was established in 2010. The code is, at times referred to as Obama-care and has led to specific remarkable impacts on American citizens. First, it has led to the inclusion of more people in the process of healthcare insurance by providing the consumer with subsidies which allow more people access to affordable health care. Secondly, the law has also expanded Medicaid to enable adults receiving income below 138% to get covered. Finally, the law also emphasizes on supporting the provision of innovative medical care with lower costs. 

For-Profit Hospital on Nonprofit Hospitals and Academic Medical Centers 

Today, it is a common understanding that the emergence of for-profit healthcare facilities has affected the profitability of nonprofit facilities. However, the main differences between the two occur in terms of handling of finances. One category has easy access to profit, one does not pay taxes, and one is focused in oaring benefits to the community. All these apply to nonprofit hospitals, and as such, although their profitability has slightly been affected by the for-profit hospitals, they still have financial advantages. However, the emergence of for-profit hospitals has ensured that the nonprofit and academic based hospitals increase the quality of their services. The reason is that these institutions have emerged with intense competition especially targeting evidence-based care needs. 

Ambulatory care includes a wide range of healthcare services but generally refers to the same-day medical care provided to a patient. It is a form of care that is not conducted in a hospital or any other facility in which admission is required. The services emerged due to the need to eliminate primary medical care. Furthermore, Americans have continued to demand a form of medical care whereby they do not necessarily need to check into the hospital to receive the services. For instance, one can quickly check into ambulatory care, receive surgical services and be discharged immediately. In addition, the mother also demands services whereby they can be released shortly after giving birth, and the rest of the care be left to the family. 


Corp, N., Jordan, J.L and Croft, P.R. (2018). Justifications for using complementary and alternative medicine reported by persons with musculoskeletal conditions: A narrative literature synthesis . PLOS ONE. 

Davidson, B. (2017). How Do Americans Pay for Health Care Today? Net Credit. 

Masterson, L. (2017). Nonprofit, for-profit hospitals play different roles but see similar financial struggles . Healthcare Dive. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Differences Between Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Allopathic (Orthodox) Medicine.


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