17 Jul 2022


The Different Types of Organizational Structures and Leadership Styles

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 326

Pages: 1

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The details of work paper are based on the knowledge about management and structures of leadership in most of the healthcare organizations. Furthermore, this writing reflects on the importance of acknowledging inherent values and practices. In essence, a conducive working environment among the employees is full of engagement and inspirational leadership that contributes to successful healthcare organizations. 

Formal structures play a significant role in enhancing the day-to-day activities, which take place in the healthcare institution by ensuring that they are operational. Healthcare organizations consider using different types of formal structures according to their preferences. For instance, the agencies use either or both matrix, flat, ad hoc, and bureaucratic structures to accomplish their daily roles. When it comes to bureaucratic structures, the dedicated healthcare facilities experience efficient and straightforward relationships because of the well-outlined positions and authority. Such authority has a defined chain of command including, the chief nursing officer, departmental head directors, and the charge nurses (Porter & Lee, 2013). 

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The ad hoc structure is ultimately linked with the bureaucratic structure. However, a matrix structure is different as it concentrates primarily on production and functionality of the healthcare institution through a formal vertical and horizontal chain of command. Such a conventional structure is majorly recommended for the large organizations to enable them to find better solutions to the hitches that might have resulted because of bureaucratic structures (Upenieks, 2003). Alternatively, the organizations ran through flat structures have their basis on several nurse managers who are subjects to a single chief nursing officer. 

Ohio State University is managed through bureaucratic structural design with a defined chain of command (Walshe & Rundall, 2001). The charge nurse is the first respondent to the student’s concerns and reports to the clinical nurse manager if the concerns raised by students fall out their capacity. In conclusion, healthcare organizations are a vital section of the states. These organizations address the health issues of the societal individuals. Therefore, it is necessary for the stipulated formal structures to be considered to enhance smooth running of such institutions. 


Porter, M. E., & Lee, T. H. (2013). The strategy that will fix health care.  Harvard business review 91 (10), 1-19. 

Upenieks, V. V. (2003). The interrelationship of organizational characteristics of magnet hospitals, nursing leadership, and nursing job satisfaction.  The Health Care Manager 22 (2), 83-98. 

Walshe, K., & Rundall, T. G. (2001). Evidence ‐ based management: from theory to practice in health care.  The Milbank Quarterly 79 (3), 429-457. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Different Types of Organizational Structures and Leadership Styles.


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