22 Aug 2022


The Dynamics of Peace and War

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The world has continued to experience a different phenomenon that ranges from conflict and peace in the various issues of interests that touch on the political, economic as well as social aspects. Individuals, government as well as private institutions, hence, have different interest and ideas that might differ from others that subscribe to a different philosophy. Therefore, the difference between them can results into conflict as well as when they see issues from the same perspectives and share an interest, then they can cooperate to produce a synergy that can be used to enhance peace among other benefits. Conflict, as some say, is inevitable as well as order and, for this reason, the way people, and institutions that include government handles issues that touch on the two concepts in fundamentally crucial to humanity at large and such efforts needs to be supported in the short and long-term. However, this paper discusses the dynamics between war and peace noting the balance that it brings. 

The line between war and peace has been thin, and only the trigger of ideas and concept of interests can change the status quo to either side (Guéhenno, 2017). Some scholars have challenged if the absence of war means there is peace and if peace is only limited and measured in the attributes of war and violence or calmness. The subject and topic, hence, has attracted different interest from scholars and researchers interested in the issue that try to elaborate extensively on the different variables that influence and determine the absence and presence of war and peace. International institutions such as the United Nations have also put more weight on the topic and subject of peace and war (Miller, 2016). It is through its security council that has as an essential organ in the operations and administration of the global institutions that have actively been involved in measures and aspects that address different issues related to war and peace. They include but not limited to provision of peacekeepers missions in different parts of the world experiencing turbulence, training of security agencies to enhance peace among its members as well as enhanced cooperation between and among members in the UN to strengthen peace and address war and other conflicts objectively and peacefully (Smetana & Ludvík, 2018). 

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The effect that war brings to the society has adverse negative impacts as documented in the experience of the World War I and World War II among other. Places that have experienced conflict for a long time such as in the Middle-East as well some other African countries such as Somalia and Sudan among others in the past that continue to haunt it to the present times still struggle for peace (Roach, 2016 ). War has led to massive displacement of populations resulting in the highest number of refugees that has continued to become a concern to the world, regional and local developments in areas that such events occur. It has additionally led to the loss of lives and destruction of property among other secondary adverse effects such as halting and discouraging investments among others. It has diversified resources meant for development into funding the wars and conflicts as they have proved to be an expensive affair. The experience from war and particularly the adverse effects of war has made the very same internationals institutions draft policies and regulations that can guide war especially when it becomes a conventional war that would respect human rights and protection of civil populations and their interests in the world. The experience, thus, has led to the increased interests from the international institutions such as the UN, regional bodies such as the EU and AU among others as well as local institutions that include governments and the rival sectors in the NGO world that have put so much efforts and resources to enhance processes that results in resolving of conflict peacefully to avoid the escalation of such differences into war (Poznansky, 2015). Mediation and Negotiation organizational bodies at both levels have, therefore, been established as part of the efforts that enhance the establishment of alternative conflict resolutions other than war and violent confrontation. 

The cold war provided an example where two factors that shape and determine war and peace could apply and show how they influence each other. The US and USSR as the world superpowers at the time both strived to arm and stock their ammunitions and armories including the acquisition of nuclear war that its existence extended the peace and security of the each other that was a fierce rival and their allies as well (Betts, 2017). The results were a prolonged peaceful time in the world history that resulted from a balance of power where the philosophies and ideologies of capitalism and communism enhanced by the US and USSR led by Russia dominated the world that formed allies from both sides. The impact that the ammunition that each team had made it difficult to trigger war and violence. It is because of the effects that the retaliatory attacks posed to the countries and their allies. It resulted in a balance of power where there existed prolonged peaceful moments in the history of the war that increased peace and security as both parties were reluctant to initiate attack and conflict with the other. However, after the collapse of the cold war in the years of early 1990’s and the US remaining as the only superpower in the world, the word experience different wars that include the Gulf war and, for this reason, balance of power is relative in enhancing prolonged peaceful options in resolving issues in the world (Bas & Schub, 2017). Additionally, the countries that control the balance of power also would be reluctant to attack other countries who are allies to each other as it would amount to a provocation that might result in conflict and, thus, with a balance of power there exists prolonged peace. An exciting philosophy and concepts related to the balance of power are that it encourages the competing forces to look for an alternative measure to resolve the conflict that they have such as through negotiation and mediation approaches and not prioritize the use of force (McCulloch & Brewis, 2016). It, hence, continues to provide peace and resolve calamities in the world, regions and local populations and communities that such superpower comes from. 

The alternative dispute resolution as a branch and topic that influence war and peace studies has led to the inclusion of alternative interpretations of war and conflict situations. Many have asked what peace is and whether the absence of violent conflict is a surety that peace exists. Different scholars and researchers interested in the subject, thus, have come with different ideologies and concept that define peace. Some have argued from the perception that justice is the root cause of peace and when there is no justice and related principles applied in resolving concerns realized in the world, there shall be no peace and calmness that might exist at a place at a particular time might not imply presence of peace (Feis, 2016). Others have argued that peace is the only way and, therefore, there is no option but to prioritize and maintain peace so that any discrepancies related to the injustice done to people or community can be resolved positively. In the presence of a peaceful environment and conflict or war would further instill hatred and destructions that would enhance the scars that result from such confrontations that make peace a problematic adventure to realize. On the same note, some scholars argue and believe that ready preparation for conflict and war enhance peace as noted at the time of balance of power during the cold war and, therefore, each side should act harshly including brutal retaliation and confrontation including the option of violence when they feel oppressed. It sends a strong message to the possible oppressors that they would be confronted harshly and elements of injustice would not be tolerated. The scholars and researchers that support such position note that sending the strong message would provide a harsh lesson to oppressors and, so, they would embrace justice and equity principles that would provide long-term and sustainable peace in the regions and world at large (Kaufman, 2014). The different concepts and ideas that shape the various schools and thoughts about the subject have determined the variables and controlled peace and war in the matter. 

There are different root causes of conflict and war that have disturbed the presence of peace in various places in society. The conflict and war that arises from religious differences according to analyst and professionals in the study notes are difficult to resolve in the short and long-term. It is because they revolve around fundamentalism that guides the philosophies and principles of different regions or countries and, therefore, people fight and struggle to remain and maintain their identities and beliefs. Such religious conflict has proved to be the most difficult and challenging to resolve. Resource conflict where people or community struggle for different resources that might result in enhanced tension and war that disturbs peaceful existence in societies can be resolved by addressing the concerns objectively (Cockburn, 2012). It embraces equity and equality principle in the society irrespective of ethnic identity and groups using such as gender, race, nationality as well as religious positions among others. The ideological conflict also can resolve amicably by incorporation of diverse options and ideas in the formulation of policies and guidelines that parties feel would like included. It entails compromise where the different groups must look for alternative solutions and compromise some of their demands from both parties to reach an amicable solution. Political conflicts also can be resolved objectively by reaching a compromise and consensus as well as inclusivity in all the political processes that would ensure public participation in the different aspects that concern the populace and interests of the political players in any society (Turchin, 2013). 

Scholars and professional asserts that conflict is inevitable in any society whether democratic or not or even the religious dominated societies and, therefore, developing skills and strategies that would enhance objective and positive conflict resolution play an essential role that can improve the ideas related to war and peace in the society. Failure to address the concerns and issues that affect the different people and interests in the society increases the likelihood that war would arise that disturbs that peaceful existence and peaceful environment in the society. The skills that include negotiation and mediation skills, hence, is essential because it applies in all sectors in the society that touch on the economic, social as well as political fields on a day to day basis (Hill, 2014). Managers and those in leadership as part of the decisions making organisms in the society, hence, have to acquaint themselves with relevant skills and techniques that they can use to address possible conflicts that might result into wars (Crisman & Gibilisco, 2018). It is by early intervention and finding the root causes of discrepancies that bring the war in the society and, consequently, solve them objectively and provide sustainable solutions that result in prolonged peaceful existence in the society and not treating symptoms by not addressing the concern objectively. 

The experience that war and peace have brought to the world and the effect that the two concepts have resulted into in the world has made the subject attracts intense attention from players in all the sectors in the society. The international institutions such as the UN, the regional bodies such as EU among others as well as local government authorities at times have used war and force to restore peace and particularly in situations that other alternatives and option that try to restore peace have failed (Morey, 2011). For example, countries that are allies have combined forces and teams that include the use of the military to intervene in regimes that are perceived to enhance war and oppressors of particular groups. They can be the minority or majority in their communities and, therefore, use of war to overthrow and such regimes and leadership including their administration has played an essential role in the restoration of peace and, thus, increase the interplay and variables that link the two concepts together of peace and conflict (war). 

In conclusion, the variables that touch on peace and war have been used interchangeably to bring and restore the balance of power in the world in different contexts, and scenarios are arising. Conflict and war are inevitable in aspects of life that touch on the economic, political as well as social processes and, as a result, objective solutions need to be embraced to enhance positive results and outcomes that resolve conflict sustainably. More research needs to be encouraged to determine the sustainable solutions and approaches that peace and war variables can be well understood and the concepts that touch on both all documented to help provide sustainable solutions in resolving conflicts. 


Bas, M. A., & Schub, R. (2017). Peaceful Uncertainty: When Power Shocks Do Not Create Commitment Problems . International Studies Quarterly , 61(4), 850–866. https://doi.org/10.1093/isq/sqx041\ 

Betts, R. K. (2017). Conflict After the Cold War: Arguments on Causes of War and Peace . Taylor & Francis 

Cockburn, C. (2012). Anti-militarism: Political and gender dynamics of peace movements . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Crisman, C. C., & Gibilisco, M. (2018). Audience Costs and the Dynamics of War and Peace. American Journal of Political Science , 62(3), 566–580. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12347 

Feis, H. (2016). Between War and Peace . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press 

Guéhenno, J. ( 2017). “When the line between war and peace becomes blurred, how do we keep ourselves safe?.” Weforum. Org, 03 Jan. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/when-the-line-between-war-and-peace-becomes-blurred-how-do-we-keep-ourselves-safe/ 

Hill, J. (2014). “Somewhere Between War and Peace. One photographer's search for beauty and calm amid conflict.” The Atlantic , 24 Oct. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/10/photographing-the-space-between-war-and-peace/381829/ 

Kaufman, A. D. (2014). Give War and Peace a Chance: Tolstoyan Wisdom for Troubled Times . Simon and Schuster 

McCulloch, G., & Brewis, G. (2016). Introduction: education, war and peace. Paedagogica Historica , 52(1/2), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/00309230.2015.1133679 

Miller,B. (2016). International and Regional Security: The Causes of War and Peace . Taylor & Francis 

Morey, D. S. (2011). When War Brings Peace: A Dynamic Model of the Rivalry Process. American Journal of Political Science , 55(2), 263–275. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-5907.2010.00488.x 

Poznansky, M. (2015). Stasis or Decay? Reconciling Covert War and the Democratic Peace. International Studies Quarterly , 59(4), 815–826. https://doi.org/10.1111/isqu.12193 

Roach, S. C. (2016). South Sudan: a volatile dynamic of accountability and peace . International Affairs , 92(6), 1343–1359. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2346.12748 

Smetana, M. & Ludvík, J. (2018). ““Between war and peace: a dynamic reconceptualization of “frozen conflicts.” Springer.Com , 01 Aug. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10308-018-0521-x 

Turchin, P. (2013 ). Historical Dynamics: Why States Rise and Fall: Why States Rise and Fall . Princeton: Princeton University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Dynamics of Peace and War.


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