16 Jan 2023


The Fall of Western Roman Empire

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Personal Statement

Words: 256

Pages: 1

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Following the fall of the Roman emperor, there was split that resulted in emergent of the Eastern and Western Emperors. The Roman emperor's fall was inevitable following the barbarians' attempts of invasion, the failing tax system, and internal strife. Just before its fall, the western and the eastern sides were part of the emperor and were thriving equally and rapidly. However, they had different expectations from the emperor that also contributed partly to its decline. The first difference in expectation comes with religion. The western expected to be part of the growing Christianity. I n 313 C.E., Roman emperor Constantine the Great ended all persecution and declared toleration for Christianity. Later that century, Christianity became the official state religion of the Empire. The western emperor was part of the Roman culture, the Christian Church, and barbarian culture and traditions through the Latins. They dominated Christianity. On the other side, the Eastern expected to expand more and adopt Christianity even though Orthodoxy was the primary religious faith of the region. 

In all cases, both of these empires expected the significant improvements, even though it was the eastern emperor that thrived well. For instance, the Western Roman Empire had negligible military, political, or financial power by the year 476. They and due to this, they could not salvage any of their economic power to develop thus leading to its collapse. The Eastern Empire survived and lasted for some time as an effective power of the Eastern Mediterranean. Finally, they all expected to drive out the Barbarians power and culture out of Rome. Historians document that the primary cause of the roman fall was the attack of the Barbarians. In both cases, both the western and Eastern side wanted the Barbarians out of Rome for peaceful coexistence. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Fall of Western Roman Empire.


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