26 Dec 2022


The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 324

Pages: 1

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The 4 th Amendment protects individuals from unnecessary arrests and seizures without a warrant of arrest of a probable cause. According to this Amendment, if the law enforcers suspect that one is having material that he is not supposed to possess or which may be used as evidence, then they have to get a search warrant from the courts. Before the court gives them a search warrant, they must explain the reasons for the search warrant and indicate places they will search on the premises of the suspect. The officer seeking the warrant of arrest must accompany it with an oath f affirmation that details the areas that they will search. However, in this case, the suspect has been spotted, and the police do not require a search warrant to arrest him as they may not be knowing where he took the property that he stole from the supermarket.

Since the 4 th Amendment gives the police officers the right to arrest a suspect when there is probable cause, then they should arrest that man. The probable cause implies that there is enough evidence to show that crime took place, and the likely suspect is known or has been identified. From the description of the video, the suspect was caught by the CCTV cameras carrying out a robbery. Though he managed to run away, several people saw him, and they could describe him. Since one of the people who saw him has given a vivid description that fits that of the man in the convenience store, then there is a probable cause that makes the police feel that they have the right suspect within their reach. The police should monitor the suspect as one of them goes for the CCTV footage that is two blocks away to be sure that they have the right man. Once they are convinced that they have come across the right man, they should arrest him and call witnesses to record statements. The man should also be shown the CCTV footage before he is booked in the police occurrences book as awaits arraignment in court.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution.


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