25 Oct 2022


The functions and importance of Mitochondria

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 244

Pages: 1

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Mitochondria represent one of the crucial cell organelles and can be compared to a power plant installed within a city. The primary function of mitochondria is to generate energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is in turn used by the cell to carry out different cellular process. Typically, the mitochondrion produces energy, which is utilized by other organelles such as the ribosomes, vacuoles and Golgi apparatus. The ATP energy is then used by these cell organelles to drive different cellular processes may include; protein manufacturing, protein transport, excretion, cell signaling, reproduction, excretion and growth (Starr and Taggart, 2005). Just as the mitochondria produce energy for other cell organelles, a power plant can be used to provide energy in the form of electricity for various places such as homes, schools, hospitals, industries and other public amenities. The electrical energy can then be used by different electrical appliances like fridges and machines like water pumps.

Moreover, mitochondria require raw materials for the production of energy production. This include; glucose and oxygen. The mitochondria use various apparatus include enzymes and water in a process known as the respiration through the Kreb’s cycle to convert oxygen and water to the final products, ATP energy being one of them. As the mitochondria use glucose and oxygen, a power plant can produce electricity from different sources which include but not limited to wind, steam, water, coal, petrol, and diesel. The power plant is usually fitted with different parts including gears and belts that rotate to generate electrical energy. These parts can be compared to the enzymes in the mitochondria, which work together in a series to enable energy production.

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Starr, C., & Taggart, R. (2005). Biology: The unity and diversity of life. New York: Cengage Learning. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The functions and importance of Mitochondria.


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