Question One
Accountability is critical in healthcare. Health is a vital component of societal development. Healthy people are productive, and it is with such a concern that healthcare facilities are regulated and held accountable for any action ( Iserson, 2018). Accreditation and licensure are the most common ways through which the government and other healthcare bodies concerned regulate healthcare organizations and hold them accountable for their actions. The use of licensure within the context of healthcare is a government domain. It is a requirement for all types of medical facilities to have a license for medical operations. The government has some legally defined standards set for all types of medical facilities which enable them to provide services. The use of license ensures that the organizations meet and adhere to such standards as they prepare to offer healthcare services to the community ( Dore, 2018). Accreditation, on the other hand, involves an external organization evaluating a healthcare institution. Such an external organization sets standards or criteria from which it evaluates or assesses the credibility of the institution. Blouin & Tekian (2018) discuss that the result, in this case, is used to set up strategies and make recommendations that are meant to improve healthcare organization services.
Question Two
“ Accreditation will need to evolve quickly toward a more flexible, multi-entity, performance-based process to serve both the public interest" according to Lee et al., (2018). With the big data and the people becoming digitally literate, accreditation must be flexible to accommodate both facilities and individual medical staffs as more people will have a chance to interact directly with personal medical teams and institutions. In this manner, there is a need to set accreditation standard not only for the medical institutions but also for the individual medical staffs. It will be more important and drive more healthcare organizations to seek accreditation within all of their departments, not just a particular area or specialty.
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Blouin, D., &Tekian, A. (2018). Accreditation of medical education programs: moving from student outcomes to continuous quality improvement measures. Academic Medicine , 93 (3), 377-383.
Dore, K. L. (2018). Academic and Professional Admission Tools and Outcomes on National Licensure. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery , 76 (10), e3-e4.
Iserson, K. V. (2018). Ethics of Virtual Reality in medical education and licensure. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics , 27 (2), 326-332.
Lee, L., Dietz, D. W., Fleming, F. J., Remzi, F. H., Wexner, S. D., Winchester, D., & Monson, J. R. (2018). Accreditation readiness in US multidisciplinary rectal cancer care: a survey of OSTRICH member institutions. JAMA Surgery , 153 (4), 388-390.