29 Dec 2022


The Health Belief Model: How It Can Help You Stay Healthy

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 761

Pages: 3

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Health Belief Model 

Kıssal, A., & Kartal, B. (2019). Effects of Health Belief Model-Based Education on Health Beliefs and Breast Self-Examination in Nursing Students. APJON , 6(4), 403-410. https://doi.org/10.4103/apjon.apjon_17_19 

The article analyzes application of HBM based on nursing students’ beliefs on breast self-examination. BSE enables women to identify changes within her own body and seek treatment options for identified issues. Nurses receive training in undergraduate programs on conducting BSE effectively. The article applies HBM in evaluating the student’s level of knowledge on breast cancer and the effectiveness of training to prepare them for cancer screening. Applying the HBM indicated that screening for nursing students was affected mainly perceptions of confidence and self-efficacy after completing education. The article relates to future nurse practitioner practice by emphasizing that students should participate in breast cancer education and conduct BSE properly for early detection of issues. For nurse practitioners, the article is significant because it provides information of performing Breast self-examination (BSE), and clinical breast examination (CBE). The nurses can provide women of all ages with knowledge of conducting BSE on regular basis. By so doing, their understanding and knowledge of breast cancer, and their confidence is increased.

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Social Cognitive Theory 

Farfaglia, P. G. (2019). Social Cognitive Theories and Electronic Health Design: Scoping. JMIR Human Factors , 6(3), e11544. https://doi.org/10.2196/11544 

This article researches use of SCT in supporting design of eHealth applications to aid nurses in daily medical operations. The author indicates that SCT is necessary for nurses to recognize the efficacy of social support on health behavior. This dimension is applied on web-based social support where nurses can provide asynchronous, simultaneous and bidirectional social support. Through the SCT, the author analyzes Telehealth program, which provides web-enabled tools for aging veterans to access social support at the comfort of their homes. The article relates to future nursing practice by emphasizing on more research to identify media channels that support better message processing. 

Portugal, L. M. (2018). Applying Social Cognitive Theory in a Naturopathy Healthcare Educational Program for Parents and Families. American College of Education , 2(1), 32-36. 

The article addresses ways in which nurses working with diverse adults and youth can apply practices taught in the classroom to educate individuals on being more proactive on their own lives. The author incorporates SCT to show how nurses can use self-regulatory and self-efficacy concepts to control their emotions when facing challenging and stressful environments. SCT influences health behaviors by addressing misinformation that prevails within the public. SCT is incorporated into workshops, clinics, or online platforms to help families and parents in understanding a naturopathy perspective for developing healthy living habits. The article relates to future nursing practice by helping health educators reach more individuals cognitively and work towards improving their conditions and self-care. Its credibility is seen in providing the nurse practitioners with information on creating and developing individualized and group action plans for addressing overall wellness and health of families. 

Family Systems Theory 

Ostlund, U., Backstrom, B., Saveman, B. I., Lindh, V., & Sundi, K. (2016). A Family Systems Nursing Approach for Families Following a Stroke: Family Health Conversations. Journal of Family Nursing , 22(2), 148-171. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840716642790 

The author addresses common notions that illnesses such as stroke affect all family members. Stroke often leads to life altering experiences causing loss of independence, social and psychological functioning. Nurses play an integral role in preparing family members for stroke rehabilitation and recovery processes. The article incorporates the family systems theory to analyze conceptual systems on stroke to family members and the nurse-family relationship. The study applies Family health conversation (FamHC) on 12 families who have been taking care of a stroke patient over the age of 65. Findings aimed at facilitating improvements in nursing practice after releasing a stroke patient from a rehabilitation center. The article relates to future nursing practice by providing essential information for nurses working with families with patients experiencing other long-term illnesses. 

Dorell, A., Ostlund, U., & Sundin, K. (2016). Nurses’ perspective of conducting family conversation . International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being , 11(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.3402/qhw.v11.30867 

The article researches the role of nurses in supporting families with an elderly person living in a residential home. Families with older family members in residential homes might experience feelings of guilt, failure, and inability to influence their health situations. The author applies a family systems theory to identify how nurses might make transitions more comfortable for patients and family members. Applying FamHC shows that families felt more relived once they witnessed the health improvements facilitated by family nursing interventions (FSN). The article influences the future of nursing practice by providing better communication methods between RNs and families to enhance patient-centered and family-centered care. 

Praxis Theory of Suffering 

Morse, J. (2018). Theoretical Coalescence: A Method to Develop Qualitative Theory. Nursing Research, 67 (2), 177-187. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNR.0000000000000263 

The article addresses the sitautsions and contexts of enduring pain by applying the praxis theory of suffering.The author researches the clinical manifestations of praxis theory and ways nurses can facilitate better enduring environments for patients suffering from terminal illnesses and trauma. The praxis theory of suffering has substantial effects on nurse-patientrelationshipbecause nurses are expected to read and respond to patient behaviors accordingly. The medical complexity of patients with trauma often causes issues with offering diagnosis and rapid critical care. The article relates to the future of nursing practice by assessing how nurses can explore enduring beyond the primary context of trauma care and enhance provision of care.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Health Belief Model: How It Can Help You Stay Healthy.


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