22 Sep 2022


The Impact of Nursing Workload on Patients

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Nurses have significant duties and deal with enormous challenges (Donley R, 2013). It is indicated that nurses are more prone to developing stress than other health care professionals (Aiken et al., 2002). Stress is, unfortunately, one of the challenges that many nurses in different parts of the world are facing today (Poghosyan et al. 2010). Numerous studies have shown that inadequate nurse staffing in hospital-based care will lead to increased nursing workload and negatively affects outcomes such as mortality, infections, and failure to rescue ( Fagerström et al., 2018) .In recent years it has been realized that, a heavy workload of hospital nurses leading to a significant problem worldwide in health care systems. There are many significant consequences of high nursing workload. Researchers and authors all over the world show that increased nursing workload harmfully affects patient safety. Furthermore, it negatively affects nursing job satisfaction and, as a result, contributes to high turnover and the nursing shortage. 

Several studies have demonstrated the link between nurse staffing ratios and patient safety, documenting an increased risk of patient safety events, morbidity, and even mortality as the number of patients per nurse increases. Higher nurse staffing and more luxurious skill mix are associated with improved patient outcomes. Therefore, higher ratios have been recommended for improving patient safety and outcomes. However, it is difficult to set fixed, standard patient-to-nurse rates for units in acute care hospitals, as evidenced in systematic reviews and other studies. Staffing levels must instead match patients' nursing care needs (Junttila et al., 2016). To overcome the issue of nursing workload, it is important for healthcare facilities to focus on the implementation of strategies that enhances retention of the nurses and reduces turnover. The research will focus on the analysis of factors influencing nursing workload and the impact on the performance of the nurses. 

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Research Problem 

The issue of workload among the nurses is crucial considering that it results in an increase in medical errors and mistakes, which influence patient outcome. Majority of healthcare facilities tend to have limited number of staffs, which is an aspect that contribute to increased overload among the nurses thus reducing their individual performance. Increased workload results in a situation where nurses fail to focus on their individual roles and responsibilities regarding the provision of care to the patient thus impacting on the health and safety of the patients. The impacts of the expanded excellent task at hand, low employment fulfillment, and business-related weight on nurses can contrarily impact on patient consideration. In this way, it is essential to evaluate the activity results of medical attendants to guarantee that they are ideally used. Investigating the job of the attendant may impact and give a comprehension of the negative impacts of business-related pressure, work disappointment, and nature of patient consideration, in this manner bringing about future maintenance of nurses at the bedside. There is a considerable increment in the number of patients taken into the medical facilities concerning the number of nurses. A keen consideration was paid to the internal confirmations as 24-hour nursing care is provided to the admitted patients. This circumstance is a reason to expand nurse to persistent proportion and might be a factor influencing the nature of patient consideration. Medical attendant staffing could have another impact in various emergency clinic settings just as in different nursing administration units. In this manner, each healthcare organization pursues the standards for medical attendant staffing. Under this perspective the study endeavors to discover whether there is a connection between the deficiency of nurses and their activity results in connection to nature of patient consideration, work fulfillment and work pressure and whether Emotional Intelligence directs the above connections. 

Research Significance 

In public health, the nursing staff comprises the largest faculty in the healthcare sector throughout the world. Despite their significantly high numbers, they remain insufficient to effectively address the growing patient needs, particularly with the increasing patient population due to the aging population. However, of the inadequately researched areas is the effect of nurse shortages on their level of job satisfaction and outcomes since they are often faced with a heavy workload that forces them to work for longer hours and even skips vital breaks. The nurses' role and efficiency remain an essential factor in healthcare provision since it directly affects patient outcomes. Hence, this study is highly significant since it seeks to establish whether the nurses' workload affects patient outcomes and give insight into measures that the healthcare sector can implement to minimize risks among patients that emanate from factors relating to the shortage of nurses. 

Research Objectives 

The hospital nurses in Makkah play a unique role within our society, as the city receives a considerable number of visitors either during Pilgrimage or during Umrah. Due to that, we are expecting an influence of substantial workload impacts on patient safety. 

The key objectives of the study are: 

To recognize whether the workload of nursing significantly relates to the quality of patient care, nurses' job satisfaction, and patient safety. 

To identify whether a shortage of nurses influences to workload 


H 01 : Workload nursing does not significantly relate to the quality of patient care, the level of job satisfaction among the nurses, and patient safety 

H 02 : Shortage of nurses does not influence workload 

Literature Review 

According to the study conducted by Carayon and Gurses, (2008), they related the higher workloads of hospital nurses in America due to four main reasons, they are as following: (1) increased demand for nurses, (2) inadequate supply of nurses, (3) reduced staffing and increased over time, and (4) reduction in patient length of stay. The mentioned reasons have a major impact on the increase of nursing workload, thereby influencing their individual performance. In situations where the workload of nurses increases, their ability to care for the patients reduces thus creating a major risk concerning patients’ health and safety . The research study conducted by Aiken et al., (2002) has demonstrated that increased morbidity and mortality for patients in acute care settings can be attributed to inadequate numbers of caregivers at the bedside. Based on that, the influence of increased workload, low job satisfaction, and work-related stress on nurses can negatively effect on patient care. 

The study conducted by Yaylak et al. (2014) has concluded that the increase of the nurse workload causes the degradation of the sleep status ad worsens the rested status. They also indicated that the deterioration of the rested status and the sleep routines of the nurses, threats their health physically and mentally and on the other hand, reduces the work effectiveness in the hospitals and causes a lot of stress and the additional stress-related problems in the work areas. 

The relation between the non-direct patient care factors and nursing workload have been evaluated by Myny et al. (2011). A conceptual model was built, based on this study, and found 

that, some factors have a direct impact on the nursing workload, while others have an effect on the work fluency or the subjective perception of the nursing workload. The recent study of Dahinten, et al. (2017) on the impact of heavy perceived nurse workloads on patient and nurse outcomes, demonstrated that job-level nurse perceptions of heavy workloads and task-level interruptions adversely influence patient and nurse outcomes. The study of Fagerström , et al., (2018), has demonstrated an association between daily workload per nurse and patient safety incidents and mortality. 



The cross-sectional investigation was directed in 2019 to decide the frequency rate of patient security, assess the remaining task at hand, and recognize factors that influence tolerant wellbeing occasions among the nursing staff of King Abdullah Medical City in Makkah to decide the prescient elements of patient wellbeing occasions. 

Participants and Sample Size 

The participants incorporated the nursing staff working in King Abdullah Medical City in Makkah. Consideration criteria were working all day and having, at any rate, one year of work involved in their present wards since patient security occasions amid the previous half year were addressed. Since the patient security occasions incorporated the inquiries regarding the hospitalized patients, wards with no patients were excluded from the study. Therefore, paraclinical wards were prohibited from this investigation. 

The sample size was resolved utilizing patient's accounted for wellbeing frequency rate just as nurse's accounted for outstanding burden with 95% certainty interim and 3% mistakes. At long last, 100 medical attendants were chosen as the least example measure. The medical attendants were selected from various wards utilizing stratified arbitrary examining. Of an aggregate of 100 polls conveyed to the medical attendants of multiple wards and having considered their reaction rates, 98 surveys were returned. Different attendants supplanted those medical attendants who did not finish the surveys. In light of the incorporation and prohibition criteria, two polls were avoided from the examination lastly 96 surveys were broke down. The reaction rate was 95.2%. 

Variables and Measures 

The questionnaires covering the rate of safety occasions in the previous half year, nursing remaining burden, statistic data, and reliable data were completed by every one of the respondents. The poll contained inquiries regarding the number of patient wellbeing occasions in the previous a half year, remaining burden seen by medical attendants while playing out their undertakings, sex, age, instructive dimension, weight, wards they worked in, work encounters in nursing wards, and move work. Move work is a regular or unpredictable work plan from 6:00 pm to 7:00 am (26). Work shifts were reviewed as rotational and fixed because the considered nurses ran moves in the mornings, nighttimes, and evenings amid the week. 


The study established that 56% of the study participants held a nursing degree. There were no critical contrasts among RNs and LPNs in work status, nor any notable measurably noteworthy distinctions in the RN versus LPN gathering's scores for an impression of the substantial outstanding task at hand, interferences to work process, or bargained proficient nursing norms. 

Among the RNs, the average age of the transcendently female sample was 38.4 years while it was 43.6 years among the LPNs (t = 4.23, p < 0.001) (as can be seen from the bar graph below). 

A more significant amount of the RN gathering (81%) evaluated their patients' keenness as modestly or intense contrasted and the LPN gathering (63%, χ 2 = 15.2, p < 0.001) (represented in the bar graph below). 

Important patient outcomes (medicine blunders, falls, and UTIs) were examined with progressive strategic relapse, utilizing a progression of five models. Quiet reliance was rejected from the examinations because of its absence of a bivariate relationship with any of the result factors. The non-noteworthy medical attendant qualities were additionally avoided from these examinations due to non-criticalness in the relapse results and to expand the power and frugality of the models. RN-patients proportions that were higher were pitifully connected with every one of the three conflicting patient results, with chances proportions going 1.10 to 1.26 in the last models. More exceptional patient sharpness was related to medicine blunders, and patient falls, yet moved toward becoming non-noteworthy for UTIs in Model 3 in the wake of representing different factors. 

Model 3 results demonstrated that after representing levels of RN staffing and patient sharpness, an impression of incessant, substantial saw nurture outstanding tasks at hand and continuous intrusions were solid, free indicators for every one of the three conflicting patient results. For instance, nurses who experienced overwhelming undone tasks regularly were right around multiple times bound to report tolerant falls on a week after week premise than attendants who experienced substantial outstanding tasks at hand less frequently OR = 5.58, 95% CI (2.85, 10.95). Correspondingly, attendants who experienced interferences every day were multiple times bound to report persistent falls on a week by week premise than nurses who experienced intrusions less much of the time OR = 2.98, 95% CI (1.46, 6.09). Leaving undertakings fixed added to the forecast of the three patient results in the fourth model in the wake of representing RN staffing levels, tolerant keenness, and medical attendant view of overwhelming remaining task at hand and intrusions to work process, yet with little chances proportions running from 1.32 (falls) to 1.14 (UTIs). The recurrence that proficient nursing models were undermined because of remaining tasks did not clarify any of the difference in the three patient result measures in the wake of representing another outstanding task at hand components. In the last (Model 5), quiet keenness was the most grounded free indicator of medicine mistakes. 

On the other hand, the regression results on the nurse logistic outcomes demonstrated that subsequent to representing singular qualities and RN staffing levels (non-huge indicators in the last model), understanding keenness, view of successive overwhelming apparent attendant outstanding tasks at hand, visit intrusions to work process, leaving undertakings fixed, and traded off benchmarks were all free indicators of passionate weariness in the last model. The results of the sixth model demonstrate that attendants who encountered overwhelming remaining tasks at hand every day were approximately 3.5 times bound to report high passionate depletion than nurses who experienced substantial outstanding burdens less as often as possible, OR = 3.60, 95% CI (1.94, 6.68). The most significant indicator of enthusiastic depletion, in the wake of representing singular qualities and the five other outstanding task at hand components, was undermined proficient nursing guidelines because of the remaining task at hand, with a chances proportion of 4.42, 95% CI (1.86, 10.50). 

Many recurring results indicated comparable outcomes for attendants' activity fulfillment. After representing unique qualities, patient sharpness and RN staffing levels, view of overwhelming apparent medical attendant remaining task at hand and regular intrusions were autonomously connected with lower dimensions of occupation fulfillment in the fourth model (β = −0.28, p < 0.001, and β = −0.18, p < 0.001), individually. Leaving nursing errands fixed because of remaining burden clarified further variety in occupation fulfillment, as did trade off proficient nursing guidelines. Similarly as with passionate weariness, traded off skilled nursing benchmarks regularly was the most significant indicator of occupation fulfillment (β = −0.27, p <0.001).Interruptions to work process stopped to be a free indicator in the sixth model in the wake of bargaining principles was added to the condition. 

Further, the mediator variables and adverse patient outcomes were applied in clarifying the pathway by which an indicator variable impacts a result. The relapse results introduced in the study findings demonstrate that the coefficients for overwhelming outstanding burden and interferences to work process diminished in the fourth and fifth models after including assignments fixed and bargained proficient nursing gauges. These discoveries recommend that the last two factors may intervene in the connection between the two indicators, overwhelming remaining burden, and intrusions to work process, and the patient results. We tried these impacts by executing another arrangement of relapses for each Baron and Kenny's suggestions to decide if leaving nursing undertakings fixed and traded off proficient nursing measures interceded the effects of substantial saw nurture outstanding burden and regular intrusions on (a) medicine blunders; (b) understanding falls; and (c) UTIs. While completing an intercession investigation with a dichotomous go-between, the subsequent coefficients should be equivalent as far as their scale. Thus, Preacher and Leonardelli'sSobel Test examinations were utilized after the factors were treated according to Herr's proposals. Our outcomes show that leaving nursing errands fixed intervened the impacts of substantial saw nurture remaining task at hand and incessant interferences on the three patient results (p < 0.001). Even though leaving nursing undertakings fixed had an incomplete interceding impact on UTIs and patient falls, it ultimately intervened the connection between the two indicators and medicine mistakes. The full meditation is shown by the non-huge beta coefficient for interferences in the fifth model. 

Besides, on the mediation effects, the relapse results show that the coefficients for the overwhelming outstanding task at hand and intrusions to work process diminished in the fifth and sixth models after including leaving nursing undertakings fixed and traded off proficient benchmarks. These discoveries propose that the last two factors may intervene the connection between two indicators, overwhelming remaining task at hand and interferences to work process, and two medical attendant results (i.e., work fulfillment and passionate weariness). We tried these impacts according to the third research question. Our outcomes exhibit that the number of nursing undertakings left fixed in part interceded the effects of the overwhelming apparent medical attendant outstanding task at hand and continuous intrusions on passionate weariness (p < 0.001). Traded off proficient nursing norms additionally worked as a middle person, mostly clarifying the impacts of the impression of the great medical attendant remaining task at hand and regular interferences on passionate depletion (p < 0.01) in the wake of representing the impacts of nursing errands left fixed. Comparative outcomes were acquired as for occupation fulfillment, then again, actually traded off proficient nursing measures was found to completely intercede the impact of intrusions on employment fulfillment in the wake of representing leaving nursing assignments fixed. 


The investigation drew on cross-sectional overview information from a 100 intense consideration nurses from KSA Especially the city of Mecca area. We thought about seven markers of remaining burden: RN staffing levels, understanding keenness and patient reliance, medical attendants' impression of the substantial outstanding task at hand, nursing errands left fixed, bargained proficient nursing measures, and intrusions to work process. Like other research, understanding sharpness was observed to be emphatically connected with every one of the three unfavorable patient results and the levels of RN staffing demonstrated a flimsier affiliation (Fagerström, Kinnunen, Saarela, 2018). Quiet reliance was not observed to be related to the patient or medical attendant result measures. This might be because tolerant confidence in this examination reflected exercises of day by day living as it were. In all actuality, understanding reliance may reflect extended parts of patient usefulness. Furthermore, inside various intense consideration settings, persistent exercises of day by day living are overseen by non-nurses. 

Understanding sharpness alludes to qualities, for example, multifaceted nature and unconventionality that require nurture reconnaissance and intercession. After representing unit-level remaining task at hand measures, understanding sharpness and the levels of RN staffing, nurture view of regular, overwhelming outstanding burdens and interferences to work process indicated a stable relationship with two patient results UTIs and falls, and a progressively broken relationship with the recurrence of drug mistakes. This present examination's overwhelming outstanding task at hand measure incorporates things related with nurse impression of time weight, or insufficient time to complete work (for example arriving before the actual arranged time or leaving late, missing breaks, an excess of work to do). In a situation of excess workload in a nursing environment, nurses tend to experience episodes of depression, which is an aspect that influence the level of effectiveness and efficiency in individual performance . 

In one reproduced investigation of medical attendants' essential leadership execution, time weight adversely affected nurses' ability to distinguish the requirement for intercession, bringing about the inability to save. The study established that under conditions with no time challenges, medical attendants with clinical mastery performed superior to anything tenderfoot nurses; the beneficial outcomes of clinical ability, nonetheless, were nullified when time weight was acquainted with clinical recreations. The study findings propose that nurses know about negative results related with time weight; they may make up for these activity level overwhelming outstanding task at hand requests by coming in the right on time, extended working hoursas well as working during breaks. At the errand level, intrusions occupy attendants from their arranged exercises bringing about diminished execution and expanded unfavorable patient occasions, for example, medicine mistakes. 

Tasks left fixed, either halfway or entirely, intervened the connections between two outstanding job at hand elements (i.e., the impression of substantial remaining burdens, intrusions) and patient results. Even though unit-level measures, for example, staffing sufficiency, add to our valuation for remaining burden requests, work level measures, for example, leaving assignments fixed, may give heads a progressively precise delineation of how nurture check compelling outstanding task at hand administration. Regarding attendant results, quiet sharpness was related to higher enthusiastic fatigue. However, it didn't impact work fulfillment. A noteworthy wellspring of passionate depletion is the overwhelming outstanding task at hand requests that are frequently outside the control of nurses; attendants have "too brief period and to a couple of assets to achieve the activity." For employment fulfillment, in any case, a voluntary survey of emergency clinic nurture work fulfillment found that nurses got realization from interesting and compensating work. Care of great keenness patients, thusly, may fulfill nurture by upgrading their expert capabilities. 

Outer requests, for example, interferences and separated consideration, were related with attendant reports of expanded patient security concerns. Personal applications, for example, mental fixation and critical thinking, were not associated with medical attendants' anxieties for patient wellbeing results. Heads, accordingly, need to separate among outer and interior outstanding task at hand requests; their attention ought to be on decreases of external variables, for example, interferences, that affect nurses. In the wake of representing RN staffing levels and patient sharpness, attendants' impression of incessant substantial remaining tasks at hand and interventions were autonomous indicators of enthusiastic depletion. For employment fulfillment, view of regular overwhelming remaining tasks at hand was a huge indicator. Work aggravation is an idea related to passionate and intellectual strain. 

There is proof, in this manner, that activity level substantial outstanding task at hand requests and undertaking level interferences include remotely forced time weights and mental effort that adversely impact patient and nurse results. Directors need to work in a joint effort with word related wellbeing and security officers to use best practices that decrease harming remaining task at hand elements. Proactive procedures for work interferences were referenced previously. Wellbeing circles are a mediation to address the psychological and enthusiastic strain of outstanding tasks at hand. Wellbeing circles are work environment exchange bunches where representatives are urged to examine and distinguish chances to diminish outstanding burden requests. Besides, traded off benchmarks were additionally observed to be a substantial middle person of both overwhelming apparent exceptional task at hand and intrusions for both medical attendant results. Intercession testing is utilized to test theorized easygoing chains where indicator factors impact interceding factors (i.e., the middle person) that, thusly, impact result factors. 

Then again, if the indicator variable impacts the result variable legitimately and in a roundabout way through the arbiter variable, there is incomplete intercession. In this occasion, our discoveries propose that overwhelming outstanding burdens and intrusions impact nurture results both legitimately and in a roundabout way through the go-between factors (i.e., nursing undertakings left fixed, and traded off gauges). Nursing is a minding calling based upon medical attendant patient connections. When nursing is decreased to "undertaking and time" robotic ways to deal with consideration conveyance, medical attendants experience the ill effects of passionate and kind misery. Bargained nursing gauges are a wellspring of emotional pain and good trouble, with more deep moral roots. Moral trouble happens when the interior condition of nurses—their qualities and saw commitments—are contrary to the necessities and winning perspectives on the outside workplace". Results from enthusiastic and moral pain incorporate passionate weariness/burnout, work disappointment and inevitable exit from the calling. 

Mediators included nurse views of outstanding burden; choice scope, social capital, and three components of burnout. Outstanding burden, choice scope, and social capital interceded the connection between training condition and results factors by means of the burnout factors (Donley 2013). One of the major study findings is that unit-level nursing the board had a solid, direct effect on the investigation's results. The scientists inferred that leaders at the unit levels, specifically, can impact work results and nurse impression of nature of consideration by checking and reacting to attendants' remaining burden requests, including nurses in choices identified with patient consideration conveyance, and advancing shared proficient qualities among interdisciplinary colleagues. In our examination, we inspected two potential arbiters concerning tolerant results, and four potential go-betweens as for attendant results. 

Essentially, we found significant impacts from apparent overwhelming outstanding burdens and intrusions on both medical attendant results through errands left fixed and traded off proficient nursing measures. These two go-betweens, accordingly, should fill in as basic pointers for directors to screen and track: these middle people might be the test for medical attendants' ability to adequately convey care inside their workplaces. Nursing is an exceptional calling where basic assignments left fixed and bargained proficient gauges connote the potential for unfriendly patient and nurse results. The recommendation that would be necessary to enhance effectiveness in the nursing environment focusing on the level of workload entails focusing on strategies that help in retention of the nurses. With and effective nurse retention strategy, a healthcare facility does not face nurse turnover thereby resulting in a situation where there are adequate nurses to engage in day to day activities involving the provision of healthcare services to the patients. 

Another major recommendation would involve having to change the nursing culture as a way of ensuring that nurses remain committed to their respective roles and responsibilities as a way of improving patient safety. Promoting a major shift in the nursing culture may play a critical role in enhancing overall capacity for nurses to build on their positioning in their bid to dealing with individual patients. That would mean that nurses would remain much more committed in their approach towards ensuring that they pay close attention when dealing with their patients. Additionally, that would also mean that nurses would be in a much better position through which to create an environment in which patients are able to express themselves focusing on their respective needs. In such cases, nurses would be in a much better position through which to deliver on these needs while creating a standard approach through which to improve patient expectations. 


As we investigate those parts of medical attendants' workplaces related to the remaining task at hand requests, we have to perceive how various dimensions of outstanding burden requests affect patient and medical attendant results. Generally speaking, this examination showed that activity level nurse view of overwhelming outstanding burdens and assignment level intrusions antagonistically impact patient and attendant results. We found that two significant go-betweens are nurture reports of errands left fixed and traded off proficient nursing measures. Even though assignments left fixed was a middle person for both patient and nurse results, bargained proficient nursing gauges just interceded attendant results, indicating maybe, how traded off attendant qualities matter altogether to this minding calling. Nurses' outstanding burdens are frequently assessed as for unit-level staffing ampleness or potentially quiet keenness frameworks. Quantitative measures, for example, these, add to our energy about the medical attendant outstanding task at hand requests. However, they prohibit numerous mind-boggling, invisible parts of attendants' work that must be checked by medical attendants themselves. Proactive decrease of patient antagonistic occasions, nurture passionate depletion and diminished occupation fulfillment, in this way, requires nursing professionals to cooperatively address those components in the workplace that sway nurture outstanding tasks at hand. 


Aiken, L., Clarke, S., Sloane, D., Sochalski, J., &Hiber, J. (2002). Hospital nurse staffing, patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job satisfaction. Journal of the American Medical Association , 288(16), 1987. 

Carayon P, Gurses AP (2008). Nursing Workload and Patient Safety—A Human Factors Engineering Perspective. In: Hughes RG, editor. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US) ; 2008 Apr. Chapter 30. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2657/ 

Dahinten, V., Havaei, F. and MacPhee, M. (2017). The Impact of Heavy Perceived Nurse Workloads on Patient and Nurse Outcomes. Administrative Sciences, 7(1), p.7. 

Donley R. (2013). Challenges for Nursing in the 21st Century. Available at http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/521379_8 

Doruk Yaylak1, Betül Çalışgan1, Tuğçem Karakaş1, Özge Mert1, Ceren Öncel1, Ozan Köse1, ZerrinGökçe Yücel1, Volkanİnal, (2014). Heavy Workload Nurses and EffectsofitonSleep/Rested Levels, TMSJ 2014

Fagerström L, Kinnunen M, Saarela J, (2018). Nursing workload, patient safety incidents, and mortality: an observational study from Finland. BMJ Open 2018;8:e016367 . doi:10.1136/ BMJ open-2017-016367. 

Junttila JK, Koivu A, Fagerström L, (2016). Hospital mortality and optimality of nursing workload: A study on the predictive validity of the RAFAELA Nursing Intensity and Staffing system. Int J NursStud;60:46–53. 

Myny, Dries; Van Goubergen, Dirk; Gobert, Micheline; Vanderwee, Katrien; Van Hecke, Ann (2011). Non-direct patient care factors influencing nursing workload: a review of the literature. In: Journal of Advanced Nursing , Vol. 67, no.10, p. 2109-29. 

Poghosyan L, Clarke SP, Finlayson M, and Aiken LH. (2010): Nurse Burnout and Quality of Care: Cross-National Investigation in Six Countries. National Institutes of health; 33(4), 288–298. 

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