20 Oct 2022


The Impact of Nutrition on Aging

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 297

Pages: 1

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Case Study 1 

Joan’s weight loss can be associated with the lack of appetite, which is a common problem for older adult living alone at home. Lack of appetite contributes to nutritional deficiencies, since it results in reduced food and fluids intake. Additionally, Joan could be having an underlying medical condition that she is unaware of since she lives alone and has no one to look after her. To understand Joan’s weight loss issue therefore, it is essential to enquire about her overall nutritional habits including the number of meals she takes every day, and whether these meals constitute of a balanced diet. It is also important to enquire whether Joan can cook for herself, and properly feed herself. To help Joan return to a healthier weight, she should have a caregiver who can track her daily meals, cook for her and feed her, in addition to helping her with other chores. Additionally, it is the caregiver’s responsibility to ensure that Joan attends medical checkups frequently, for weight monitoring. 

Case Study 2 

Stanley is likely to be suffering from dehydration which can be deduced from the fact that his urine is orange in color. Although orange in urine does not necessarily mean that Stanley is dehydrated, he seems to have other alarming signs such as a raspy voice and a dry mouth. Dehydration also results in dizziness and fainting, since it affects the amount of blood in the body, leading to low blood pressure. To rehydrate his body, Stanley should start consuming high amounts of fluids and foods that have a high water content. Drinking enough water helps the body replace the lost water and electrolytes. Additionally, Stanley should avoid exposing himself to extreme heat, such as being in the kitchen. Older people are more susceptible to heat related problems, and lack of water hence avoiding heat is essential to avoid future passing out. Finally, Stanley should avoid caffeine. Caffeine is a mild diuretic that cause one to eliminate an increased amount of fluid from the body. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Impact of Nutrition on Aging.


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