11 Jun 2022


The Importance of Authenticity in Leadership

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 320

Pages: 1

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Authenticity is key in every form of leadership. Authenticity forges trust and integrity. This is important because followers want to be able to trust their leader. This is essential because without trust the followers are not able to work genuinely. Lack of trust in team will affect the team work needed and the bond between the individuals. Integrity is essential because leaders are able to be open and very frank with the people. They are able to have integrity with their dealings and in their character. Integrity will ensure they make decisions based on the greater good of the group and not based on their selfish motives (Hult, 2017). 

Hult (2017), argues that by being authentic, leaders are able to make decisions that are consistent with their moral values. They do what is right and not what is popular. They stick to being honest and goal-oriented in what they do. Authentic leaders stick to morality and ethics. They believe in doing what is good for the people they lead. They are able to be model citizens and role models to many. This is also a motivating factor for the followers. They fulfill their responsibilities well and are accountable as well. This ensures that they are reliable and dependable. This also increases the faith the people have on them. Leaders who are authentic are able to get people to follow them with a lot of ease (Hoover, 2017). 

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Examples that show authentic leaders include their ability to hold their integrity when they are faced with opportunities to make more money in crude ways. Authentic leaders will resist the temptation to fall into corruption for the sake of their character and reputation. Another example is the ability to take responsibility for their decisions if they do not pay off. They are able to accept their mistakes and work harder to make the situation better for the people they are leading. Authentic leaders are needed in every field if we are to have any successful leadership. 


Hult, (2017). Thought Leadership: The Importance of Authenticity and Decision-Making in Leadership . Retrieved from www.hult.edu 

Hoover, A. P. (2017). The Importance of Authentic Leadership . Retrieved on April 24, 2017 from sites.psu.edu 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Importance of Authenticity in Leadership.


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