31 Aug 2022


The Importance of ICD-10-CM Coding

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 316

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In the contemporary world, the healthcare sector in its entirety is rapidly changing as new studies and the advent of modern technology inflict positive impact in all dimensions. Similar changes have been witnessed in the operations of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), with frequent revisions taking place over the recent in a bid to formulate a standardized diagnostic tool for epidemiology, healthcare management and for the purposes of guiding clinical care operations. The latest revision led to the creation of the ICD-10-CM CODING. 

One of the benefits of the ICD-10-CM is that it assists in healthcare data analytics which is essential in the provision of clear information about the overall health of the population. The analytical aspect brings into context the aspect of identification of diseases whereby through the system, physicians can identify illnesses at ease. It is also worth admitting that ICD-10-CM assists healthcare organizations and healthcare related government institutions to effectively implement welfare initiatives that are geared towards enhancing healthcare in the society ( Weiner, 2018 ). Proponents of the ICD-10-CM CODING also associate it with increased efficiency in the budgeting process helping healthcare organizations to monitor and plan financial attributes of healthcare delivery. It helps physicians discover trends while at the same time implementing up-to date healthcare management systems that significantly reduces the cost of running healthcare operations. 

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In the dynamic contemporary world healthcare industry, it is imperative to acknowledge the importance of ICD-10-CM in facilitating the process of analyzing the impact of diseases to the human fraternity by providing mechanisms of analyzing healthcare problems and the associated diseases ( Weiner, 2018 ). The above process enables governments to project the mortality and morbidity rates in the society with ease. Although there are critics who argue against the ICD-10-CM because of its complexity, it is evident that the system is beneficial in a broad scale. 

In conclusion, it is factual that ICD-10-CM CODING is a great system that if effectively adopted and used, it will help stakeholders navigate through the ever changing landscape of healthcare. 


Weiner, M. G. (2018). Point: Is ICD-10 diagnosis coding important in the era of big data? Yes.  Chest 153 (5), 1093-1095. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Importance of ICD-10-CM Coding.


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