23 Jul 2022


The Important Arguments Towards Promise-Keeping

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Academic level: College

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Words: 492

Pages: 2

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Benjamin presents an important argument towards promise keeping; first, the authors point out that promise keeping is essential since it proves the willingness, honesty, and reliability of an individual to possess obligatory. Noteworthy, I conquer with these arguments because it is through keeping promises that humans can efficiently work together to attain a given objective. Indeed, as accorded by Benjamin, keeping promise builds trusts between two people; thus, creating a strong relationship. For instance, a person who cannot keep a promise may not be freely involved with various activities, especially the secretive ones. Moreover, Benjamin depicts an important tool, which is God's grace that humans can adhere to in efforts to keep a promise. 

As authored by Benjamin, it is permissible to break a promise in cases whereby the scenario at hand allows doing so. In reference to an example given by Benjamin, it is acceptable for individuals to break an oath when they have been attacked or witness robbery and they make a promise with the attackers not to expose who did the robbery. Jones (2017) suggests that evaluating a scenario critically in accordance with God's nature is essential in making vital ethical decisions. Therefore, it morally permissible to break a promise when breaking it is being done for the good of all individuals and in a Godly way as authored by Benjamin. When the concerned individuals break a promise in the scenario presented by Benjamin, they would have positively contributed to the growth of the society. 

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Breaking of a promise intentionally without a subjective reason is recognized by Benjamin as acting immoral, especially for individuals who are in love. I agree with this remarks since the breaking of a promise intentionally demonstrate how weak a person is in handling sensitive information both at the workplace and with friends and relatives. In that case, Benjamin argues that to keep promises, individuals should agree or promise something that is doable. For example, promising your associate that you will buy him or her a plane in two months when you cannot afford to put food on your table can easily make a person break a promise. 

As mention earlier, individuals can break a promise if it will result in the goodness of the society. Therefore, I agree with Benjamin that it is morally obligatory to break a promise in such a case whereby a child tells an adult on how his or her parent abuses him or her. An adult can break a promise in such a scenario to help the child, which is morally acceptable. According to Stivers, Gudorf & Martin-Schramm (2012), moral agents need to be obligatory to the law of God as written in the Bible; thus, the act of loving one another the same way an individual loves oneself shows the ethical conduct behind doing everything for the growth of a child. Therefore, Benjamin's argument towards breaking a promise to secure a child from being abused by the parent is morally obligatory. Simply put, Benjamin’s arguments on keeping and breaking a promise are credible since they take into consideration moral values as required by God to prevent ways in which an individual can keep or break a promise. 


Jones, M.S. (2017). Moral reasoning: an intentional approach to distinguishing right from wrong . Kendall Hunt Publishing Company 

Stivers, L.A., Gudorf, C.E., Martin-Schramm , J.B. (2012). Christian ethics: a case method approach (4 th Ed.). Orbis Books 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Important Arguments Towards Promise-Keeping.


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