21 Jul 2022


The influences of society on suicide

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Lester, D. (1993). The influences of society on suicide. Quality & Quantity 27: 195-200. DOI: 10.1007/BF01102732

In his article, Lester (1993) describes two sociological critiques concerning suicide, which sociologists do not demonstrate the effect of society on suicide. In this article, the author provides evidence from factor analytic studies, which a societal influence can be established. According to Lester (1993), reviews the arguments of both Moksony 1990 and Taylor 1990 to support his proposition and explores if any study meets their standards. Both Moksony and Taylor point out that many sociologists did not study the influence of society qua society upon the rates of suicide. Rather, numerous sociologists study the effect of social variables as fundamental agents of suicide (Lester, 1993).

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Luxton, D. D., June, J. D., & Fairall, J. M. (2012). Social Media and Suicide: A Public Health Perspective.  American Journal of Public Health,    102 (S2). doi:10.2105/ajph.2011.300608

Luxton, June, and Fairall (2012) mention that there is significant proof that the social media platforms and the Internet can inspire suicide-related behavior. Social media platforms are a relatively fresh phenomenon, which is sweeping the world for the last decade (Luxton, June, and Fairall, 2012). Social media platforms combine technology with communal interaction through applications that are Internet-based, which allow the exchange and creation of user-generated content (Luxton, June, and Fairall, 2012). The authors address the essential question of whether the impact of social media and suicide pose a significant challenge to the community and describe various ways on how public health methods could be utilized to tackle the issue. To tackle these questions, Luxton, June, and Fairall (2012) provide different ways, which social media and the Internet can inspire, suicidal conduct, both positively and negatively. Additionally, the article evaluates the indication of the risk. Luxton, June, and Fairall (2012) discuss the legal complications of Social Media and Suicide and suggest future guidelines for prevention programs and research based on the perspective of public health. 

Nock, M. K., Borges, G., Bromet, E. J., Cha, C. B., Kessler, R. C., & Lee, S. (2008). Suicide and Suicidal Behavior.  Epidemiologic Reviews,    30 (1), 133-154. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxn002

According to Nock, Et Al., (2008), suicidal conduct is a foremost cause of death and injury worldwide. For prevention and policymaking, information concerning the epidemiology of suicidal behavior is crucial. Nock, Et Al. reviewed government records on suicidal behavior and suicide and performed a methodical review of various studies about suicide epidemiology available from 1997 - 2007. The aim of the authors’ is to observe the commonness of, risks and trends, and protective influences for suicidal conduct cross-nationally and within America.

According to the authors’ the data that they discovered shows noteworthy cross-national variability concerning the occurrence of suicidal behavior. However, not in age consistency of onset, change probabilities, and primary risk factors. According to Nock Et. Al (2008), suicide is more predominant among men, while nonfatal suicidal conduct is prevalent between young individuals and women, unmarried individuals, or people with psychiatric disorder. Suicide rates and attempts remain unchanged notwithstanding an upsurge in the treatment of suicidal persons (Nock et, Al, 2008).

Bjerke, M. (2015). What influences does society have on teenage suicide? Retrieved 1 st August 2017, from https://prezi.com/0xplse7srr-n/what-influences-does-society-have-on-teenage-suicide/

According to Bjerke (2015), numerous children including teenagers chose to adjust themselves by altering how the dress, the activities they take part in and their behavior since they need to feel accepted. Therefore, feeling of being out of place may lead the children and teenagers to depression. Various children usually exclude themselves from their peers due to low self-worth and self-confidence, which may lead them to having suicidal thoughts or actually commit suicide (Bjerke, 2015). Therefore, the author explains that changes in a person’s chemical balance in the brain could enhances feelings of depression or sadness and the need for utilizing it rises Cyberbullying, Peer Pressure, an individual’s brain dependency on alcohol and drugs, and withdrawal symptoms. According to Bjerke (2015), 43 percent of teenagers within the United States have experienced cyberbullying making it the leading reason for teen suicide. Additionally, cyberbullying makes individuals prone to social-anxiety, self-harm, depression, and or suicidal thoughts (Bjerke, 2015). 

Agoramoorthy, G., & Hsu, M. J. (2011). Suicide in Taiwans Society.  Drustvena istrazivanja,    20 (1), 137-150. doi:10.5559/di.20.1.07

In this article, Agroramoorthy and Hsu (2011) explain suicide as a complex phenomenon. The authors identify that in Japan suicide victims are identified to make hydrogen-sulphide gas through mixing bath salts with toilet cleaner. In April 2008, the method claimed sixty lives in mostly older teenagers and younger adults in their early 20s (Agroramoorthy and Hsu, 2011). The pungent and colorless gas does not dissolve easily therefore risks the lives of rescuers and bystanders as well. Likewise, the article identifies that suicide through car exhaust gas has increased by 10 percent of every suicidal case reported within Denmark. These attempts and successful suicides are due to different variety of reasons including include extreme financial loss, anxiety, pressure, pain, depression, guilt, shame, desperation, and other undesirable situations (Agroramoorthy and Hsu, 2011).

Suicide. (n.d.). Retrieved August 01, 2017, from http://teenmentalhealth.org/learn/suicide/

According to the website, suicide is the second primary cause of demise among teenagers in Canada. Motor vehicle accidents and suicide account for nearly sixty percent of death among the youth (Suicide, n.d). The percentage is not just applicable within Canada. Globally, among the three leading causes of demise of individuals between the ages of 15 to 34 is suicide (Suicide, n.d). In itself, suicide is not a mental disorder. However, mental disorder is among the most significant causes of suicide. Most often, manic depression (Bipolar Disorder), Depression, Schizophrenia, and drug abuse disorders usually lead to suicidal attempts (Suicide, n.d).

Baume, P., Cantor, C. H., & Rolfe, A. (1997). Cybersuicide: The Role of Interactive Suicide Notes on the Internet.  Crisis,    18 (2), 73-79. doi:10.1027/0227-5910.18.2.73

Baume, Cantor, & Rolfe (1997) discuss how the internet affects young individuals. With a new dimension of interactive communications, which includes the internet, it is still a relatively novel form of data sharing; therefore, it has not bolted the attention of defenseless young individuals. The authors discuss the internet resources and suicide including various issue of cooperative suicide notes. Baume, Cantor, & Rolfe (1997) provide case examples of collaborative notes trailed by suicide mortalities used to show the possible influence that the internet has on individuals whose wish is to share their suicide ideation with the public. Concerns about ethics, research, group death wishes, modeling, and ambivalence are shown in this article. Finally, Baume, Cantor, & Rolfe (1997) provide recommendations for further studies concerning the topic.

Sisask, M., & Värnik, A. (2012). Media Roles in Suicide Prevention: A Systematic Review.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,    9 (12), 123-138. doi:10.3390/ijerph9010123

The authors perform a systematic review to provide and monitor an overview of present research carried out concerning the role of the media in preventing suicide to discover potential effects/ influences media reporting has on suicidal behaviors. The authors utilized the systematic review following the PRISMA principles statement, which includes fifty-six articles. According to Sisask & Värnik (2012), many of the studies that they carried out support the notion that suicidality and media reporting are associated. Nonetheless, there exists a risk of journalism bias. Irresponsible journalistic reports could provoke suicidal conduct (the ‘Werther effect’) and fewer about defensive effect media could have (the ‘Papageno effect’) ( Sisask & Värnik, 2012) .  

Vaurora. (2013). Suicide and Society: Where does responsibility from preventing suicide lie? Retrieved August 01, 2017, from https://blog.valerieaurora.org/2013/01/12/suicide-and-society-where-does-responsibility-for-preventing-suicide-lie/

According to Vaurora 2013, every moment a prominent individual commits suicide, there are normally numerous patronizing but well-meaning advice to suicidal individuals on different blogs or social networks as the victim’s friends try to discover something positive to do. Usually, begin lecturing their peers to talk to their family or friends if one is feeling suicidal or depressed. The sentiment that people send are usually infuriating to other people who are suicidal. Therefore, the author advices that one should be close with his or her family in case they are feeling suicidal.

Snelle, M. (2015, February 24 ). Its society, not biology, that is making men more suicidal. Retrieved August 01, 2017, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11430096/Its-society-not-biology-that-is-making-men-more-suicidal.html

According to Snelle (2015), approximately thirteen men within the UK kill themselves. Additionally, the author identifies that suicide among the men is at a 14-year high within the UK. The society is dangerously aggressive towards men, acknowledges Snelle (2015). The rate of suicide in men is at its peak since 2001 (Snele, 2015). The number of suicidal deaths is more than that of women three times over. Therefore, this has seen an increase in the amount of antidepressants used by men since 1991. The reason for these high numbers of deaths is that the current culture treats individuals with depression as though something is wrong with them (Snele, 2015), even though it is a biological inequality which is treatable with medication.


Agoramoorthy, G., & Hsu, M. J. (2011). Suicide in Taiwans Society.  Drustvena istrazivanja,    20 (1), 137-150. doi:10.5559/di.20.1.07

Baume, P., Cantor, C. H., & Rolfe, A. (1997). Cybersuicide: The Role of Interactive Suicide Notes on the Internet.  Crisis,    18 (2), 73-79. doi:10.1027/0227-5910.18.2.73

Bjerke, M. (2015). What influences does society have on teenage suicide? Retrieved 1 st August 2017, from https://prezi.com/0xplse7srr-n/what-influences-does-society-have-on-teenage-suicide/

Lester, D. (1993). The influences of society on suicide. Quality & Quantity 27: 195-200. DOI: 10.1007/BF01102732

Luxton, D. D., June, J. D., & Fairall, J. M. (2012). Social Media and Suicide: A Public Health Perspective.  American Journal of Public Health,    102 (S2). doi:10.2105/ajph.2011.300608

Nock, M. K., Borges, G., Bromet, E. J., Cha, C. B., Kessler, R. C., & Lee, S. (2008). Suicide and Suicidal Behavior.  Epidemiologic Reviews,    30 (1), 133-154. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxn002

Sisask, M., & Värnik, A. (2012). Media Roles in Suicide Prevention: A Systematic Review.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,    9 (12), 123-138. doi:10.3390/ijerph9010123

Snelle, M. (2015, February 24). Its society, not biology, that is making men more suicidal. Retrieved August 01, 2017, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11430096/Its-society-not-biology-that-is-making-men-more-suicidal.html

Suicide. (n.d.). Retrieved August 01, 2017, from http://teenmentalhealth.org/learn/suicide/

Vaurora. (2013). Suicide and Society: Where does responsibility from preventing suicide lie? Retrieved August 01, 2017, from https://blog.valerieaurora.org/2013/01/12/suicide-and-society-where-does-responsibility-for-preventing-suicide-lie/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The influences of society on suicide.


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