3 May 2022


The lost colony of Roanoke

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1990

Pages: 8

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Where Is the Colony?

The Roanoke Island describes a colony that was positioned in Dare County, and strategically positioned on the Roanoke Island, which bears its name, the Roanoke colony 1 . It is notable that Roanoke Island ranks among the top three oldest and surviving English names associated with a place in the United States. Other names include the Neuse and Chowan rivers. According to historical records, the name was given by Captains Philip Amamda, and Arthur Barlowe in 1584 and Sir Walter Raleigh sent the name 2 . This is the present day North Carolina in the United States. The area is named after the historical and mysterious Roanoke people who inhabited the area during the 26th century. The time defines the period of English exploration. It is a colony that was established by Sir Walter Raleigh, in the year 1587 together with a group of one-hundred and twenty men, women and children. It is shortly after the arrival of the group that the daughter of the Governor (John White) gave birth to a child who was named Virginia Dare. The colonist Eleanor Dare was the first person to bear a white child in North America. History explains that the Governor made voyage back to England.

The primary reason for his return was to get more supplies that would sustain the team. However, the impending war that prevailed in Spain made it hard for the governor to return to the island (New world), which is estimated that he came back in 1590. The governor found that the newly established colony had vanished. The fate of the first colonist is a mystery up to the modern times. It also remains part of the most intriguing mysteries, as well forming the foundation of the research paper 3 . Concerning the case, the research discusses the significant events that are associated with the mysterious disappearance of the colony.

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The colonization of the English in North-America .

The history of colonisation possesses enormous backgrounds. Concerning the historical Roanoke Island’s colony, it was the attempt to have vast land. According to historical evidence, the English set the first steps aimed at the expansion of the colonial territories at the end of the 5th century 4 . This presented the opportune periods since the world was yet unexplored. Furthermore, the people occupying the regions proved to have little knowledge concerning the worthy material beneath the land. Henry VII is an important character to consider in the discussion concerning the development of new colonies. For instance, in the year 1497, the individual commissioned John Cabot to have an expedition which would necessitate travelling across the Atlantic Ocean 5 .

The main theme of the journey was to discover favourable trade routes that joined to the Chinese territories. John Cabot is a notable navigator of the times. In 1497 Cabot left the city (Bristol) using the ship called Mathew , it deemed to be a fast and manoeuvrable ship that consisted of eighteen crew. Cabot and the team of sailors landed on the East Coast of North America on June 24, 1497. This position is important to note regarding the exploration of the colony’s development and existence until its disappearance. The Cape Breton Island, as well as the Nova Scotia, are regarded as the landing spots, not forgetting the Newfoundland, Even Maine, and Labrador. Other than finding the desired route, John Cabot claimed the new land as a possession for England and sailed back to England. The other part of the research explored the expeditions in respect to the work of Sir Walter Raleigh.

Expeditions of Sir Walter Raleigh

The English nation took time before an attempt to make the discovered land part of its colony. It took until 1585 before the attempt was made. Sir Raleigh is an essential participant’s in the conquest of the new land. Raleigh can be described as an explorer as well as a writer of these eras, a position that enabled him to be part of the events 6 . The island and the land surrounding were visited by the white men during the first visit that consisted of explorers Philip Arnadas and Arthur Barlowe; the two were accompanied by Sir Walter Raleigh. The primary agenda of the voyage was to explore the East Coast of North America 7 . On landing, the team met the local, a society that comprised of the Croatans and the Scotians. The land seemed impressive to Barlowe and Arnadas, and this made them convince two of the local Croatoans to return to England with the group. The two were Wanchese and Manteo. The presence of the Croatans impressed the queen (Queen Elizabeth) and the monarch. In retaliation, Sir Raleigh received the ticket to claim of all the regions in and around Roanoke as well as the surrounding mainland (which was named after the queen), the next voyage was destined to occupy the colony.

Establishment of the First Colony 

Towards the end of the month of July, the fleet set sail heading to the Wococon from Plymouth. Wococon is a destination near Roanoke Island 8 . The group consisted of about one-hundred men. This land was named Virginia, which is in respect to the queen (Queen Elizabeth I), meaning the virgin queen. Greenville is noted to have reported back to England, leaving Sir Ralph as the governor. The fact that Ralph Lane was a soldier made it difficult to deal with the native. The person lacked diplomatic skills. The consequence of the governor’s practices aroused conflict between the invaders and the natives 9 . Lane faced challenges by viewing them as ones that demanded military action. For instance, Lane viewed the Roanoke community as potential enemies to the colony, therefore, a need to attack.

On June 10, 1586, Lane murdered a Croatoan chieftain (Wingina) who had threatening views towards the colony. It took a short period under the leadership of lane that Sir Francis Drake stopped at the established colony, and Lane made a decision to evacuate the colonists 10 . Lane's team had faced challenges like a constant conflict with the hostile community, and shortage of supplies. It is after Lane, and Sir Drake left that a supply ship arrives (ironical) which was under the rulership of Sir Greenville 11 . Fifteen men were left and occupied the abandoned fort. Sir Greenville, left a small detachment after learning that the colony was abandoned and returned to England.

The Second Colony on Roanoke Island

The failure of the first colony triggered the need to establish a firm colony. Raleigh declared to make another attempt, but this time the colony would be established far from Roanoke Island, the Delmarva Peninsula, close to the Chesapeake Bay. The natives in the region appeared friendlier, and more importantly, the waters allowed deep-water navigation. The new colony had new fleets arranged, and John White was in-charge of the activity as the governor of the new colony 12 . Simon Fernandez was in charge of the fleet as the commanding officer. On arrival to the Roanoke Island, the commander forced the 115 colonists, and the Indians Manteo and Wanchese to disembark. It is was unfavourable for the ship to move to the given landing point since the weather was unfavourable. The people in transit were one hundred and fifty and characterised men, women, and children. On arrival, the new team went on a search for the 15 men who were left in the previous two-years. No man was found except for human bones 13 . Nevertheless, no one seems bothered by the situation and hence went ahead with the settlement plans. The team made improvements to the houses. The natives (Americans) in the land proved hostile to the new invaders more severely than the previous settlers. Regardless, one group was friendly (the Croatoans), who demanded peace and understanding between the new English settlers and the inhabitants.

There arose a misunderstanding as the Croatoans accused another group of keeling the group of fifteen men who had stayed behind. This made White and other men attack the region where the suspected killers lived (Dasamonquepeuc). In contrast, the members found present in the area were the Croatoans, who seemed to have arrived at the place only to find the other tribe gone. It was inevitable to eliminate a number of the Croatoan members before the two teams understood each other. Manteo is regarded as a hero in this scenario due to the effort to reunite the settlers and the Croatoans after the ‘mistake.' Aa short period after the events, the first English settler was born as Eleanor Dare, a daughter to the governor ( John White), beared Virginia, the one of American History trivia 14 .

The Disappearance of the Colony 

The Spanish war made it impossible for the supply ship to provide more supplies to the colony. The threat from the Spanish Armada, made it hard for the English ships to set sail. However, Raleigh managed to send two ships to the colony in April, and the sailors were involved in a fight with the Spanish, hence turning back. As Willard reports, in 1590, Raleigh managed to organise a new expedition 15 . An agreement was met between four privateer ships, which agreed to sail towards the colony and drop off White 16 . However, the ship did nor comprised of supplies or colonists on board.

In 1590, the sailors arrived at Roanoke. John White disembarked, but it was not possible to trace any colonists. John White and the team searched but could not find the ninety-men, seventeen-women, and eleven children. Historians report that no traces of struggle or house fortifications were dismantled. As ana outcome, it is reasonable for an individual to infer that the people left without hurry. The team found the word "Croatoan" carved into the palisade as well a nearby tree, and somebody carved the word "Cro."

It had been conceded that if the settlers would opt to leave the colony, the group needed to curve a Maltese cross into a tree 17 . There was no such cross, which served as an indication that their leave was not forced. The clues perhaps indicated a movement towards the Croatoan Island (present Hatters Island) as Knight puts it, the men headed to their hiding place where they had hidden heirlooms and chests, but nothing was left at the place 18 . The area appeared to have been deserted for some time. The team decided to visit a nearby Croatoans village, but the strong storm prevented the ship from heading the right way, only to direct them back to England. There a number of theories that try to explain the mystery as discussed below.

The Powhattan Tribe

There was a new colony founded in 1607, Jamestown (named after James I of England). The colonists tried to explore the consequence of the incident by making friendship with the native tribes. First, Wahunsunacock, chieftain of the powhattan tribe explained that the colonists were murdered by the powhattan tribe and he led the killing. It is believed the colonists integrated with the Chesepian tribe who lived among them after John White left for England 19 . This was after a refusal by the Chesepian tribe to join the Wahunsunacock confederacy.


There exist a theory that claims the colonists became victims of the Spaniards, who are believed to have settled on the Florida coast. It is undeniable that the Spaniard's hard knowledge of the location where the colonists lived. During a fleet of Simon Fernandez to North America in search for a second settlement, the sailors stopped at Puerto Rice to purchase supplies. It is recognized that some colonists disembarked. Also, later statements show that Glande exposed to the Spanish officials concerning the location of Roanoke. Perhaps Spain eliminated the colonists in an attempt to reduce colonial competition.


It was a habit of the Jamestown colonist to question members concerning the fate of the Roanoke colonists. Some explained that there existed tribes who could read English. Moreover, near the town, a boy was spotted who had pale skin, blond hair, yet he was a native. The evidence carried to the conclusion that probably the colonists split and integrated into numerous tribes. After generations, natives would be created having European blood. An example is the Lumbee tribe, which has its origin from North Carolina 20 . The oral traditions of the tribe links with the lost colony of Roanoke. Colonists’ common names like Taylor and Hyatt are common. Fred Willard claims that the colonists integrated into the Croatoan tribe, and became the Mattamuskeet and the Hatteras 21 . The research specialises in research concerning the lost colony.


To sum up, it would be possible to claim that the integration theory fits in the explanation concerning the disappearance of the colonists. The minimal evidence existing seems to back up the theory, hence making a stand among the others. However, it is still not possible to prove the theory until the existence of an inarguable fact. The continued research in the field might prevail more evidence in future in regard to the mysterious disappearance if the Roanoke colony.


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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The lost colony of Roanoke.


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