11 Dec 2022


The Management of Quality Drives Patient Safety

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 278

Pages: 1

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Quality management is an action meant to oversee diverse activities and tasks in an organization to make sure that services and products given and the means utilized to achieve them are consistent. Management of quality helps to achieve and maintain a high level of quality as desired in the organization. To acquire quality management, an organization must address business by addressing four key components. The components are; quality assurance, improvement, control, and quality planning.

The management of quality drives patient safety in an organization. It does that by identifying the standards of patients, how to satisfy them, and the changes required to be made to achieve the standards. In the process of quality planning, healthcare organizations should conduct interviews and accept suggestions from patients regarding the quality of services and how the quality can be improved. Further, healthcare systems should implement purposeful changes, such as incorporating modern technology as a way of improving confidence and patients’ trust. They should implement quality control by operating through integrity and reliability. The patients should be assured of the safety of service if they visit the organization.

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Quality management could improve healthcare systems since patients will be able to receive high-quality services that are regularly checked to eliminate chances of worsening. Quality management could also improve healthcare systems since it will ensure the services are customer-focused. When healthcare systems understand the current and future needs of the patients, they will cater to them resulting, not only to an increase in revenue but also customer satisfaction. Quality management is based on continuous improvement. It will improve healthcare systems since regular updates on technical devices, and patient care services will see healthcare systems grow better. To achieve quality improvement, an organization requires evidence-based decision making. In healthcare systems, the use of evidence-based decision making will improve healthcare provision and eliminate chances that can lead to the downfall of service delivery.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Management of Quality Drives Patient Safety.


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