4 Aug 2022


The Needs of Students - How to Choose the Right School

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Term Paper

Words: 916

Pages: 3

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Society has changed from how it used to be over a hundred year ago to contemporary society. As the world becomes industrialized, global village and technology improves, the structure and function of society also change. Durkheim, one of the renowned sociologists, explains the changes in society and the achievement of organic solidarity through the division of labour (specialization and interdependence) (Durkheim, 1893). Division of labour creates organic solidarity since individuals in society have mutual needs. Individuals receive recognition of their contribution as a whole or collective. Highly developed division of labor has brought about specialization. Differently, Karl Max argued that the division of labor has contributed to problems in society due to increased exploitation and alienation. Marx argues that alienation has contributed to a significant loss where products are alienated from labor, from the process of production, from species and other individuals. Based on the arguments presented by Durkheim and Karl Max, the paper will explore the needs for students to select major at the age of 18-19 years and the consequences of such decision on society and long-term career. 

Based on the argument presented by Durkheim and Marx, selection of major between the age of 17 to 18 is essential for the society. At this age, most students have already gained information from different areas, and field of studies and identified the most suitable area to specialize. According to Durkheim, the division of labor in modern industrial society is based on specialization, where individuals focus on roles that satisfy their personal interest and that of society at large (Durkheim, 1893) . At the age of 17 to 18, an individual knows want they want to achieve and the resources that they require in their areas of specialization. Specialization is a mutual contribution between the individual and institution, and it promotes both developments at a high level. At the age of 17, people are capable of being morally responsible and have similar collective values to that of a healthy society. The collective conscience is common to average society members who understand the legal issues related to specific jobs. Although specialization leads to alienation in this era of capitalization, selecting major at the age of 17 to 18 allows individuals to understand labor market and find solutions to some of the challenges while still young. 

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Selection of majors at the early age of 17 to 18 years benefits society at this era of industrialization where specialization is essential across all fields. Students will be encouraged to pursue different majors which suit their ability and bring change in society. The society will no longer rely on a similar thing and thinking which exist in mechanical solidarity. Specialization brings organic solidarity which encourages the existence of people with diverse values to live in the society (Durkheim, 1893) . Also, interdependency is encouraged since individuals from different fields rely on one another for knowledge. For instance, individuals who major in aviation will depend on engineers for mechanical assistance; doctors rely on pharmacist and nurses and so on. Increased interdependence create harmony in the society as various professionals share their knowledge, ideas and creativity. Through a selection of majors, division of labor arises which in turn leads to growth and condensation of society. According to Durkheim, modern society is characterized by an increased degree of functional organizations which also enhances social harmony (Durkheim, 1893) . However, selection of majors at this age might lead to increased separation of individuals from societal values. As people continuously specialize in a specific area, they become separated and set apart from others who have different interest. Although social harmony is enhanced in a society where there is specialization, Marx argue that that the monotony of doing a similar job might hinder societal growth due to reduced creativity (Marx, 2015). People become possesses with accomplishing labor and not focusing on creativity which boosts societal development. 

Selection of a major course between the age of 17 and 18 increases individual autonomy and freedom to develop unique works. The individual will become fully specialized in their areas of expertise and will be capable of producing high-quality work without group interference. The individual will be able to focus on their careers and enhance their innovation and creativity. Karl Marx also agrees that specialization increases human creativity as they come up with better strategies and means of production to satisfy the demand for labor (Marx, 2015). Starting specialization at this age allow individuals to select their mentors and career goals which they pursue for the rest of their lives. Also, individuals integrate with significant people in their career lives and move together to create a healthy workforce. The major challenge faced by individuals who select their majors at the age of 17 and 18 is increased alienation from the broad society. Individuals tend to focus entirely on work and lose contact with the society leading to alienation from human life (Durkheim, 1893) . The other challenge that might arise from a section of majors is that individuals are prone to exploitation ate the workplace (Marx, 2015). Exploitation is common in a capitalist society where capital and labor are distinct from individual source of production. 

In summary, Durkheim and Karl Marx have a different view of the division of labor in society. While Durkheim support division of labor since it encourages specialization and interdependence, Marx argues that division of labor in a capitalist society encourages exploitation and alienation. Allowing students to select major at the age of 17 to 18 is essential for the broad society and their career development. At this age, individuals have a better understanding of societal values which they can integrate into their selected majors. The society benefits from these individuals since specialization promote innovation and creativity leading to more development. Individuals benefit in their long-term career goals since they begin specializing in their projects while young. The significant challenged faced is that individuals at this age are prone to exploitation from the capitalist society, and there is a possibility of getting alienated from society. 


Durkheim, E. (1893). Division of labour. 

Marx, K. (2015). Alienated labour. In  Working in America  (pp. 21-28). Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Needs of Students - How to Choose the Right School.


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