23 Dec 2022


The Night By Elie Wiesel

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Q&A

Words: 322

Pages: 1

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At the beginning of the book, Wiesel tells the story of Moishe the Beadle. Why do you think none of the people in the village, including Wiesel, believed Moishe when he returned? 

This is most probably because Moishe was seen a freak due to his mental instability before living the village and considering the horrible tales he was giving people judged his as a mad man, more so he might have been seen as a stranger. 

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One of the few things Wiesel describes his childhood and life before the Holocaust is his faith. How does his faith change? Does this book change your view of God? 

Wiesel and his people had unmovable faith that no matter how hard the situations were getting God would remember them but as it got more significant and unbearable, and their faith started fading as time went by. Personally, have strong faith in God, and the sufferings we come across are nothing but just a stepping stone to our success. I believe that God can solve it all even if it might take some time, meaning that the book doesn't change my view of God. 

Was any section of the book particularly striking to you? Which one and why? 

During the scene of the Holocaust, the Jewish prisoners starved, freeze and others died while the SS were laughing at the poor Jews as they struggled to survive. 

At the end of the book, Wiesel describes himself in the mirror as "a corpse" gazing back at himself. In what ways did Wiesel die during the Holocaust? Does the memoir give you any hope that Wiesel ever started living again? 

This is where the book brings in some bare imagery experiences in the Holocaust. Eliezer in his first night in Auschwitz- Birkenau, he shall never forget the moments he experienced that the moments murdered his God, soul and turning his dreams to nothing. 

Could something like the Holocaust happen today? Does Night teach us anything about how we can reach these atrocities? 

Holocaust, can be applicable today considering the fact that massacre still happen. The Night gives us tips and knowledge of reaching the atrocities, by predicting on depending on the occurrences such as massacres. 

Work Cited 

Wiesel, E. (2006).  Night  (Vol. 55). Macmillan. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Night By Elie Wiesel.


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