9 Sep 2022


The Power of Steadfastness

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Value Definition: The steadfastness in doing things and carrying on with life despite the difficult and heartbreaking moment in life. It is the ability to work even when the results are not forthcoming as expected (Wheatley, 2010). 

Agents of socialization 


As an agent of socialization, my family has always taught me to hold on to life and never give up in whatever I was doing no matter the situation. 

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Topic Sentence 1: When I was involved in an accident and had to stay in bed for a long time, my family was always there for me, encouraging, supporting and asking me not to give up. 

The parent child support that I always got during this time gave me the power to soldier on with life. They always asked me to keep going even when I faced setbacks such as frustration and loss of hope. 

The constant words from my parents and the frustration that they wore on their faces always made me think that I would never walk again. These thoughts me to refuse the services of the physiotherapist at times. I was stressed and reacted in a deviant way because I had no ability “Agnew & Scheuerman, 2015 ) 

Topic Sentence 2: My family was also helpful and supportive to me during the year I got pregnant. 

It was not an easy thing to tell my parents about it considering the love, care, and protection that they had shown me. 

I have had to come to terms with issues of schooling while pregnant and the stigma that may come with it. I dealt with all the negative thoughts that followed my dropping out of the college and the difficulties of raising a child as a single mother. 

According to the strain theory, the pressure that I had from my colleagues and the thoughts of having failed my family led me to quit college and find means of raising my child as a single mother (Agnew & Scheuerman, 2015). 

I moved out because I thought that was the best thing to do considering my actions and the embarrassment I had caused the family. That is how I saw it, that was the reality for me (Palmer, 2016). I was imagining how the society looked at me and what they were thinking of me with the pregnancy and thus had to move out at least to save my face (Cooley, 1902) 

Topic Sentence 3: I also persevered the pains of returning to school and take care of the child at the same time; the school family helped me pull through 

It has been a challenging experience as a mother and a student to balance the two. The teachers and student were like a family to me and they have helped me pull through. 

I once fell into the traps of bad company and went wayward thinking that my friends were helping me. Later on, I learned that it was a waste of time and I am thankful to my teachers for bringing me back to the right way and helping me re-focus. 

It was a new experience to return to school with a mind that thought of my child all the time. I had to learn to balance the two and control myself when I was at school to achieve that which I desired (Sharma, 2012). 

Mass Media 

Topic Sentence 4: Mass media has also contributed to my belief in perseverance and tenacity in times of difficulties. 

Some women are always newsmakers, and they do not stutter in their cause because of the challenges they face. They continue struggling and pushing forward to attain their goals. I have taken Hillary Clinton as my role model for her unwavering determination in the past elections. She is my role model (Gladding & Villalba, 2014) 

The Oprah Winfrey show made a significant contribution to the development of perseverance as I learned many things from the program. As a woman, I have learned that there are many things that I can do to help solve my problems and those of others. 

Global Events 

Topic Sentence 5: The 9-11 response by the American Community helped strengthen my perseverance beliefs in me. 

The families of those who lost their lives had to believe in the country and the security apparatus as they grieved their lost relatives. 

The US responded by attacking the Al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan to oust the terrorists, an action that was viewed differently by people across the world. 

Some thought it was noble while others opposed it. But the US had to persevere and fight on despite the opinions of others. In relation to Cooley’s statement, the view by those who supported the fight helped propel the US (Cooley, 1902). 

Topic Sentence 6: The Boston Marathon bombing has helped strengthen the values in me as well 

The people who were injured during the attack have had to move on with life despite the horrible events that happened that day. It will remain a memorable event in their life, but they inspire me that with tenacity we can overcome challenges 

Social Forces 

Topic Sentence 7: Social forces help strengthen the societal ties and promote healing, togetherness, love and unity in the community 

Rosa Park and sit-ins have been a major contributor to the elimination of racism as people from different races in the world meet at the place and interact in various ways. 

The Rwandese genocide has also become a lesson of reference on how we should persevere our situations and value one another to prevent bloodshed and loss of lives. 


Agnew, R & Scheuerman, H. (2015). Strain Theories. Oxford Bibliographies . Retrieved Feb. 12, 2017 from: http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195396607/obo-9780195396607-0005.xml 

Cooley, Charles H. (1902). Human Nature and the Social Order. New York: Scribner’s . pp. 183-184 

Gladding, S. T., & Villalba, J. (2014). Imitation, impersonation, and transformation: using male role models in films to promote maturity. Journal of Counseling & Development , 92(1), 114-121. 

Palmer, N. (2016). Trayvon Martin & The Thomas Theorem. Sociology in Focus . http://sociologyinfocus.com/tag/thomas-theorem/ 

Sharma, B. (2012). Adjustment and Emotional Maturity among First Year College Students. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology , 9(3), 32-37. 

Wheatley, J. M. (2010) Perseverance . Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Print 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Power of Steadfastness.


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