31 Aug 2022


The Root Causes of Crime

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Term Paper

Words: 1259

Pages: 4

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The definitions of crime vary, with what is termed a crime in one culture or country being acceptable in another. Despite the lack of unanimity as to what constitutes or does not constitute a crime, crime could be described as an action that is offensive and which does not abide by the laid down rules, statutes, or laws in a country and thus punishable. The search for the causes of crime has bothered psychologists, criminologists, and other individuals for the last more than a hundred years. 

Consequently, various theories broadly classified into the biological and the sociological theories have been advanced to explain the causes of crime. In my understanding, none of the various theories satisfactorily explains the causes of crime on its own. Crime is a complex phenomenon, and a single theory cannot simply explain its causes. Some of the root causes of crime are poverty and socioeconomic inequalities, low educational levels, parental neglect, fractured families, alcohol and drug abuse, peer influence, amongst other causes. The myriad causes of crime are greatly intertwined into a complex algorithm that gives some insight into crime’s root cause. My opinion about the causes of crime has been shaped by personal experiences and the knowledge gained from various research studies. This paper will delve into the specific causes of crime. These specific causes are discussed under three main groups: economic, social, and family. 

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Economic Factors 

Poverty and social-economic inequalities are some of the notable causes of crime. Economic deprivation predisposes individuals to engage in crime (British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), n.d.). When individuals do not have any food to put on the table, they are likely to engage in crimes such as muggings to raise some money to cater to their meals. Street children who lack basic needs are more likely to turn to crime than children living under the care and provision of their parents or guardians. During my visit to one of the African cities, I witnessed street children mug city dwellers. 

Another cause of crime that is linked to economic issues is the lack of education. Children hailing from impoverished families are less likely to attend school. Attending and excelling in school holds the promise of one leading a quality life without engaging in crime. Acquiring an education affords one an opportunity for employment and self-development. Various crucial life values and lessons and socialization skills such as the importance of respect are imparted in schools and help individuals keep away from crime. Thus, when individuals lack an opportunity to pursue education, they are likely to lead miserable lives and may turn to crime to sustain themselves. Nothing reinforces this argument better than the finding that incarcerated individuals have lower educational levels than their non-incarcerated counterparts (Causes of Crime, n.d.; Curley, 2016). Uneducated persons or those with low education levels may not secure jobs, and when they do, they land the low wage ones that do not offer financial sustainability. Consequently, they may turn to various crimes, including shoplifting, burglary, or robbery. 

The type of neighborhood that an individual lives in influences the likelihood to engage in crime. Impoverished individuals live in areas with poor housing. Neighborhoods with impoverished persons and poor housing conditions are termed as ghettos or slums. Ghetto or slum life is characterized by large families, low incomes, a significant proportion of ex-convicts, low parental supervision over children, and a high number of uneducated or lowly educated persons (American Historical Association, n.d.). The poor living conditions in the slums become breeding grounds for crime, and those who turn into crime and get away with it are regarded as heroes and lead better lives than their counterparts. The slum life also gives rise to a poor culture that places little value on morals and virtues. From a young age, children learn not to snitch those engaging in crime even when the police question them. The moral fabric is significantly shaped during the formative years of childhood and by those closest to a child. The poor morals, little respect for virtues, and the poor living conditions in the slums make children turn to petty crime and gangs at quite a young age. Some of these young criminals turn out to be notable gangsters. 

Social Factors 

The social environment comprises of the citizens in society. The social circumstances in which an individual is raised greatly determine their life values and the likelihood to engage in crime. The afore discussed social life in the slums is an excellent example of a social environment that predisposes individuals to crime. 

Another of the social factors that contribute to crime is peer influence. The behaviors and actions of an individual are mostly synonymous with those of his peers. Thus, when one’s peer group turns to crime, an individual may be inclined to result to similar actions to earn respect and continued acceptance into the peer group. During my schooling years, I have observed kids who were previously well mannered and law-abiding turn into crime such as drug and substance abuse so that they may continue being accommodated into their peer groups. 

Drugs and alcohol abuse is the other social factor that is a root cause of crime. The abuse of drugs and alcohol impairs one’s ability to make rational decisions (Walden University, n.d.). Individuals under the influence of drugs acquire the “false courage” to engage in crime. About 63 to 83% of individuals arrested for crimes test positive for illegal drug use during their arrests (Walden University, n.d.). A known group of cocaine abusers in one of my former neighborhoods was linked to criminal activities in the hood, including muggings, carjackings, and rape incidents. So notorious was the group that they engaged in crime in open daylight. An estimated 30 to 50% of the violent crimes, including robbery, sexual assault, and murder, are linked to alcohol or drug use (Causes of Crime, n.d.). Some of the abused drugs, such as cocaine, are expensive. Thus, to maintain their drug habits, the abusers may engage in crime, including violent robbery, in order to finance their habits. 

Family Structure 

The family unit plays a crucial role in one’s upbringing. The family is the basic unit responsible for raising responsible and law-abiding citizens. Thus, when this basic unit is dysfunctional, the process of raising responsible citizens is greatly hampered. Dysfunctional families are associated with future delinquency. 

A dysfunctional family may comprise of multiple conditions. The conditions include abuse and neglect of children, domestic violence, parental criminality, parental inadequacy, amongst other conditions. Parental abuse and neglect have been linked to an increased likelihood of engaging in crime in future life (Causes of Crime, n.d.). Individuals who were sexually abused in their childhood are more likely to become sexual predators in adulthood, unlike their non-molested counterparts. Children raised in domestically violent homes may harbor unresolved issues, including rage and hate, even in adulthood, which they may express by engaging in crime. Generally, children look up to and take after their parents. Thus, when one’s parents engage in criminal behavior, children may pick up the behavior too. 

Parental inadequacy may cause children to seek love and attention from other quarters. At times, the children may get the attention from criminal groups and thus turn to crime. Supportive and loving families provide basic needs and the necessary guidance on life values, including self-confidence and socialization. Children raised in such supportive families are less likely to engage in crime (Causes of Crime, n.d.). Inadequately supervised children explore the world independently and may turn to crime, especially during adolescence when children become unruly. During my upbringing, I witnessed some of my agemates turn to crime, drug abuse due to inadequate parental supervision. These children were left to themselves, especially during the weekends. They could hold parties at their homes, and there being no parental supervision, they engaged in drug abuse. 


Conclusively, the causes of crime are multiple and greatly intertwined to be exhaustively discussed in this paper. This paper has delved into some of the causes that I believe are the causes of crime in society. These causes include poverty, low educational levels, peer influence, alcohol and drug abuse, and dysfunctional families. Personal experiences and general observations of society’s behavior have shaped my opinions about the causes of crime. The thoughts have also been shaped by research findings that have investigated the causes of crime. 


American Historical Association. What Causes Crime? | AHA. Retrieved 19 December 2020, from https://www.historians.org/about-aha-and-membership/aha-history-and-archives/gi-roundtable-series/pamphlets/em-3-is-a-crime-wave-coming-(1946)/what-causes-crime 

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Causes of Crime - Crime - National 5 Modern Studies Revision - BBC Bitesize. Retrieved 19 December 2020, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zqb2pv4/revision/2 

Causes of Crime - Explaining Crime, Physical Abnormalities, Psychological Disorders, Social And Economic Factors, Broken Windows, Income And Education. Retrieved 19 December 2020, from https://law.jrank.org/pages/12004/Causes-Crime.html 

Curley, C. (2016). How Education Deficiency Drives Mass Incarceration - GenBiz. Retrieved 19 December 2020, from https://genbiz.com/education-deficiency-drives-mass-incarceration 

Walden University. What Influences Criminal Behavior? Retrieved 19 December 2020, from https://www.waldenu.edu/online-bachelors-programs/bs-in-criminal-justice/resource/what-influences-criminal-behavior 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Root Causes of Crime.


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