18 May 2022


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mason

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Book Report

Words: 340

Pages: 1

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The world of social media has led to many fatalities be it of victims of social media or problems caused by the need to outdo each other. It is evident that most people in the world feel hurt of not reaching the abilities or missing an opportunity that would have changed their lives to the great heights they would have wanted. Mason, unlike most people who focus on dreaming big and putting all the efforts to achieve one’s target which in most cases is never made focuses on reality check and being happy at individual strengths and realizing that we are who we are and not somebody else (Manson, 2016).

The book is such an inspiration to anybody who reads it and helps make better chooses while focusing on the essential things in life rather than living miserably due to the pressure of stuff we cannot achieve (Manson, 2016). I like his argument on extraordinary abilities that we are made to believe we all have and can make. His perspective is quite creative in recognizing that these special people also have weaknesses thus we should be mindful and try to choose the problems that are important and affect our immediate future. The other most essential thing is the advice to continue solving problems and enjoying it rather than wishing for a problem-free world or a perfect world which is an illusion for most people. The main weakness is the vulgar language the author uses which is apparent from the title itself.

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The author claims that life is based on solving problems since when you overcome a challenge, another arises, and we should be prioritizing on improving (Manson, 2016). These allegations are guidelines on living each day at a time rather than focusing on the past. The book compliments general studies as it focuses on living a happier life and improving our lives the best we can which will give meaning to our lives. The entire book and mainly the ability to solve each problem that comes our way is essential in promoting oneself after completing undergraduate studies.


Manson, M. (2016).  The subtle art of not giving a f*ck: A counterintuitive approach to living a good life .

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mason.


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