24 Jan 2023


The Top 10 Technological Advancements of the Last Decade

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 264

Pages: 1

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Technological advancement is a primary driver of the modern corporate economy. Most of the new companies with massive market capitalization apply new technology to relatively traditional concepts. For example, Amazon has succeeded in applied information technology to retailing, a traditional concept. The company on focus herein, has transformed a traditional concept, motor transport, through the application of modern technology. This technology includes computerization and the development of resilient electric batteries. This company is Tesla, Inc., popularly known as Tesla Motors.

Tesla Motors is a relatively new company, as it only commenced in 2003. The company ventured into one of the most competitive global industries, the production of motor vehicles. After commencement, the company attracted one of the most charismatic corporate leaders of the 20 th century, Elon Musk. Musk excelled both in marketing and in innovation, which enabled him to build one of the most successful motor vehicle brands in America. The greatest marketing tool offered by Tesla is hope for a greater future. Due to this hope, the company’s stock has continued to rise gradually, despite the company recording annual losses almost every year. Remarkably, Tesla is now one of the largest automakers in the world by market capitalization after less than two decades in the market.

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The main product offered by Tesla is a variety of computerized electronic cars. Tesla sells the cars, then offers the computerized components on a type of prescription service, thus keeping its customers connected to the company. Tesla cars are fully electric and rely on the part of the competitive advantage being an advanced battery pack that enables elongated travel on a single charge. Secondly, Tesla has built an infrastructure of charging centers around the USA for its customers to charge their cars at discounted prices. Finally, Tesla cars come with advanced computerized capabilities, including self-drive capabilities.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Top 10 Technological Advancements of the Last Decade .


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