15 Oct 2022


The Truth About Flight MH370

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Lift is constituent of force perpendicular to the course of approaching airflow. Drag is the resisting force corresponding to the airflow course. Newton’s second law of motion indicates that the net resistance of an object corresponds to the proportion of momentum change (Lowry, 2017). Therefore, as flow rises across an airfoil segment, the level of change of momentum increases across the upper regions of the wing part, raising the lift. 

Bernoulli’s principle indicates the speed of a fluid is raised coherently as pressure is decreased. This is clear in the equation: Pressure+1/2 density (rho) V2= constant. Understanding that Bernoulli’s equation is utilized for non-comprehensible flows, the equation depicts that as the velocity is increased, if the equation is to continue to be balanced, pressure must come down (Dole, Lewis, Badick, & Johnson, 2016). In that way, airflow is increased across the higher surface wing because of speed and lift is heightened because of the reduction in pressure above the wing. Drug emanate from Newton’s third law in the sense that for every step considered; there is a corresponding equal resistance. The force of the airfoil part of the incident airflow causes an opposing response, drag. Drag rises as speed are intensified (Miele, 2016). It can be expressed through the equation: Drag = Cd x (1/2 pV2) x area, where Cd is the coefficient of drag. 

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The continuity principle indicates that in any constant state process, the level at which mass gets into a system is correspondent to the level at which mass exits the system. To be stable, a rise in approaching airflow must be stabilized by resistance force (drag). The continuity equation is parasitic and induced that show two types of drag (Dole et al., 2016). Parasitic is when the aircraft resists in the air through which motion occurs and rises with the square of speed. As speed is reduced, an angle of attack rises and intensifies thrust to regulate lift and counterbalance the heightened drag. 

For an airfoil segment to possess a net upwards vector, lift produced must go beyond the subsequent potencies of drag and weight. The coefficient of lift also affects the lift, and it is connected to the wing region profile (Srinvas & Gowda, 2014). A possible instance of the concept of lift and drag in practice is the aircraft elevation that moves upwards (control yoke is pulled in reverse), to regulate the continuity principle. The level of airflow across the upper region of the wing is intensified, which based on the lift equation and Newton’s law, raises the lift. 


Dole, C. E., Lewis Jr, J. E., Badick, J. R., & Johnson, B. A. (2016).  Flight theory and aerodynamics: a practical guide for operational safety . John Wiley & Sons. 

Lowry, M. J. (2017).  U.S. Patent Application No. 15/186,837

Miele, A. (2016).  Flight mechanics: theory of flight paths . Courier Dover Publications. 

Srinivas, G., & Gowda, B. P. (2014). Aerodynamic Performance Comparison of Airfoils by Varying Angle of Attack Using Fluent and Gambit. In  Applied Mechanics and Materials  (Vol. 592, pp. 1889-1896). Trans Tech Publications. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Truth About Flight MH370.


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