18 Jun 2022


The US Efforts to Defeat Islamic Terrorism

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The Islamic State group, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), arose as a significant worldwide safety threat in the middle of over ten years of war in Iraq following the year 2003 in addition to the eruption of conflict and unrest in Syria during the year 2011 (Blanchard & Humud, 2017). The central membership of the organization stays in Syria and Iraq, and the group’s determinations have been reinforced by a system of external fighters and associate organizations in a number of nations across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The apocalyptic ideology of the IS, its radical intent toward the tactically significant Middle East, as well as its adoption of multinational terrorism have panicked policymakers across the globe and stimulated worldwide discussion over policy options for conquering the organization (Shay, 2017). Since the region under the control of ISIS in Syria and Iraq has been gradually eradicated, policymakers have deliberated the way to manage the dangers the organization still poses to the United States as it develops, and are discussing how ideally to stabilize re-seized parts. 

Position and United States Threat Analyses 

The ISIS group does not occupy any more the huge parts of eastern and central Syria and western and northern Iraq which it formerly seized and subjugated since the year 2014 via 2018; the group lost huge areas of the territory it had seized from the year 2013 to the year 2017, and a large number of recruits. The losses are attributable to army operations by the American-headed worldwide alliance in addition to several U.S.-funded domestic forces. Nonetheless, Defense Department officers evaluate that the ISIS is properly-positioned to reestablish and work on facilitating its physical caliphate to re-materialize, and most likely remains more skillful than Al Qaeda in Iraq during its climax in the year 2006-2007, when the organization had professed an IS and worked under the title ISIS (Griffin, 2018). From the counterterrorism as well as wider security viewpoint, the United States officers evaluate that the organization is impeaching active rebellious movements in Syria and Iraq and is still a danger within and outside these regions. 

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Consistent with certain United States approximations, about 30,000 ex and current Islamic State personnel could stay present in parts of Iraq and Syria (Ineichen, 2018). The United Nation reports make comparable assessments and approximations. Other union officers have claimed that the figure appears rather high and approximated that, in the Middle Euphrates River Valley, there exist more than a thousand Islamic State battalions. On or after August 2018, union bureaucrats evaluate that a smaller number of Islamic States battalions are actively combating from midst this broader population, nonetheless indicate their wider approximations to infer that the organization maintains the substantial capability to pull strength from followers who have otherwise cut their action for strategic or self-protection motives. Coalition bureaucrats judge that drive amongst ISIS followers has deteriorated since the peak of the organization and that the recruitment streams, funds, community outreach, communications, as well as the leadership of the group have been significantly interrupted. 

The United Nation approximations pronounce the ISIS as regressive from the proto-State network to a covert structure and cite evidence offered by the Member States in assessing that the Islamic State organization’s collective discipline is intact, as are parts of the group’s main bureaucratic units. Approved Islamic State media production has deteriorated from it’s the year 2014-2015 climax, however, has bounced back from its year 2017 low points, with productivity now concentrated correspondingly on actions in Iraq and Syria as well as operations by allied organizations in other places (Ineichen, 2018). 

In March 2017, the United States bureaucrats approximated that about 40,000 persons from in excess of 110 nations had gone to Iraq and/or Syria to participate in war as different armed groups’ members since the year 2012 (Blanchard & Humud, 2017). This number comprised over 6,600 Westerners, counting Europeans in addition to several American residents. As of June 2018, the United States and global reports established that a small number of new external combatants nowadays go to Iraq or Syria, however also highlighted that the net stream of combatants outside these nations stays lower than anticipated. This could be as a result of complications in travel in addition to attrition. Scholars highlight that the number of external combatants who went to these nations after the year 2011 is more universal, bigger, and further diverse with regard to gender, age, as well as experience in the battle areas than former such associates. In line with the March 2018 UN appraisal, these variances make the possible problems linked to returnees considerably larger, and also more multifaceted than formerly. The affiliate of the IS in Afghanistan allegedly has the biggest fraction of external battalions amongst the affiliates of the organization, and substantial sums of troops of European ancestry have gone back to their motherlands (Speckhard, Shajkovci & Yayla, 2017). Furthermore, Arab Gulf and North African states have testified returning combatants. 

It is not certain how and whether the substantial territorial losses of the IS since the year 2017 will affect its aptitude to fund, direct, or plan attacks beyond Iraq and Syria. The United States intelligence community, in February 2018, evaluated that the IS most likely will carry on prioritizing multinational terrorist attacks and that the United States-grounded homegrown violent extremists will keep on being the most dominant Sunni violent extremist danger in America. A contemporary exploration established that in spite of a substantial lessening in the quantity of fruitful Islamic States attacks in North America and Europe in the year 2018, the sum of attempted Islamic States attacks in Europe has stayed the same, which has led certain experts to judge that there does not exist a relationship between the loss of territory of IS and the threat level the organization poses to the Western countries (Cohen et al., 2018). 

The strategy of the Obama Government for lessening the dangers posed by the IS was established on the belief of working with, by, and through the United States-funded regional associates as a substitute to big and direct uses of United States army force and/or huge investments of United States resources and personnel. Moreover, the Trump Government has sustained this universal partnership-centered method, however, has made certain modifications also, counting the provisional positioning of extra United States army personnel to both Syria and Iraq. The United States-headed coalition actions in addition to coalition-supported attacks by regional partner forces facilitated the re-seizure of Islamic States strongholds at Raqqah, Syria and Mosul, Iraq in the year 2017 (Shay, 2017). By August 2018, merely remote pockets of Islamic States control persist near or in Syrian-government regulated sections of eastern Syria, and American bureaucrats proclaim their intent to introduce an extremely important army operation against the ISIS battalions hiding in an ending part of the Middle Euphrates Valley, trailed by determinations to train regional militaries to hold the ground to ensure that the region stays stabilized so that the terrorist group can’t reappearance. 

The challenges linked to overthrowing the IS as an armed force able to control territory have regressed, however, have been substituted by coinciding policy limitations associated with inhibiting the remnants of the organization from turning into a lingering insurgent danger. The America relationships with the Syrian government seem likely to stay antagonistic, and the America relationships with Iraq are unclear in the middle of the continuing government formation negotiations (Wright, 2018). The Trump Government in addition to Congress carries on reviewing the United States policies for support the non-state and state partner militaries and for the maintenance of conflict-touched regions in light of these state of affairs. 

The Congress has approved and appropriated finances for the continuance of the United States army actions against the IS, for the sustained equipping and training of partner militaries, as well as for the stabilization of parts re-apprehended from the IS. State Department bureaucrats have proclaimed that the Trump Government is dedicated to chasing and realizing the lasting overthrow of the IS and has proclaimed novel staffs’ appointments in addition to stabilization financing decisions to pursue the United States goals. The Congress has demanded that the Government offer lawmakers a fresh enunciation of its plans toward Iraq and Syria, and toward the IS and might pose further interrogations regarding the Government priorities and plans (Brands & Feaver, 2017). The 115th Congress has deliberated, however not passed, a fresh approval for the application of army forces against the terrorist organization, and could think through alternative methods and choices in the rest of the 2nd assembly. 

Reacting to the Multinational Terrorist Attacks of the Islamic State 

Even though the leaders of IS have proclaimed and certified attacks through an extensive geographical area from the year 2014, the Islamic State leaders’ role in organizing, directing, or supporting such attacks has differed consistently with widely obtainable reports. The Islamic State frontrunners have constantly fortified and pursued to offer ideological explanations for autonomously planned and accomplished attacks by persons who back up the group, however, are incapable of traveling to Iraq or Syria to join its defenses. A majority of Islamic State claims after those kinds of attacks have labelled the committers as its “soldiers,” whether the persons have been openly revealed to have a working relationship to or past with the group (Speckhard, Shajkovci & Yayla, 2017). 

In May 2016, the Islamic State spokesperson at that moment, Abu Mohammed al Adnani advised the organization supporters in America and Europe to execute individual attacks, and afterwards issued Islamic State propaganda material covering both inspiration and training on techniques for unpremeditated attacks (Brady, 2017). However, was established that Adnani was murdered by an American aerial attack in September the same year. During August 2018, the Islamic State frontrunner Abu Bakr al Baghdadi commended specific attackers active so far in Canada, Europe, and other nations, advising other terrorists to do the same. 

As aforementioned, the United States-grounded homegrown violent extremists (HVEs) will continue being the most widespread Sunni violent revolutionary danger in America (Wilkins, 2018). The United States observers and officials carry on debating the level to which components of the IS group grounded abroad have the ability to support, direct or execute attacks within America. the United States intelligence bureaucrats have labeled tried attacks by Islamic State followers as “inevitable” and have claimed that the scope and size of the worldwide network of persons mobilized to back up the organization imply that associated terrorist dangers might continue in future. 

The United States Strategy and Policy Options 

The Trump Government has mostly sustained the Obama Government’s partnership-centered tactic to the fight against the IS, although directing alterations to America army actions in addition to United States assistance initiatives (Barnes & Barron, 2018). The worldwide union to overthrow the IS has planned its cooperative undertakings alongside “lines of effort,” counting direct army operation, backing Syrian and Iraqi partner ground militaries, collecting and exchanging intelligence, and struggling to limit movements of overseas combatants, disturb the finances of IS, and eradicate its frontrunners. 

The Trump Government has sustained development that commenced under the Obama Government in eradicating the terrorist group as an army threat in Iraq and Syria, however, Islamic State attacks in the two nations persist, as the Islamic State associates in other places are active, and Islamic State frontrunners are still at large (Brands & Feaver, 2017). The American intelligence community non-confidential evaluations state that achievements have been made nonetheless caution of the longstanding problems of stabilization, the possibility of continued insurrectionary and terrorist intimidations from Islamic State operatives, in addition to the quandaries posed by leakages of external combatants from Syria and Iraq. 

Since the IS has lost terrain from the year 2014, the policymakers and observers have more regularly debated limitations associated with the rebuilding and governance of re-apprehended zones. The United States bureaucrats and several Congress Members communicate their wish to merge advantages realized so far and prevent the renewal or emergence of further conflicts (Blanchard & Humud, 2017). Recent United States intelligence approximations caution that an Islamic State-driven rebellious crusade has started in Iraq and Syria, predict billions of dollars in rebuilding expenditures in liberated zones, and propose that a large number of multifaceted, interrelated economic, social and political challenges might emerge from the remains of the IS. 

These challenges are reflected in the wider policy debate concerning projections for an IS reemergence, even when the organization does not hold territory anymore. In line with one outlook, the IS will pursue to take advantage of the unsuccessful revolution against the government of Syria and co-opt the opposition against Assad, the persisting sign of suppression, utilize it to fill their defenses, and create a perpetual post in the area. Promoters of this outlook claim that revolutions may lie dormant provided that the complaints core to them stay unmanaged and that the origins of the contemporary Syrian revolution may be traced partially to the Islamist rebellion repressed by ex-President Hafiz al Asad (Cohen et al., 2018). Other spectators have claimed that the IS seems to be making inroads in certain areas of Iraq through small attacks, merely months when Iraqi officers professed conquest over the organization in December 2017. 

Fighting the ISIS in Multifaceted Contexts 

The ISIS group and its local supporters have boomed in under-governed or ungoverned regions of nations touched by war or political instability. These lenient atmospheres offer safe-refuge and resources for ISIS actions and in certain circumstances provide recruits from amongst disillusioned native sets. Options and prospects for discouraging the Islamic State followers have been molded by the comparative failure or success of determinations to reinstate security, enhance economic growth, deal with political complaints, as well as encourage effective governance. Illustrations can be derived from latest advancements in places like the Lake Chad basin, Egypt’s the Sinai Peninsula, the southern Philippines, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, the Sahel, Afghanistan, and Libya. 

In Iraq, America has stressed the significance of offering support to comprehensive security forces under federal government control, continued support for militaries linked to the Kurdistan Local Administration on these periods, and pursued to maintain Iraq’s territorial and political accord pursuant to its constitution (Brady, 2017). The United States evaluations have distinguished vulnerabilities which might challenge Iraqi determinations to fight the remnants of Islamic State, counting deficiency in interagency collaboration amongst different law enforcement, intelligence, as well as security organizations, the ruin of huge percentage of law enforcement infrastructure in Iraq (for instance jails), in addition to the restricted ability of Iraqi security militaries to stop trafficking across the Iraq-Syria boundary. 

In Syria, America has pursued a negotiated resolution to the battle which could witness President Asad along with several of his followers leave the office whereas maintaining the establishments as well as security organizations of the state of Syria. America support for the principally Kurdish alliance of militaries in northern Syria has elevated certain parties’ alarms regarding the relationships between Kurds and Arabs in the nation, relationships between Syrian Kurds as well as Kurds in bordering nations, in addition to long-term territorial and political integrity of Syria (Kaplan, 2017). 

In certain backgrounds, for instance, Nigeria and Egypt, the United States counterterrorism collaboration with national management and army forces might put in the trial America’s promises on human rights as well as political transformation. In other backgrounds which have lacked reliable, generally recognized administrations recently, for instance, Yemen or Libya, or reliable partners might stay elusive and America along with other players could reserve the possibility of chasing one-sided army operation against Islamic States associates in addition to other terrorist organizations (Wilkins, 2018). Partnerships in these nations carry dangers of inducing fundamental political conflicts in random manners or involuntarily endowing parties to regional conflicts which might be antagonistic to the preferences or security of the United States. 

To the level that America and alliance plan stays grounded on the collaboration of partner militaries on the ground along with the harmonization of transnational determinations in the area and outside, the United States bureaucrats might carry on being challenged to accept the competing and complimentary welfares of other global, regional and local players in the quest of mutual objectives (Wright, 2018). 

Outlook and First-rate Matters for the 115th Congress 

The United States bureaucrats have claimed that the ISIS is expected to develop into an insurrection force in both Iraq and Syria, in spite of the accomplishment of alliance militaries in considerably demeaning the capabilities of the organization. The United States intelligence community evaluated in February 2018 that, Islamic State core has commenced and possibly will uphold a strong insurrection in Syria and Iraq as a fragment of a lasting plan to eventually facilitate the recurrence of its alleged caliphate (Ineichen, 2018). The United States intelligence bureaucrats anticipate that the organization is expected to concentrate on reforming in Syria and Iraq, improving its worldwide existence, supporting its cause, organizing global strikes, and heartening its sympathizers and members to strike in their motherlands. 

In Syria and Iraq, disharmony and competition among and between local players carry on complicating the United States goals, as do measures by as well as competition amongst local and extra-regional players, counting the Arab Gulf, Iran, Russia, Turkey States (Howell, 2017). These impediments have turned out to be more relevant and immediate as ISIS armies have conceded terrain, and, in certain regions, scuffles have started regarding who will determine the prospect of freed zones. 

Iraq is still stuck in economic and political disasters, with Iraqi frontrunners and groups contending for gain in administration founding discussions amidst prevalent demands for better security, service provision, as well as ending corruption (Kaplan, 2017). Attacks on security militaries, noncombatants, and regional bureaucrats accredited to Islamic States battalions linger across parts of western, central, and north Iraq in a trend of violence certain spectators associated with the era before the recurrence of ISIS as a significant force in the year 2013 and the year 2014. In February 2018, America’s intelligence community judged that the ISIS will stay an extremist and rebellious threat, and the organization will pursue to take advantage of the Sunni dissatisfaction to carry out attacks and attempt to recapture Iraqi terrain (Howell, 2017). Further, the intelligence community settled that in spite of the organization’s territory loss, the political in addition to social difficulties which generated the organization linger and threaten the Iraqi state’s unity. 

The dispute between the Syrian Asad administration and armed antagonism organizations has changed to favor the pro-Asad militaries, however, a real disunion of the nation remains. Turkish security militaries, the pro-Asad militaries, and the continuing armed anti-Asad militaries (counting Al Qaeda associated terrorists) dominate zones to the west and south of the Euphrates River, whereas parts to the east and north of the waterway are controlled by the United States-sponsored Arab and Kurdish organizations. America together with coalition armies is getting ready for the launching of military actions against remaining strongholds of ISIS in zones outside the control of the government of Syria (Griffin, 2018). More alliance of security management in the west of Syria by pro-Asad militaries might inspire the administration to intensify further its demands for external militaries it perceives as antagonistic (counting America) to vacate Syrian terrain. Moreover, the United States associates might feel obliged to reach security and political understandings with the government of Syria, which might complicate persistent United States actions in regions they control. 

The Trump Government has indicated its intent to carry on offering security backing to Syrian associate armies to facilitate them in internally securing zones re-seized from the ISIS however it lingers to be understood how or whether reaffirmation of control by the Asad administration could interrupt the United States strategies (Barnes & Barron, 2018). As aforementioned, the United States, alliance, and regional partner armies have demeaned the ability of the ISIS to function in a huge portion of Syria, nevertheless it is uncertain that the America’s partners, the Asad administration, and its associates would be capable of maintaining and consolidating these achievements without the United States and alliance support and operations. 

The Congress Members carry on debating the appropriate ways and conclusions for the United States determinations to fight the ISIS group while practicing oversight over America army actions and an extensive range of other Counter-Islamic State interventions. From the year 2014, the Congress has appropriated and approved billions of dollars for army actions in addition to novel sorts of lethal and nonlethal support for select militaries and organizations in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq, however, hasn’t approved a fresh approval for the application of armed force against the ISIS. 


To sum up, despite the fact that the United States and associated militaries in the year 2017 and the year 2018 fruitfully liberated a majority of the terrain previously seized by the terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State leadership is still free and ISIS combatants seem to be developing into a rebellious force. The intercontinental affiliates of the group carry on operating, and persons encouraged by the organization carry on attempting attacks across the globe. The stabilization of parts recaptured from the ISIS persists being an continuing challenge. The risk of losing the achievements the United States has made is real, particularly if the government is not capable of giving the general public a feasible alternative to the Islamic State threat. 


Barnes, J., & Barron, R. (2018). Trump Policy in the Middle East: ISIS. Issue Brief , 1

Blanchard, C. M., & Humud, C. E. (2017). The Islamic State and US Policy . Congressional Research Service Washington United States. 

Brady, E. (2017). An analysis of Patterns of Change Arising from the Syrian Conflict: Islamic Terrorism, Refugee Flows and Political Destabilization in Europe. Journal of Terrorism Research , 8 (1). 

Brands, H., & Feaver, P. (2017). Trump and Terrorism: US Strategy after ISIS. Foreign Aff. , 96 , 28. 

Cohen, S. J., Kruglanski, A., Gelfand, M. J., Webber, D., & Gunaratna, R. (2018). Al-Qaeda’s propaganda decoded: A psycholinguistic system for detecting variations in terrorism ideology. Terrorism and Political Violence , 30 (1), 142-171. 

Griffin, A. E. (2018). Cooperation between Adversaries: The US and Russia’s Joint Effort against the Islamic State in Syria (Doctoral dissertation). 

Howell, M. (2017). Fighting Extremism: Efforts to Defeat Online ISIS Recruitment Methods (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Mississippi). 

Ineichen, B. (2018). ISIS and the Caliphate: triumph, defeat, and dispersal. 

Kaplan, A. (2017). The counter-terrorism puzzle: A guide for decision makers . Routledge. 

Shay, S. (2017). The Globalization of Terror: the challenge of al-Qaida and the response of the international community . Routledge. 

Speckhard, A., Shajkovci, A., & Yayla, A. (2017). Following a Military Defeat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq: What Happens Next after the Military Victory and the Return of Foreign Fighters?. Journal of Terrorism Research , 8 (1). 

Wilkins, P. (2018). Social Identity and Perceptions of Terrorism in the United States. 

Wright, C. J. (2018). Islamist Terror in America. In Terrorism in America (pp. 108-129). Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The US Efforts to Defeat Islamic Terrorism.


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