9 Sep 2022


The Vegetarian Movement: Analysis

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 362

Pages: 1

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Vegetarian movement is a social movement which consist a group of people who happen to eat the same way. The vegetarian movement ideology criticizes the idea of eating meat. The group offers a vision for the world where people do not eat meat at all. This movement has its leaders just like any other movements. The leaders have stipulated the goals they aim to achieve as they run the movement. The vegetarian movement has both long term and short term goals. The initiatives used by the vegetarian movement to achieve its long-term goal are to encourage more people to give veganism a try and to make the vegan lifestyle simple and easy to follow. The goals of the vegan movement are to lead a multitude of people to adopt the lifestyle and the philosophy. The movement works hard to get a legislative change as well as well as social change concerning their protest against the consumption of meat. 

The vegan movement does not only work towards its own benefits. There are other movements that are helped along by the way as the vegetarian movement performs its activities. The animal rights movement, for example, the vegan social movement is against the consumption of meat, thus helping the animal rights movement which works towards protecting the lives of endangered animals. There are several institutions and groups involved with the vegetarian movement. The groups include; social class groups, ethnicity groups, and gender groups. The institutions include vegan oriented institutions such as save animals from exploitation institutions. The roles played in this movement are, helping in the implementation of government rules concerning exploitation of animals. The movement strives to change the opinion on consumption of meat through the media. The vegan movement also uses religion like the Hindu religion to be against the consumption of meat. 

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Grace had a great role in shaping civil rights, labor and environmental movements such as the vegetarian movement. Grace Boggs had dedicated her life to helping her community in Detroit to realize king’s vision and movements achieve their goals. She was encouraged when she saw what a movement could do. Just like Grace Boggs did, the leaders of the vegetarian movement dedicate their lives to seeing a change in their society concerning the consumption of meat. The leaders, as well as the members of the vegetarian movement, live for change just like Grace Boggs did. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Vegetarian Movement: Analysis.


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