14 Aug 2022


The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 907

Pages: 19

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Criminal Justice Component Selected 

The criminal justice component selected for this assignment is law enforcement, which is the basic component of the criminal justice system and plays a crucial role in determining expected success for the entire system. As the name suggests, law enforcement is a component that involves the idea of enforcing the law considering that it seeks to create that basic approach towards understanding different elements of the law. The law enforcement component is comprised of law enforcement officers, who are officers of the law involved in ensuring that the law is adhered to effectively (Meares, 2017). These officers focus much of their attention on activities that do not conform to the expectations of the law. On the other hand, law enforcement officers are involved in the process of ensuring that every individual understands his or her role in promoting different aspects of the law considering that this would determine whether individuals would be placed within the criminal justice system.

Functions and Purpose of this Criminal Justice Component 

The functions and purpose of law enforcement, as a key component of the criminal justice system can be reflected upon from the perspective of the role that law enforcement officers play in determining success in any given case. However, it is important to take note of the fact that law enforcement is the very first criminal justice component that a defendant would experience in the event that he or she is suspected of a crime. Some of the basic functions and purpose of law enforcement as a key component in defining the criminal justice system include:

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Investigation of Crimes, Gathering, and Protection of Evidence 

The basic function of law enforcement officers within the criminal justice system is to engage in a process focused on in-depth investigation of specific criminal activities depending on the nature of the crime reported. After a crime has been reported, law enforcement officers have the sole mandate of ensuring that the victims involved record a statement with the relevant departments depending on the nature of the crime (Stoughton, 2016). The statement outlines some of the key events associated with the crime from the perspective of the victim, which helps in providing law enforcement officers with that basic understanding of the crime.

After they receive the statement, the law enforcement officers then embark on a process associated with gathering of relevant evidence to support the statement recorded. This is where the law enforcement officers apply their investigative strategies with an aim of seeking relevant evidence to support the crime reported. The law enforcement officers may use a combination of two or more investigative strategies depending on the difficulty or challenges that they encounter when gathering relevant evidence (Abel, 2016). After they have gathered the evidence, the other key function is to ensure that they protect and preserve the evidence, as this is a key determinant of the effectiveness of the case.

Arresting and Interrogation of Suspects 

Another key function of the law enforcement component, as viewed from the perspective of the role of law enforcement officers is to arrest and interrogate suspects involved in a crime with an aim of piecing together the facts of the case. In most cases, it becomes somewhat challenging when trying to piece together the facts without having to engage in interrogations considering that this would help determine the main perpetrators of the crime(s) in question. During the course of interrogation of suspects, it is important for the law enforcement officers to ensure that they uphold the law considering that the evidence that they gather when using illegal interrogative mechanisms may not apply in a court of law (Meares, 2017). That creates the need for them to ensure that they adhere to all aspects of the law during the course of interrogation and handling of suspects.

Presentation of Facts and Evidence to the Prosecutor 

After the law enforcement officers have been able to gather relevant facts and evidence to support a given case, it is within their mandate to present the same to the prosecutor, who would then move ahead with prosecution of the case within a court of law. Law enforcement officers must work towards ensuring that they present a ‘solid’ case depending on the evidence that they present considering that presentation of a weak case may lead to a situation where the defense may repute the fact of the case (Stoughton, 2016). In most cases where cases are dismissed, lack of ‘solid’ facts or evidence to support the facts is cited as one of the key reasons for the dismissal.

How it Connects to Other Components 

Law enforcement, which is one of the key components of the criminal justice system, connects to other components of the system is several ways. Firstly, law enforcement connects to the component on courts, as it seeks to determine the verdict reached within a court of law depending on the investigations conducted and evidence collected. In most cases, it becomes difficult for courts to convict defendants due to poor work on the part of law enforcement officers (Stoughton, 2016). Secondly, law enforcement connects to institution-based corrections, as it creates a platform from which individuals in the corrections facilities take note of the fact that their placement in this facilities is due to breaking of the law. Regarding its connection to community-based corrections, law enforcement officers must work towards ensuring that the individuals in this type of corrections adhere to the laid out terms of parole and probation (Abel, 2016). Lastly, law enforcement connects to private security, as private security officers have the sole mandate of working together with law enforcement officers in a bid to ensuring that they improve on the security of the society or community in question.


Abel, J. (2016). Cops and Pleas: Police Officers' Influence on Plea Bargaining.  Yale Law Journal 126 (6), 1730-1787.

Meares, T. L. (2017). The Path Forward: Improving the Dynamics of Community-Police Relationships to Achieve Effective Law Enforcement Policies.  Columbia Law Review 117 (5), 1355-1368.

Stoughton, S. W. (2016). Principled policing: Warrior cops and guardian officers.  Wake Forest Lake Review 51 (3), 611-676.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance.


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