22 Sep 2022


Transformational Leadership - Developing Leaders for a Changing World

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Most healthcare organizations have been experiencing high nursing staff turnover. Although the problem can be attributed to different factors, one of the prominent factors causing this turnover is lack of job satisfaction. Lack of leaders’ empowerment and transformational leadership by the managers has been the reason for the lack of job satisfaction. One study was conducted in Malaysia to study the underlying relationships between perceived job satisfaction, transformational leadership, and empowerment among nursing staff in two selected large Malaysia private as well as public hospitals. 5-point Likert scale questions were administered to two hundred nursing staff comprising medical assistants as well as nurses employed by a large Malaysia public and private hospital. The respondents were to answer the survey regarding transformational leadership, job satisfaction, as well as employee empowerment. According to Choi, Tan, Adam & Goh (2016), the study results revealed that empowerment influenced the impact of transformational leadership on job satisfaction. 

According to Al-Sawai (2013), an organization can empower leaders and manager and guide them to be transformational leaders by creating a culture within the organization whereby people perform best with a sense of common mission. The organization can also apply the transformational theory that calls for leaders to share their vision with employees in an exciting, meaningful manner. Through this method of communication, the organization creates unity as well as mutual purpose. If the organizational manager has commitment, vision, and can motivate other people within the organization, such kind of a manager qualifies to be a transformational leader. Through the ability to positively influence others, transformational leaders can motivate performance beyond expectations. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Transformational Leadership - Developing Leaders for a Changing World.


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