7 Aug 2022


Transforming Nursing Leadership for the Future

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 574

Pages: 2

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Research plays a critical role in the transformational process. It is directly to improving productivity in all organizations irrespective of the area of specialization. Nurse leaders are among the people who should create suitable environments for successful nursing research programs in the healthcare sector. The plans should be aligned with the nursing goals that are set in each institution as well as the national requirements associated with the care act. When working on choosing a research program, one of the main topics of concern is how making decisions for nurses can influence health care choices at all levels. The paper is a reflection of how this research topic can be furthered and the expected benefits and challenges.

Challenges and Benefits of Addressing the Topic 

Nursing professionals face numerous situations during their clinical practice. As a result, there is need to research on why shared decision-making processes should be included in corporate cultures. First, the full partnership of collaborations requires unique skills such as coordinating, integrating and facilitating. As a result, investigating the issue promotes the acquisition of these skills. Organizations that are interested in involving their employees in decision making will strive towards achieving these values. Secondly, there is a close link between productivity and decision making.

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When employees are involved in decisions making, they acquire a professional and personal stake in the firm's success. As a result, furthering the research on the need for collaborative decision making is a form of enhancing productivity (Légaré & Witteman, 2013). Thirdly, developing and maintaining research programs on the issue saves on internal organizational resources. The reason is that instead of outsourcing a consultant, the healthcare firm leaders can combine the ideas generated by those who know the corporation well. It is easier to test the effectiveness of the process internally.

Contrary, researching the topic is also challenging in that nurses might not be unwilling to participate in the research. One of the main reason is that they might have encountered some problems in a similar survey. When such cases occur, it is essential to talk with the nurses privately to find out if they have difficulties participating in the research or being involved in collaborative decisions making procedures. Additionally, the process is engaging and time-consuming in that to come up with better results a large number of nurses must be involved in the study.

Articles Overview 

The journal on perceptions of ethical problems by Oberle & Hughes (2015) suggest that doctors and nurses play a vital role in decision making. They, therefore, need to be active in moral disclosure lessons to be able to understand each other, and the ethical burden needs in teamwork. Administrators should provide opportunities to the employees for exposure to help them participate in research projects and give their feedback on the benefits of such study programs. According to Légaré & Witteman (2013), decisions made by nurses during their meetings can be used when developing patient-physician relationships. To benefit from collaborative involvement, administrators should develop training programs for the nurses that revolve around the principles of patient engagement. Lastly, the article by Politi & Street (2016), focuses on the importance of communication when working as a team. The purpose is to help understand the quality of making collaborative clinical decision making.


Educating nurse leaders about the value of decision making is essential. Heightened self-awareness can improve communication and collaboration within the medical field and other disciplines. Empowering nurses to participate in studies is the first step towards change. The quality of results is all about how much we care about the decisions we make in every process.


Légaré, F., & Witteman, H. O. (2013). Shared decision making: examining key elements and barriers to adoption into routine clinical practice. Health affairs , 32 (2), 276-284.

Oberle, K., & Hughes, D. (2015). Doctors’ and nurses’ perceptions of ethical problems in end ‐ of ‐ life decisions. Journal of advanced nursing , 33 (6), 707-715.

Politi, M. C., & Street, R. L. (2016). The importance of communication in collaborative decision making: facilitating shared mind and the management of uncertainty. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice , 17 (4), 579-584.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Transforming Nursing Leadership for the Future.


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