22 Dec 2022


Tri-City Medical Center and Palomar Health

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 292

Pages: 1

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Tri-City Medical Center and Palomar Health are public north county district hospitals. Palomar Health was found in 1945 and established in 1933 and has grown to be among the largest care health to serve North County residents ( Kohlbry et al., 2016 ). Tri-City Medical Center was established in 1961 and based in Oceanside ( Romero, 2016 ). A comparison of the two healthcare services can be drawn based on their similarities and differences in service delivery and associated tools. First, both hospitals are acute care hospitals with the ability to provide services in cardiac surgery, stroke care registry, and the Nursing care registry. Second, the two hospital facilities can track patient’s laboratory tests, receive lab results, and offer referrals electronically. Last, both health facilities have a medical research center that creates a relationship between their doctors, management, nurses, and researcher to enhance health service delivery in North County ( Romero, 2016 ). 

However, Tri-City Medical Center and Polar Health differ in one way or another. First, both hospitals work under different goals and maintain their independence as far as medical North County institutions are concerned. Second, while Palomar Health serves Inland North County, Tri-City Medical Center serves Vista, Carlsbad, and Oceanside ( Tam, 2012 ). Finally, Palomar Health is licensed to cater for acute-care patients with a total of 690 beds while Tri-City Medical Center is licensed to cater for acute-care patients with a total of 397 beds ( Shadfan, Williams, Tkach & Loonia, 2017 ). Despite working in the same capacity, the two health facilities within North County have remained competitors for a similar patient population, working on individualized goals and objectives and offering quality services in terms of unique service delivery. The two health care facilities invest in different technological and medical centers to improve personal brand image over each other. 

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Kohlbry, P., Daugherty, J., Douglas, I., Gorzeman, J. A., Parker, J. A., & Adelman, M. L. (2016). The Healthcare Coach Role and Its Impact on Healthcare at Palomar Health. 

Romero, N. (2016). Tri-City Medical Center: Local Competitor Marketing Campaign Analysis (Doctoral dissertation, California State University San Marcos). 

Shadfan, A., Williams, R., Tkach, D., & Loonia, J. (2017). Tri-City Medical Center Strategic Marketing Plan. 

Tam, D. A. (2012). Building the “Fable Hospital”—The CEO's Perspective: An Interview with Michael H. Covert, President and Chief Executive Officer, Palomar Pomerado Health. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal , 5 (3), 12-20. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Tri-City Medical Center and Palomar Health.


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