In mathematical concepts, fractions are expressed in terms of numerators and denominators. The denominator denotes the number of parts that make up one whole of the figure whereas the numerator represents the number of parts in the fraction. In our case, 7/8 means that 8 parts equals to one whole and this fraction has seven parts. Finding the percentage of this fraction requires one to have knowledge when it comes to the multiplication of fractions. The mathematical calculation of this question can be tackled as shown below.
15% of 7/8 is the same as .
In this case, the result implies that 160 parts equal to one whole and the fraction has 21 parts. When this is expressed as a fraction, the answer to this question is 0.13125. From the calculation shown above, it is evident that the result of the question can be expressed both as a fraction and as a decimal depending on the preference and application of the equation. In the contemporary world, finding the percentage of fractions can be applied in various fields that require complex calculations.
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