15 Jul 2022


What are sanctions in sociological context?

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 293

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In the sociological context, sanctions refer to reactions that emanate as an approval or disapproval that resulted from behavior or action. An informal sanction is not legally bound and as such, it is not official and does not need to be conducted by a specific person or group. There was a time when I had to step up and sanction a classmate who used to bully a fellow student because of their racial background. The student was Mexican and used to keep to himself because he was not familiar with anyone but for some reason, this class bully decided to torment him from the first day. Apparently, he used to mock the boy and tell him that we did not need his kind in our country. I only used to hear stories of how he used to do all this until one day when he abused the boy in my presence. 

The action was irritating and very disturbing because we as humans are all equal. I am guided by principles of doing just and good to others and as such, this really upset me. I had to act and sanction him by giving him a piece of my mind on the issue. After reprimanding him in front of everyone in the classroom, he seemed to be embarrassed by his actions and walked out of class shamefully. Later on, he came to me to apologize but I directed him to the new student he had abused so that he could channel his apology to the right person. 

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My reaction seemed to have created a sense of equality and discipline among my classmates. People could now stand up to bullies because they had realized that their voice is the key to equality. Students from different religions, racial, and economic backgrounds were now considered as a part of the school as discrimination levels and stereotypes started to decline gradually. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). What are sanctions in sociological context?.


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