Create WBS: Tolls and Techniques
Decomposition is breaking down a big task into smaller, manageable tasks that lead to a complete whole. It involves having a clear picture of the entire project and how best it can be broken down into manageable units. One also needs to determine the personnel and resources that can be used at any point. Expert judgment is a skill used to break down a project into smaller units so that it can be handled easily. Various approaches can be used to create a work breakdown structure. They include a top-down approach, organization-specific guidelines, and using WBS templates. Scope baseline refers to the approved version of the WBS that can be carried out effectively.
Cycle time
There are four types of scrapers, each with a different use. They include a single-engine scraper, twin-engine scraper, push-pull scraper, and elevating scraper.
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Soil volume change characteristics
Soil occurs in three conditions: bank, loose, or compacted. Swell refers to an increase in the volume of soil that has been excavated. Shrinkage is the smaller space that soil occupies after it has been compacted. Spoil bank refers to the amount of soil collected from a narrow section of the earth. Estimating earthwork volume helps determine the amount of space that will be used to dump the excavated soil. The estimation helps identify the right place where the dumping will be done. Trench excavations refer to rectangular excavations made on the surface of the earth to allow the construction of pipes or drainage systems. The mass diagram can be used to give a broad overview of a given scope of construction that specifically touches on a large environment like an airfield.
Egr451 Wk1-2
Before embarking on a construction project, a firm should estimate the cost of construction, predict how long it will take, and ensure that it is completed on time. Construction should be done following the specifications given. The construction company should ensure that it communicates with the owners of the project frequently or at every step to keep him updated on the progress. In so doing, it will be easy to avoid problems that the owner may raise in the future. At the planning phase of the construction, the owner is supposed to ensure he has collected all the necessary material and resources on site. He should then select a contractor who will be in charge of the construction. The bid phase will help determine the capability of each contractor involved in the construction process. There should be cost control measures to ensure there is efficiency in how financial resources are being used.
Egr 451/Cve551 Wk 4-1
Areas to include while estimating include the cost of equipment, cost of material, labor costs, and tax and insurance additives. The significance of estimating is that it will help a firm deliver on its mandate effectively. A work breakdown structure helps in determining the cost associated with a given task. The reason is that it helps carry out a detailed analysis of the resource required at each juncture and their approximate prices. It also provides a checklist of activities to ensure everything is captured in the estimation process. Construction equipment and plan will include portable and mobile equipment like tractors, Lorries. Some factors that will guide in the selection of equipment include the nature of work, the amount of space available, and the stage of work. Areas that can be subcontracted include plumbing, electrical fittings, roofing, and tile work, among others.
Equipment cost affects the profit that may be accrued from any project. Ownership cost of equipment includes depreciation, Egr 451/Cve 551wk 5-2
While preparing to estimate a given project, it is good to look at the contract documents to remind oneself of what is expected at each stage. Earthwork can be represented in three dimensions: plain view, profile view, and cross-section view. Aspects involved in earthwork computation include calculating the amount of soil to be moved, identifying how fills and cuts will be done, and identifying the most economical material hauls to be used in the given tasks. Field measurements will provide a glimpse of the likely earthwork quantities expected in any given job. Computer software can be used to provide an estimate of the amount of earth to be moved. To determine the cost of earthwork operations, one needs to estimate the amount of soil to be transferred and the type of machines that will be used.
Egr 451_Wk 11_Equipment Cost
Interest, taxes, insurance, and storage; Operating expenses include maintenance costs, repair, and replacement, fuel, and downtime, among others. These two costs are used to determine the minimum attractive rate of return (MARR). Ownership cost accrues whether the equipment is in use or not. Operating costs incur only when the equipment is in use. Various methods can be used to calculate the various costs associated with equipment.
Evm Note
Earned Value Method (EVM) uses three methods: Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS), Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP), and Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP). Once the above estimates are done, it will be possible to measure the progress of the work, predict the completion date, and the total cost provides a schedule that will show various variances along the way.
Egr451/Cve551 Wk3-1
A project is a temporary undertaking that will lead to the creation of a product or service. Planning is coming up with timelines of how various activities will be carried out. Scheduling is integrating the various activities into the schedules created. Scheduling methods include the use of the Gantt chart and Network diagram. Scheduling entails defining activities to be undertaken, ordering them, establishing the relationship among events, and assigning resources, among others.
A mass diagram shows the amount of material that needs to be excavated in the path of the project. Various machines can be used to move the earth. Large dozers move up to 300 feet. Push-loaded scrapers can haul between 300-5000 feet. Trucks can haul less than 5000 feet.
The production rate refers to the amount of work per unit time. The productivity of construction equipment can be calculated based on four factors: hourly efficiency, soil volume correction factor, the capacity of the machine with fill factor, and cycle time.
Equipment procuring entails choosing the right equipment for the given tasks. It is good to determine the cost of operating the equipment and the optimum way in which the said machine can be sought. One needs to look at the costs of hiring the equipment and the overall returns of owning the equipment. If there are long-term projects, it is better to buy the equipment. However, if the project is short-term, it is good to hire it.