27 Jul 2022


What Is an Immigrant Enclave?

Format: Other

Academic level: College

Paper type: Q&A

Words: 336

Pages: 1

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Immigrant enclave is a neighbourhood characterized by people who searched for amenities as soon as their economic status rose. They could navigate their daily lives in a setting that allowed them to move in areas they perceived as the promised land. They can also identify by their physical characteristics in which they are also less ethical distinct. Ethical community is associated with preferences rather than economic status. It focuses more on moral identity, which symbolizes their neighbourhood. It characterized by high resistance to assimilation. Minority ghetto is a locality that does not include resource and preference groups they tend to exclude such traits. From table 2 analyses, Korean have the highest number of immigrants enclave of 52% with 90% who speaks in Korean. It is clear that those who moved to the suburb have a high income of 56% compared to those in the cities. 

Traditional communities characterized by a geographical area signified by their identification, common ties, and social interaction among the communities. For the virtual communities, people identify them by a place, but other elements such as communication, on ties, and social interaction is common. Shared space does not mean that one has to share the same local space, but social interaction can exist in places such as school, churches, and workplaces. The relationship in shared space relies on long-distance, which extend beyond neighbourhood interactions. In regards to this, it requires more need for the local community to nourish infrastructure to ensure shared space manifests. Besides, in an organization interaction, people work together to ensure the goals of that organization met. With this, it is a clear indication that shared space can exist without the need for a local place, and functional connectivity of the cities has pioneered. The New York city has recorded low rates of crime in the cities since the introduction of the anti-gun campaign, which significantly helped in reducing major crime, especially in the city streets. Again the neighbourhood policing initiative has also pioneered the decline by assisting in strengthening the ties between the police department and the communities. Use of less deadly forces has even curtained the number of crimes. The strategies established by the police department in New York, in my opinion, serves the community best because of the relationship created among them. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). What Is an Immigrant Enclave?.


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