Holt, D., Palmer, S., Gosper, M., Sankey, M., & Allan, G. (2014). Framing and enhancing distributed leadership in the quality management of online learning environments in higher education. Distance Education , 35 (3), 382-399.
The researchers of this paper examine the results of senior leadership interviews based on a project funded nationally centered on the distribution of leadership in the quality management regarding higher education online learning environments (OLEs). The created questions regarding the development of the OLE quality management framework: the issues that are characterized by the distribution of leadership at the center of the framework. The previous statement of the project suggests that distribution of leadership is a described reality of management of OLEs provided that there is a distinctive leadership party associated and the complexities involved in the contemporary technological landscape. It was thought that bringing up a distributed leadership would be a pressing matter provided that there is an ever-changing nature of e-learning and other involved competitive dynamics that are there in the job environment.
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The researchers conducted an examination of the understanding of distribution learning, its nature, worth, and the anticipated potential for developing the quality management of the online learning environment. The research concluded that distribution learning is well understood, though its meaning and worth is not accepted critically. The study identified challenges in implementing the practice and also the limitations in utilizing institutional methods to build the same organizational leadership capacity. The building of a distribution leadership should begin through formal deliberative leadership that is committed and indicate the actions to be taken from the highest levels in any given institution.
Holt, Palmer, Gosper, Sankey & Allan (2014) article, serves as a good source for the given research since it has given in-depth information in quality management, online learning environments, semi-structured interviews and distribution of leadership. The way the article has been arranged allows a smooth flow of ideas as one moves from online learning environments, quality management to the implementation of the project through the distribution of leadership.
In general, the study was conducted to find out a solution to the existing problem; something that can be successful only if the research conducted is accurate. Holt, Palmer, Gosper, Sankey & Allan (2014) research is reliable meaning that its contents can be applied in an institutional setting to improve. An initial proof that the source is credible is that it is written with qualified scholars. Additionally, the article is a hard work of several professionals, and it is less than five years old.
Even if the article has not pointed out the variables, it is evident that a clear correlation exists between enhancing and framing distribution leadership and quality management of the existing OLE. The precise relationship of the variables decreases a chance of having extraneous variables that would prove the research otherwise. Therefore, the article is valid.
Today, institutions are expected to offer quality education through online learning institutions. When it comes to quality management of the institutions an enhancement of distributed leadership would prove to be vital in online learning environments. In summary, Holt, Palmer, Gosper, Sankey & Allan (2014) article suggested that with a distributed leadership in the online based institution there could be created quality management of the learning environments.
Holt, D., Palmer, S., Gosper, M., Sankey, M., & Allan, G. (2014). Framing and enhancing distributed leadership in the quality management of online learning environments in higher education. Distance Education , 35 (3), 382-399. Retrieved http://proxy1.ncu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=99195340&site=eds-live