The intrinsic value of a security is its perceived or calculated value using fundamental analysis. The intrinsic value of a security is an important concept in fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis is simply the evaluation of a security’s value by considering economic, financial, and other factors. Fundamental analysts utilize intrinsic value to study the value of security and factors that affect this value. The main goal of fundamental analysis is to come up with a quantitative value of the security which investor can use in comparing the value with the current market value to determine whether a security is overvalued or undervalued. Intrinsic value provides the fundamental analysts with this required quantitative value. This is the reason intrinsic value is important in fundamental analysis.
Firm Valuation
Finding the value of a firm involves determining its current value or intrinsic value using fundamental analysis by considering factors such as economic, financial, and others. There are several models for firm valuation such as dividend discount model and dividend discount-derived price-earnings ratio. Valuation using dividend discount model involves finding the present value of all future dividends paid. Consider a firm paying dividends at the current price of D 0 , a discount rate of r, and dividend growth of g. If the firm pays dividends for a period of t years, the value is given by:
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The valuation using dividend discount-derived price earnings ratio involves determining the value of a firm by measuring its current share price relative per-share earnings. Instead of using the current price (D 0 ) as in the case of the dividend discount model, we use the price-earnings ratio.
Buy-Hold-Sell Model
Buy-Hold-Sell model is a business model whereby a retailer/ distributor purchase products, holds them and then provides them to a buyer. This model is nowadays outdated because of several drawbacks associated with it. These drawbacks include storage requirements, cost of carrying, the complexity of the model, and wastes associated with the model usage.