18 Jan 2023


What is Project Based Learning?

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 338

Pages: 1

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When compiling the paper, the major thing I learned about group work it that it provides people with the opportunity of sharing the ideas they might have concerning the project. A project might have several approaches, while an individual might not know the appropriate step that needs following. However, when working as a group, it becomes possible to contribute to the benefits and drawbacks of approaching a task and the mechanisms of accomplishing the major goal. Via facilitating collaboration, I realized that sharing of ideas in group work benefits both the project while allowing the members of the group an avenue for sharing their ideas to ensure that the work is completed in an effective and efficient manner (Belcher , 2018) . Also, when looking at the content of the paper, I have noted that realized it to be well organized to allow the leader understand the external economic environment and the influence it has toward Windows Wear in line with the way in which influences the competitiveness of an organization (Windows Wear Project, n.d) .

From the required readings, I have learned that organizations lay emphasis in boosting their competitiveness and bottom line. They are able to realize this when they deploy the Six Sigma, which provides them with an avenue of discovering and eradicating inefficiencies associated with the processes they undertake (Breyfogle & Connolly, 2003) . In this case, I believe that organizations that follow the Six Sigma approach are well-equipped when it comes to understanding the state of the market and in boosting their operations within the marketplace in an efficient manner. Furthermore, regarding the issue of the importance of presentations and goal setting, presentations are essential in that they allow individuals to establish confidence in their work. Individuals can be well organized and presented to an extent that they manage to establish self-esteem that permits people to realize their ambitions. Also, in the case of goal setting, people need to embark on such an approach to prevent them from wasting their energy as well as effort. Goal setting makes it possible for people to focus their abilities and talents to realize anything they want, which gives them a perspective on life.

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Belcher , L. M. (2018). The advantages of group work & teamwork. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-group-work-teamwork-24031.html

Breyfogle, F., & Connolly, M. (2003). Six Sigma methods to ensure organizations' health. Highlands Ranch, 45 (4), 28-29.

Windows Wear Project. (n.d).

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). What is Project Based Learning?.


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