An Enterprise-wide data is an organized database that holds all the healthcare organization data, and it is accessible by all units of the organization. If there is a change in the enterprise-wide data, it will reflect in all processes within the organizations. The health experts meet periodically to discuss and formulate strategic plans on how the functions of the organization are aiming in achieving the goals of the enterprise-wide data.
The efficiency of the health information system and the collaboration of the employees is the principal goal of the enterprise-wide data. Having a centric enterprise-wide data enables effective communication among the employees ( Busse, Aboneh, & Tefera, 2014 ). Communication will effectively lead to the sharing of productive ideas and delivering customer experience of outstanding quality. To attain success, a meeting should be set for the health managers to plan on the shared process and activities within an organization. The safety of the patient is enhanced by reducing the errors that arise from wrong labeling or dosage. An enterprise-wide information system has drawers that are tamper-proof and open automatically depending on patient identification. Formulary standardization is attained as medicines are the third most occurring expenses in hospitals. The highest quality of drugs is used in the right way. Benefits of formulary standardization include streamlined administration, cost management and reduction in the complexity of the information system ( Busse, Aboneh, & Tefera, 2014 ). Clinical officers are given a chance to do what they were initially trained for leading to improved clinical satisfaction. An enterprise-wide data information system balances on the drug availability and the scales on demand leading to an effective supply chain that is closed
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There are several limitations of the Enterprise-wide data. Data structure issues as most of the data in a health organization are unstructured. Unstructured data is difficult to analyze and aggregate. There are possible concerns of security that comes along with the wide enterprise data. The data shared across all units are made open hence vulnerable to attacks. Sometimes the data shared is stored in a format that is not compatible with all the applications within the health organization. According to Slade et al ., (2014), cost is incurred in storage and transfer of the data within the organization. Lack of specialized skills among the employees has been a barrier to effective implementation of the enterprise-wide data. Employees should keep with up to date technological changes.
The technology infrastructure helps in improving healthcare by providing the necessary information in decision-making. The infrastructure aims to build a system that is shared between the consumer and the providers. Users can access real-time information worldwide hence improving the efficiency of information exchange. The infrastructure also ensures that there is proper coordination of process within the health organization.
The economic impact of the proposed system is that good healthcare will lead to a good economy. A country’s growth is affected by factors such as life expectancy and healthcare. The system also reduces the in-patient business bending the cost curve ( Mandl, Mandel, & Kohane, 2015 ). Diseases hinder economic performance. An emergency of infectious diseases will impede the development of industrial sectors like tourism, with which so many countries rely on. A health system will provide the best methods to curb or reduce cases of infectious diseases hence improving the national economy.
The impact of quality improvement is to manage the process and attain dramatic results. The health care consists of operations that are interlinked to form a very complex system. Thus quality improvement on the health information system helps to focus on one process at a time, consequently increasing the abilities to deal with challenges facing the health care ( Slade et al ., 2014 ). Quality improvement and managed process care are interlinked. Managing the process care does not include telling the nurses on what to do.
In conclusion, a good health care information system delivers information to the users where and when a need arises. The health information system should not only be seen as its primary goal is to improve health but also proper financing, how the system responds to expectations.
Busse, H., Aboneh, E. A., &Tefera, G. (2014). Learning from developing countries in strengthening health systems: an evaluation of personal and professional impact among global health volunteers at Addis Ababa University’s TikurAnbessa Specialized Hospital (Ethiopia). Globalization and health , 10 (1), 64.
Mandl, K. D., Mandel, J. C., &Kohane, I. S. (2015). Driving innovation in health systems through an apps-based information economy. Cell systems , 1 (1), 8-13.
Slade, M., Amering, M., Farkas, M., Hamilton, B., O'Hagan, M., Panther, G., ...& Whitley, R. (2014). Uses and abuses of recovery: implementing recovery‐oriented practices in mental health systems. World Psychiatry , 13 (1), 12-20.