21 Nov 2022


Who Is a Progressive Person?

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 518

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There are various definitions of concepts. The differences arise in the means used to develop an understanding. In this context, progressivism is considered, and Theodore Roosevelt creates a unique approach to define the concept. He coined definition and characteristics linked to progressivism. The critics on his progressivism made it be a stronger component, as it came during a time the progressive party was being formed. In the speech delivered, the United States residents defined the progressive masses. The definition of the progressive covers the individuals with the motive of remaining real and defy the nominal rules of the majority. The difference between the politicians and the progressive is in respect to the visions held. 

Roosevelt defined and outlined the unique characteristics of progressive individuals. He defines the distinctive characteristics of the progressive movement as well as the progressive party. Their exclusive characteristics of the progressive were grounded on the principles of protection of the majority, the minding, and control of the natural resources, and the enactment of control over public corporations. In his regime as a president, Roosevelt had developed some platforms to define the policies to be applied, and were based on the principles of progressiveness ( Jividen, 2011 ). The other characteristics of progressive are the enhancement of political reforms. According to Roosevelt, the characteristics of progressive are so broad, and they cover and advocate for the presence of reforms, protecting the rights of women, workers, and unions. Generally, the characteristics of the progressive are to advocate for equality for all. 

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The primary requirement for success and progress to be achieved is for the involved individuals to be aggressive. On the other end, the opposite of the aggressive is anti-aggressive. They possess some unique characteristics, which are evident in the different activities they engage in. The first characteristic is remaining silent even when their well-being is compromised. In most of the cases, the anti-aggressive individuals possess the characteristics of being impulsive and quickly irritable. They engage in activities, which include the likes of being socially inactive, being quickly angered, and being unproductive. In other words, the anti-aggressive individuals have irreplaceable characteristics, defining the activities they engage. 

The understanding of progressivism helps in developing the goals and areas in which the society addresses the concept. From a general point of view, progressivism entails the presence of a reformist movement, emerging and developing when Theodore Roosevelt became the president. The primary goals of progressivism are to boost the powers linked to local and national powers, as a strategy of solving the societal challenges ( Gendzel, 2011 ). The second goal is balancing business powers, and the last goal of progressivism is to support the operations of democratic institutions. The applications of the goals of progressivism are evident in central government, where there are societal malpractices and in business operations. 

The speech delivered by Roosevelt highlights a number of progressive achievements realized. The main achievement as per the speech delivered by Roosevelt is that progressivism favors the pushing of executive powers. This was an element seen and realized in the rise of industrialized capitalism. The second achievement linked to progressivism is the construction of a constitution, which was accountable for local and national development. The last progressive achievement revealed by the speech delivered by Roosevelt is the construction of social democracies. Therefore, an analysis of Theodore Roosevelt helps in defining progressive individuals, their characteristics, and their associated achievements. 


Gendzel, G. (2011). What the Progressives had in Common. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era , 10 (3), 331-339. 

Jividen, J. R. (2011). Claiming Lincoln: Progressivism, Equality, and the Battle for Lincoln's Legacy in Presidential Rhetoric . Northern Illinois University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Who Is a Progressive Person?.


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