28 Apr 2022


Why Abortion Should be Illegal

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 998

Pages: 3

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Baptiste, N. (2015, June 17). This Is What Happens When Abortion Is Outlawed . The American Prospect. Retrieved from http://prospect.org/article/what-happens-when-abortion-outlawed . 

This article by Baptiste shades light on how restrictive abortion laws in the United States are the leading cause of women performing drastic measure in the termination of unwanted pregnancies. Baptiste is of the notion that abortion laws in the United States aren’t likely to lead to the reduction in the rates of abortion but instead lead women to participate in dangerous practices. This article will help in the counter-argument that abortion in some way should be legalized in the United States so that the country can reduce the number of unsafe abortions.

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OBOS Abortion Contributors. (2016, May 18). History of Abortion in the U.S. Retrieved from https://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/health-info/u-s-abortion-history/ . 

According to OBOS was practiced widely in the United States before 1880, after which it was banned except for the purposes of saving the life of a woman when it was endangered by the pregnancy. This article states that another reason for the abolition was abortion in the 1800s was the declining birth rates among the women from north European backgrounds, and the government wanted U.S. born women to reproduce. This article is important to my research because it gives a timeline and the historical perspective on the events that lead to the start and decline of abortion in the United States.

Oberman, M. (2018, January 18). What Would Happen if Abortion was Banned in the U.S.? Women New. Retrieved from https://womensenews.org/2018/01/what-would-happen-if-abortion-was-banned-in-the-u-s/ .

In her article Michelle Oberman is of the idea that the war against abortion in the United States has been fought for almost 40 years and yet not tangible solution has ever been presented to stop the vice and the prosecution is always concerned with the doctor who performed the action and not the woman. Oberman stats the reason why women indulge themselves in abortion is that of poverty, and the act of abortion does little to lift them out of it. This article is vital to y research because it highlights the alternative ways that should be taken into consideration in an attempt to reduce abortion rates.

Burke, M. (2017, October 2). To Prevent Painful Suffering for Children, Late-Term Abortion Should Be Banned . The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.heritage.org/life/commentary/prevent-painful-suffering-children-late-term-abortion-should-be-banned .

The main aim of this article is to ban late-term abortion to prevent the suffering of children. Children born at 20 weeks are able to feel pain according to research and by banning abortion of children at 20 weeks protects them from suffering as they insanely feel pain. This will also apply to premature babies born at 20 weeks as they are more sensitive to pain in that they are yet the develop pain inhibitors. This article important to research because it helps determine when the line against or pro-abortion should be drawn.

Pew Research Center. (2017, July 7). Public Opinion on Abortion. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from http://www.pewforum.org/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/ . 

The debate on whether abortion should be legalized in the United States or not continues to divide the American population. According to the Pew Research Center, 57 percent of the American population support the idea that abortion should be legal while 40 percent are against the idea. This article is important to my research because it gives detailed statistics of the American population by race, party and religious affiliations that are either for or against abortion. This will help a lot in drawing conclusions on the reasons as to why abortion should be illegal in the United States based on empirical data.

Shaw, M. (2017, January 19). The U.S. abortion rate is at an all-time low . Think Progress. Retrieved from https://thinkprogress.org/us-abortion-low-5d279a2fa686/ .

This article by Shaw states that abortion in the United States has decreased tremendously since the Roe v. Wade made abortion legal and it has been reported by the Guttmacher Institute that the number of abortion in the U.S. has dropped below one million. This article is important to my research because it gives the positive impacts brought about by the abolition of abortion in the United States as well as the possible implications that could be brought about under the Trump administration to women who receive abortions.

Gonzales, R. (2017, October 18). Federal Judge Orders Government to Allow Abortion for Teenager in The U.S. Illegally . NPR. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/18/558663416/federal-judge-orders-government-to-allow-abortion-for-teenager-in-the-u-s-illega . 

The United States is a country governed by laws for both minors and adults. This article by Gonazles looks at the implications of a ruling that was passed by a judge in regards to a teenager who was in the United States illegally to have an abortion. This article is important to my research because it highlights the limitations of current U.S. laws on abortion based on different circumstances that can lead to misconceptions about the United States stand on abortion.

Halfmann, D. (n.d.). Why Abortion Controversies are So Central to U.S. Politics . SSN. Retrieved from http://www.scholarsstrategynetwork.org/brief/why-abortion-controversies-are-so-central-us-politics .

This article by Halfmann analyzes the reasons as to why abortion has always been a controversy in the United States political scenes. Halfmann states that it is the United States courts that legalized abortion in the United States. This article is important to my research because it gives a detailed course of events on what has been done so far by the courts and medical professionals in an attempt to abolish abortion. This information will be of great help in determining long historical stands that stand in the way of abolishing abortion in the United States.

Joffe, C. (2013). Roe v. Wade and Beyond: Forty Years of Legal Abortion in the United States. Dissent. Retrieved from https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/roe-v-wade-and-beyond-forty-years-of-legal-abortion-in-the-united-states .

Roe v. Wade was a law that was passed in 1973 that legalized abortion in the united states by giving women the right to make their own medical decisions in regards to abortion without interference from politicians. This article by Joffe is important to my research because it states the impacts that are brought about by legalized abortions on women and their families, providers, politicians, providers and the American culture as a whole. This will help a lot in solidifying my stand on banning abortion completely in the United States.

Klasing, M. (2017, November 1). Six Week Abortion Bill a Dangerous New Low for US. Human Rights Watch. Retrieved from https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/11/01/six-week-abortion-bill-dangerous-new-low-us . 

This article by Klasing is about the “Heartbeat Protection Act of 217” bill that was aimed at banning abortion after 6 weeks of gestation. This is after state legislators for years have been trying to pass laws to access until this bill that limits the access of women to abortion with no limits for women who are pregnant either rape or incest. This article is important to my research because it analyzes what laws have been passed by the state in regards to the banning of abortion and to what extent they have worked.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Why Abortion Should be Illegal.


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