18 Sep 2022


Women, Race, and Racism: A Dialogue in Black and White

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 276

Pages: 4

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Personally, I hope that dialogues in forums with people from divergent backgrounds should be objective. Tolerance, like in the case of Ayvazian and Beverley, ought to be exercised. In contemporary society, the majority of the communities are pluralistic and hence are a composite of people subscribing to intrinsically different beliefs. As such, participants of various groups ought to exercise tolerance. In that regard, understanding will ensure that the participants can objectively participate without making personal attacks. 

Further, all the participants will be able to express themselves freely without the fear of being prejudiced. Finally, dialogue ought to be avenues where people interact freely and get to understand people from other groups. For instance, Ayvazian and Beverley had little in common; their children attended different schools, and they lived in different neighborhoods (Ayvazian &Tatum, 2004). Hence, the power of dialogues in reducing all forms of discrimination should not be underestimated. 

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In organizing a dialogue of members of the community from different facets, I would take several steps. First, I would ensure research on the beliefs of the expected participants. Case in point, I would engage in a fact-finding mission on how they have been mistreated and other challenges they face daily for the people of color. Such an engagement would ensure that the language and approach taken during the dialogue respects all the members and promotes equality. Equality will ensure that all the participants are accorded an equal opportunity to express themselves and question given stands. As the organizer, before the commencement of the dialogue, I would request the participants to briefly engage in a conversation with the person they are sitting with. Such activity is likely to create a personal relationship between people from different facets. Consequently, this will reduce the chances of the participants making offensive statements. 


Ayvazian, A., & Tatum, B. D. (2004). Women, race, and racism: A dialogue in black and white.    The complexity of connection: Writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training Institute , 147-166. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Women, Race, and Racism: A Dialogue in Black and White.


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