14 Oct 2022


Interstellar Travel: What We Know and What We're Working On

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Movie Review

Words: 497

Pages: 2

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Alternative realities exist apart from the fact that humans are not able to perceive or understand them. There can be different dimensions, and in each, different realities are perceived. Humans live in a three-dimensional world; however in reality, they perceive things in two dimensions. In a one dimensional instance, movement can only happen in a linear direction. In a two dimensional instance, a series of one dimensions create a plane allowing movement to happen in either the left or right direction. Humans live in a three dimensional world which is as a result of a series of two dimensions allowing movement even upwards and sideways. The fourth and the fifth dimension are essentially as a result of the same concept but difficult for the human brain to comprehend. Humans living in a three-dimensional world are only able to perceive two dimensions. For instance, humans would view a ball as a circle instead of a sphere unless there is light striking the object to indicate it has a third dimension. Thus, when in a 3-dimensional world, it is only possible to perceive in 2 dimensions. It is correct to say there are many realities but humans cannot be able to view or comprehend them. 

A fifth dimension exists, but humans will not be able to access or control. In essence, human existence is based on three dimensions. Three dimensions consist of a series of two dimensions that are created by a series of one dimension together. Therefore the fifth dimension is said to be made of a series of fourth dimensions placed together. Humans can only access or control the third dimension since they can go up, down and also sideways. Also, it is possible to visualize and imagine the three-dimensional world. If a three-dimensional world could be viewed as a cube, the fourth dimension is a tesseract while the fifth dimensions are the penteract. For humans, it is not possible to physically comprehend or imagine a tesseract of penteract. To take control of the fifth-dimensional world, it is required that we exist in a sixth-dimensional world. Human beings cannot, therefore, tell whether they can access the fifth dimension and they would not be able to control. 

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Professor Brand stressed the poem by Dylan Thomas to encourage the group of astronauts not to fear death and be brave as they embarked on the journey to save humanity (IMDB, 2014). The journey to find a place where plants and humans could survive was a dangerous trip. According to the movie, Professor Brand believed that the human race was on the brink of extinction and that’s why he needed a group of astronauts who were brave enough to go to space and try to find a place where humans could exist. Throughout the movie, we see the braveness of the astronauts as they take the journey to the unknown world and as they strive to live while on space. Professor Brand expected her daughter to push on with the mission until she found a place where humans could exist. Brand had chosen his daughter for the mission for her survival since he did not want her to die when the food supply on earth ended. Therefore, he used the poem to encourage the astronauts since according to the movie he knew their plan was tricky. 


IMDB. (2014). Interstellar . Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Interstellar Travel: What We Know and What We're Working On.


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