9 Sep 2022


A Critique of the Article "Income Inequality" by Jefferson Thompson and Timothy Smeeding

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 300

Pages: 1

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The article Income Inequality , written by Jefferson Thompson and Timothy Smeeding covers on a review of the situation of income inequality over a period of the last four decades. The authors also share on the consequences of the policies on inequality and offer a prediction of the future happenings regarding the inequality. They focus on making the reader understand the inconsistencies and suggest that these were brought about by the policy responses that were formulated because of the Great Recession. The arguments in the paper are convincing especially with the fact that the authors offer accurate descriptions with evidence in data form and graphical presentations. 

The writers agree that the trends of inequality persist after the recession. Their arguments are evidence-based as they show the data that support their points. When discussing on the median household income, for example, they indicate that the figure stood at $56,100 before the Great Recession and that two years after the recession, the figure was $54,250, which continued to decline until it reached $52,300 in 2011 (Thompson and Smeeding, 2014). Such evidence, therefore, strengthens the author’s claim on the persistence of inequality even after the recession. 

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When using the top shares of income as a measure of inequality, the writers indicate that the trend during and after the recession is similar to that shown by other measures. The use of different measures in defending their claim makes it more rigid. The graphs give a clear view of their claim and play a significant part in convincing the reader on the appropriateness of the evidence gathered by the two authors before giving their stand in the aftermath of the recession on inequalities. 

To conclude, the argument developed in the article is we supported by sufficient facts. Such make the argument more concrete as one can see the figures and graphical presentations that support the author’s claim. Also, the article focuses on all the measures of inequality to discuss the points of the author’s argument. 


Thompson, J., and T. Smeeding. "Income Inequality." National report card (2014): 30-35. Web. 3 Mar. 2017. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). A Critique of the Article "Income Inequality" by Jefferson Thompson and Timothy Smeeding.


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