12 Oct 2022


Achieving Health Equity: Everything You Need to Know

Format: Other

Academic level: College

Paper type: Capstone Project

Words: 285

Pages: 1

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Health disparities in the US are more severe to people of color compared to other groups. The nation is experiencing high maternal deaths with more coming from African Americans. According to CDC, pregnant African American mothers are three to four times at risk of dying before or during childbirth. Similarly, black infants are more vulnerable to death than white infants. The growing gap in health disparities is the primary factor behind the catastrophic deaths. The research project aims at promoting health equity through condemning racial discrimination, reforming policies, and meeting individual needs. 

Health equity safeguards safety and well-being of all individuals and groups by providing equal opportunities in accessing health services. Various experts have tipped health equity as the solution to the continuing disparities ( Chin, 2014). However, achieving equity and equality in care provision is not easy following the unfavorable social, economic and political factors. The process requires relevant stakeholders to change the way they think or act. It starts with meeting individual to groups’ needs which requires maximum support from stakeholders. 

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The needs assessment will encompass the questions of who, what, when, why, where, and how. Who points to the victims, people of color? What involves the strategies to reduce the disparities? These include identifying the gaps in disparities, reforming policies, and meeting individual and group needs ( Chin, 2014). The activities will be facilitated through a teaching curriculum once per week to create awareness. Besides, the process includes policy analysis and proposal and receiving grants from well-wishers to finance the operations. The exercise of promoting health equity will start next month to the end of the year. It involves health practitioners, policy makers, ministry of health, and the community. The exercise promotes equitable health, which is paramount to individuals from various backgrounds. Lastly, the process will be evaluated based on the feedbacks from victims and society. If people of the color still report discrimination cases, then robust strategies should be implemented and vice versa. 


Chin, M. H. (2014). How to achieve health equity.  The New England journal of medicine 371 (24), 2331. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Achieving Health Equity: Everything You Need to Know.


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