3 Sep 2022


Action Plan: Political Issues in Criminal Justice System

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Various political issues affect the leaders in the criminal justice system, and immediate action is needed to fight the problems. Some of these issues include appointment procedures, demotions, superiority, and overpopulated prisons. Each of these issues has been explored below. 

Appointment Procedures 

Promoting appointment procedures can present major challenges to criminal justice executives; they often involve politically influenced influences. For example, often mayors of large cities appoint police chiefs, which can cause challenges to other city leaders or other department members. The actual person appointed by an elected official deal with major challenges themselves because people may not believe it was earned (Merlo & Benekos, 2000). In every country's political affiliations, there is always what we call "first come, first serve basis" and "under the table appointments." These two are common that almost all people mishaps the idea that it is okay to give money to provide you the easy way to process documents and cases. However, this is according to the law that it is punishable. Therefore, it must be a practice for everyone to follow the right appointment procedures in all public entities " (Garrett, 2018). 

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Demotions can cause significant challenges, as well. A union is often involved with a demotion proceeding and can result in arbitration and litigation if it is appealed. This is costly to the organization and is demoralizing to the individuals at a department. According to Galston & McElvein (2016), it is common for politics to influence this procedure and is often governed by elected and appointed civilians. In every company or business, a demotion is a common act for them, but it is against the law, demoting an employee without due process and valid reasons. 


I would interpret superiority in this context as a political figure, thinking they have authority or superiority over others in an organization. An example would be a politician who demands a police department to dismiss a citation issued to them. The judges are bound to follow the constitution, but they are bound to follow chief justice opinions. Sometimes, they have to go against the procedure just because of political pressure because they believe in superiority (Brenda & Borough, (n.d.). The inferiority complex is usually developed by those who are under someone's power. This may lead to a disadvantage because if superiority is practiced unlawfully, this will create confusion and abuse of power or position. 

Overpopulated Prisons 

Overpopulated prisons are one of the most common problems experienced by most countries around the world. Due to the higher crime rates and criminal acts, prisons are now claiming a lot like overpopulation and inadequacy of resources and materials needed by the prisoners. Overpopulated prisons certainly have political ties that cause challenges to the criminal justice and corrections systems. Certain political figures believe all persons convicted of a crime should be imprisoned, and other politicians believe the opposite (Brenda & Borough, (n.d.). Overpopulated prisons directly impact correctional officers and taxpayers. 

About 30 years, the population of the prisons of the US has increased by 340% (Galston & McElvein, 2016). The upsurge in admissions could be ascribed to several factors, such as an increase in the investigation, prosecution, and sentencing rates. These factors will create problems for the correctional facilities and law enforcement agencies to feed them, arrange more prisons for them, and provide education facilities. 

Vision : To eradicate all political issues faced by criminal justice leaders by upholding justice, rehabilitation, and ensuring all departments collaborate with each other as the criminal justice system's main goal. 

Core Values 

Provision of quality services 

Prompt dispute resolution of departmental problems 

Prisons should value justice, rehabilitation, and maintaining safety within society. 

Privatizing prisoners always lead to human rights abuses and valuing money over people. 

Prisoners deserve basic human rights and the chance to change their lives for the better. 

Planned Goals 

Lobby Congress to draft legislation banning privatizing of prisons 

Increase awareness about the harm of for-profits prisons by creating websites, handing out flyers, and staging demonstrations. 

Dealing with criminal cases in an expeditious manner 

Promoting cooperation between departments 


Reduction of the backlog of cases 

Promotion of justice 

Action Steps 

The following action steps are suggested for addressing the challenge of appointments: 

Ensure transparency in the process 

Establish and adhere to the procedure to ensure fairness 

Communicate with political leaders before, during, and after an appointment process to understand expectations 

Establish rating criteria for candidate rating before an appointment 

The action steps to address demotions include: 

Form an internal review committee to review and recommend the proposed demotion 

Work with union leaders and other appointed informal leaders of the organization before taking action. 

Work with and receive approval from Police Commissioners or other review boards comprised of non-police citizens. 

Action steps for addressing superiority include: 

Voice and share your concerns with your mayor or other political figures. 

Remind your political leaders that a police department must be ethical and professional at all times without favoritism 

Remind your officer that this behavior will not be tolerated or expected 

Action steps for overpopulated prisons include: 

Meet with your prosecutors and other elected and appointed public officials who are arms of the criminal justice system 

Let elected officials and the public know what your expectations and desires are and justify them. 

Attempt to gain additional buy-in from others that support your cause but do so in a political manner. 

To sum up, these are examples of how political issues and thoughts affect criminal justice professionals, executives, and correctional officers in the US. The action steps recommended are simply suggestions that have worked effectively for most. However, a police executive must be cautious because it is a slippery slope and a fine line between insubordination and holding to your value system. 


Brenda V., & Borough, M. C. (n.d.). Criminal Justice . https://courses.lumenlearning.com/atd-bmcc-criminaljustice/chapter/section-2-2-politics-in-criminal-justice/. 

Galston, W. A., & McElvein, E. H. (2016). Framing the debate on criminal justice reform: What citizens and policymakers should know. 

Garrett, B. L. (2018). Evidence-Informed Criminal Justice. Geo. Wash. L., Rev. , 86 , 1490. 

Merlo, A. V., & Benekos, P. J. (2000).  What's wrong with the criminal justice system: Ideology, politics, and the media . Anderson Publishing Company. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Action Plan: Political Issues in Criminal Justice System.


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