29 Apr 2022


An Evaluation of Career Choice

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 289

Pages: 1

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An Evaluation of My Career Choice

It is common for one to ask themselves several questions concerning their careers. Since training for a career takes a lot of time and requires many resources, one needs to be sure of their career choice. I also have some questions concerning my career, as I know that my decision will have a long-lasting impact on my life. One question that I have is whether my career choice has bright future projections or the ever-changing business dynamics will soon render it obsolete. Recently, there has been a lot of news about workers being rendered jobless due to changes in the business environment. Retrenchments have occurred when technology has been employed at the cost of human skills. Another question I have about my career is how intense the competition might be. Many people may be graduating with the same degree as me, which implies that the job market might be flooded. I also seek to know the extra skills that I may be required to have to maintain a competitive advantage over other people with the same academic achievements. 

To stand a better chance of progressing in my career, I am always working hard to ensure that my grades are good. An excellent academic record is essential in helping one attain promotion at work. At the same time, it allows one to further their education and acquire more knowledge concerning their careers. 

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Currently, I can confidently say that I am clear as to my path. I have maintained an excellent academic record that gives me an advantage over other potential candidates for promotion. I have also gone the extra mile and enrolled in several short courses that will come in handy in boosting my resume and widening my scope of knowledge about this career. Finally, having worked at the County Assessor’s office, I have the experience, and I have honed my skills over time.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). An Evaluation of Career Choice.


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