30 Jun 2022


How The Media Portrays Gender Roles

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Academic level: College

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The company has recently hired the person named above as a truck driver. I am writing to inform you that her medical reports have proved that she suffers from a medical condition known as lupus. We are law-abiding citizens who are well aware that she has protection under the federal law against any form of discrimination like race or color, sex, nationality, age, disability, or any condition (Pepin & Weber 2019). My main concern is the fact that her post might be an uphill task for her to be able to come up to our company’s expectations. Considering her medical report, I am no longer sure if she will be able to handle her position or better still; I am concerned about her well-being. We, therefore, as management, must be compassionate in handling her case so that it is not interpreted as any bias against her. Besides, she is of African-American descent, a sensitive issue to handle. We cannot fire her without any tangible reason; she might sue us for discrimination on the grounds of racism. 

Considering the above reasons, I would recommend we give her another post with fewer responsibilities. It might be paying less than what we had agreed on before she started working with us, but it is much better than doing away with her. We will be granting her even more advantages. Her ailment does not in any way limit her from working after all. The law also gives her the democratic right to work despite her condition (Pepin & Weber 2019). We can, therefore, come up with a policy that can allow her to work when she is strong enough like now. Sometimes her condition might bring her down, making it unable for her to report to work. We will be giving her paid sick leave days during those lowest moments to make her feel that despite what she is going through, we still value her as our esteemed employee. Her condition is long term and might drain her financially; we as the management will put her under a medical cover that will ensure all her medical expenses are taken care of (Roelen et al. 2018). Kindly have a one on one conversation with her and explain everything then get back to me towards the same. Thank you in advance. 

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Pepin, D., & Weber, S. B. (2019). Civil Rights Law and the Determinants of Health: How Some States Have Utilized Civil Rights Laws to Increase Protections Against Discrimination. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 47(2_suppl), 76-79. 

Roelen, C., Thorsen, S., Heymans, M., Twisk, J., Bültmann, U., & Bjørner, J. (2018). Development and validation of a prediction model for long-term sickness absence based on occupational health survey variables. Disability and rehabilitation, 40(2), 168-175. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How The Media Portrays Gender Roles.


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