2 Jan 2023


Annotated Bibliography: Violent Crime Rates

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 1591

Pages: 5

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Aalen, P. (2013). The Impact of Medical Marijuana Legalization on Violent Crime. 

University of Oslo 



This article discusses the effects of the legalization of Medical Marijuana in the U.S. And compares it to the increasing violent crime rates. The Marijuana legalization reforms began in the 1990s in the U.S., and by 2013, more than 20 states and D.C. had legalized marijuana. Aalen studies this legalization, and its impact on crime rates. 

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The relationship between crimes and the legalization of marijuana has been established to show a decrease in crimes. With the substance becoming legal, users have stopped using violent means to acquire it. Additionally, behaviors like gun violence in control of the marijuana market have reduced drastically.  


The article concludes that marijuana legalization reduces crime rates by examining more homicides and arrests in 540 cities in 46 U.S. states (Aalen, 2013). However, the study could have been accurate if it used only crime rates related to marijuana, to conduct its study. The study assumed that high crimes correlated with illegal marijuana. 

Conclusion and Policy Consideration: 

The study established that the legalization of marijuana leads to a decrease in crime rates. However, legalization should consider Both the pros and cons. 

Blumstein, A. & Farrington, D. (2013). Violent Crime: Assessing Race and Ethnic Differences.    Cambridge


This article examines the racial influence on crime rates in the U.S. The article begins by comparison between Hispanic and Black races in crime victimization. Despite the race of an individual, crimes are more likely to occur in lower socioeconomic areas.  


The article focuses on races and environments of homicides to determine the influence of ethnic groups on the increase of violent crime rates in the U.S. Milwaukee has, in recent years, become a high hotspot for Hispanic and Black victimization in violent crimes.  


The article drew its focus on Milwaukee by comparing homicide victimization of three ethnic groups; blacks, whites, and Hispanics (Blumstein & Farrington, 2013). The paper would attain more accurate results by collecting data from more stats and comparing racial influence on crimes.  

Conclusion and Policy Considerations: 

African-Americans were established to have higher chances of engaging in violent criminal activities. The condition was either inherited from honor-based violence in the South or manhood rituals among the blacks. 

Ellis, T. (2015). Psychopathy as a cause of Violent Crime in South Africa: A Study into the etiology, prevalence, and treatment of psychopathy as a cause of Violence with particular reference to domestic violence in South Africa.  The University of South Africa. 


This paper determines the role of psychopathy in the increased rates of violent crimes in South Africa. Both the treatment and prevalence of psychopathy have played a crucial role in promoting Violence among South Africans.  


South Africa is one of the leading countries in high crime rates. Gang wars, murder, corruption, and rape have recently increased in the country, with psychopathy playing a massive role. Psychopaths are more likely to contribute to crimes as compared to other people. 


The study focused on the study of diagnostic tools, prevalence and the treatment methods of psychopathy, and their correlation to increased violent crime rates. The study also established that more than 15% of South African prisons display psychopathic behaviors (Ellis, 2015). More accuracy would have been attained with an increased range of data. 

  Conclusion and Policy Consideration: 

The study established a correlation between psychopathy and violent crimes in the world. However, minimal studies exist, which show South Africa’s etiologic and demographical information on the topic.  

Kabia, S. V. (2016). The Relationship between Increased Police Patrols and Violent Crime Rates in Seven United States Cities.  Walden University


This paper examines how increasing police patrols affects violent crime rates in the U.S. With the increasing crime rates, police patrols have been increased across the country, and Kabia examines how these patrols affect violent crime rates. 


Violent crime rates in Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Boston, and Kansas City, were examined in this article. The police in the various cities within the seven states increased patrol rates and the corresponding violent crime rates.  


The deterrence theory on crime, social control theory, and the economic theory on crime was used to increase police patrols in the seven cities (Kabia, 2016). The study, however, did not consider crime displacement, which would have led to better conclusions. 

Conclusion and Policy Considerations: 

After researching with critical awareness and caution, Kabia established that increasing patrols help in limiting violent crimes within the seven states. However, social change has to take place for a decline in violent crime rates.  

Mire, S. & Robertson, C. (2011). The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates and Concerns.  CRC Press.   


This journal examines the various dynamics involved in violent crimes. The article begins by showing Violence as part of the American society, by comparing Americans’ love for Violence with their love for apple pie.  


The article focuses on the use of public health in the understanding of Violence in the U.S. Interpersonal violence is the most common type of Violence in the U.S. Victimization is also a critical aspect of Violence, which the paper addresses. 


The paper uses a theoretical approach to understanding Violence. Sociological aspects, psychiatric/psychological aspects, and biological aspects of Violence are discussed in the paper (Mire & Robertson, 2011). The paper shows high credibility and accuracy to its consistency in citing and referencing of sources. 

Conclusion and Policy Considerations: 

The article established correlates of Violence to be; education, neglect, abuse, values, poverty, and alcohol abuse. By focusing on these key areas, violent crime rates can be eliminated in the U.S.  

Putkonen, A. (2007). Mental Disorders and Violent Crime: Epidemiological Study on Factors Associated with Severe Violent Offending.  The University of Kuopio. 


This article examines the role of mental disorders in contributing to violent crimes in Finland. Antisocial personality and substance use, conduct, borderline personality, and major mental disorders play a significant role in increasing violent crime rates.  


People with mental disorders are more likely to engage in violent acts, medical non-compliance, and other risk factors contributing greatly to increased crime rates. People with mental disorders experience high rates of mood swings and emotional changes, which could lead to violent behaviors.  


The study used crime records obtained from the Central Criminal Records Office in Finland. This data was used to examine the role of mental disorders in influencing crime rates in the U.S. (Putkonen, 2007). The study was accurate, with figures used being obtained from a reliable source, Central Criminal Records Office.  

Conclusion and Policy Considerations: 

The four studies of the research established that mental disorders are, to a great extent, a crucial contributor to violent crimes in the U.S. High aggression levels and mood swings lead to increased urges for Violence among those with mental disorders.  

Ramirez-de Garay, L. D. (2010). Social Strain: a Sociological Analysis of Violent Crime Rates in Europe.  The University of Bielefeld.   


This article discusses the various social factors that contribute to increased crime rates in the U.S. The study focuses on answering why some societies experience high rates of violent crime rates compared to other societies.  


Sociological explanations on Violence focus on ecology and etiological contributors to violent crime rates. Economic conditions, control theories, anomie-strain, and social disorganization theories can explain why societies experience high crimes than others. 


Ramirez de-Garay uses comparative, double-structure, and cross-national approaches to examine how sociological structures contribute to violent crime rates (Ramirez-de Garay, 2010). Ethnicity and poverty are the key social contributors to violent crimes in the U.S. 


The study established that there are numerous contributors to violent crime rates in the U.S. Ethnic groups, and high poverty levels increase the rates of violent crimes in the U.S. 

Schiavon, L. (2016). The Impact of Judicial Performance on Violent Crimes.  


This article discusses how judicial performance affects violent crime rates in Brazil. Having better judicial systems could play a key role in ending violent crime rates within a country. Brazilian state courts perform according to the state and federal constitutions, which in some instances vary.  


Justice equality in violent crimes helps in minimizing these instances of crime. However, the Brazilian justice system is inefficient and expensive due to the presence of lengthy trials. The system accounts for high amounts of the country’s expenditure, yet proves ineffective in solving crime rates. 


The Brazilian criminal justice system records one of the lowest levels of crime solutions in timely constraints. Currently, only a small percentage of less than eight violent crime cases are solved (Schiavon, 2016). More than 90% of the crimes expire after the 20-year time limit expiries.  

Conclusion and Policy Consideration: 

The paper established that ineffective justice systems result in increased rates of criminal activities. For a reduction in crimes, countries must ensure effective judicial systems. 

U.S. Department of Justice (2019). Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Reducing Violent Crime by Improving Justice System Performance F.Y. 2018 Competitive Grant Announcement. 


This article discusses how the U.S. Department of Justice helps solve increased violent crime rates in the country. The paper also examines the various approaches the Department uses in solving Violence in the country. 


The use of a Justice Reinvestment approach involves applying the five distinct steps for implementation and capacity building. The Department of Justice is the most crucial organ in solving this problem. 


The engagement of stakeholders, analysis of drivers and data to crime issues, development of innovative responses, implementation of responses, and measuring outcomes helps solve the issue (U.S. Department of Justice, 2019).  


The Department of justice provides relevant guidance and solution to the increased levels of violent crimes. This organ hears and determines cases of people associated with violent crimes.  

Vilata, C. J. Castillo, J. G. & Torres, J. A. (2016). Violent Crime in Latin American Cities.  Inter- American Development Bank. 


This paper discusses how homicide is not the only critical contributor to violent crime rates within Latin America. Civil war, political violence, organized crime, and rural Violence are key in creating violent crimes.  


Victimization surveys, crime records, and health statistics show that the region has high susceptibility to violent crime rates. In the last two decades, Latin America has been described as a violent and unsafe region due to the increased crime rates in the area. The increased rates of homicide display this picture of the region. 


In 2012, Los Angeles reported more than one-third of the violent crimes reported globally (Vilata, Castillo, & Torres, 2016). These rates are high due to the increased homicide levels in Latin America. 


The study established that social organization within Latin America is the key contributor to increased violence rates in the region. Neighborhoods greatly affect how crimes are solved in this region. 


Aalen, P. (2013). The Impact of Medical Marijuana Legalization on Violent Crime. University of Oslo. https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/38219/1/Aalen-Peter.pdf 

Blumstein, A. & Farrington, D. (2013). Violent Crime: Assessing Race and Ethnic Differences. Cambridge. http://wpz6xxdlt1.pdfcloud.org/dl2.php?id=184372385&h=b88799b35ab5ccc258e8c63ca 019770e&u=cache&ext=pdf&n=Violent%20crime%20assessing%20race%20and%20eth nic%20differences 

Ellis, T. (2015). Psychopathy as a cause of Violent Crime in South Africa: A Study into the etiology, prevalence and treatment of psychopathy as a cause of Violence with particular reference to domestic violence in South Africa. University of South Africa. http://uir.unisa.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10500/18333/Tareen%20Ellis%20_%20MA%20T hesis%20_%20Submission%20to%20Unisa%20Library%20Final%20with%20summary %20v.2.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 

Kabia, S. V. (2016). The Relationship between Increased Police Patrols and Violent Crime Rates in Seven United States Cities. Walden University. 

https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=34 20&context=dissertations 

Mire, S. & Robertson, C. (2011). The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates and Concerns. CRC Press. http://ua5xga2bx1.pdfcloud.org/dl2.php?id=157932601&h=569c649a06e9ad54af3784b7 53c9816a&u=cache&ext=pdf&n=The%20study%20of%20violent%20crime%20its%20c orrelates%20and%20concerns 

Putkonen, A. (2007). Mental Disorders and Violent Crime: Epidemiological Study on Factors Associated with Severe Violent Offending. University of Kuopio. http://www.oppi.uef.fi/uku/vaitokset/vaitokset/2007/isbn978-951-27-0942-7.pdf 

Ramirez-de Garay, L. D. (2010). Social Strain: a Sociological Analysis of Violent Crime Rates in Europe. University of Bielefeld. https://d-nb.info/1010638890/34 

Schiavon, L. (2016). The Impact of Judicial Performance on Violent Crimes. http://www.cedlas.econo.unlp.edu.ar/wp/wp-content/uploads/Schiavon.pdf 

U.S. Department of Justice, (2019). Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Reducing Violent Crime by Improving Justice System Performance FY 2018 Competitive Grant Announcement. https://bja.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh186/files/media/document/BJA-2018-13700.PDF 

Vilata, C. J. Castillo, J. G. Torres, J. A. (2016). Violent Crime in Latin American Cities. Inter- American Development Bank. https://publications.iadb.org/publications/english/document/Violent-Crime-in-Latin- American-Cities.pdf?download=true 

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