16 Aug 2022


Are Toys Gender-Biased?

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 365

Pages: 2

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I think people find it uneasy when boys play with girls’ toys than the girls playing with boys’ toys. Most people feel uncomfortable when their boys play with girl toys as it brings the perception of acquiring the gay mentality. The pattern has been that some colors of the toys are strongly linked to femininity, and it becomes a problem when the boys play with them. There are other elements of toys recognized as distinctively feminine and should be restricted to girls so that the boys do not develop as homosexuals. 

Childhood is not limited by having gender-biased toys. Most toys are intended to enable children to acquire new skills and grow intellectually. Dolls and made-up kitchens are perfect at inculcating to children cognitive sequencing of events as well as language skills. Spatial skills are learned when children (both genders) play with building blocks such as Lego and puzzle. Such skills form a good background for children to learn math principles as they develop. Therefore, gender-biased toys may not have a negative impact on children’s development. In fact, both genders may miss out if we are skeptical on giving them all the toys, as we will be hindering them from freely exploring life. 

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Parents and caregivers must encourage children in gender-neutral play so that they can acquire different skills that are significant in their growth as social beings. Learning from just the perspectives of one-gendered toys may make them biased in life in a way. Therefore, boys should play with girls’ toys and vice versa. 

Class Responses 

1. I do not think boys who want to play with makeup and dolls can end being make-up artists. Moreover, some kids quickly associate certain careers are associated with specific genders, especially at their tender age. He or she can easily distinguish that some toys belong to boys while others are girls’ toys. I agree that children should play with whatever they choose to the extent that they can acquire varied skills from them. 

2. I agree with the fact that children are never aware of the impact of the toys on them, such that boys would play with girls’ toys and remain comfortable. In simple ways, playing with different toys enable children to acquire different skills that make them relate well to others. Parents should encourage gender-neutral play but should be conscious that their boys do not start behaving like girls. The interaction with different toys is to make them rounded in their approach to situations. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Are Toys Gender-Biased?.


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